Sunday, November 30, 2014

Jansrud not exclude total Cup – Nettavisen

Shopping med annonselenker

- Man vet aldri.

Dobbeltseieren i Canada sendte Kjetil Jansrud opp i teten i verdenscupen sammenlagt. Seier der blir ikke utelukket, men nå ser han først fram til «spesielt viktige» Beaver Creek.

- Siden vi skal tilbake til Beaver Creek for å kjøre VM i februar, så tror jeg alle er veldig lystne på å vise seg fram. Neste helg blir en viktig helg, ikke bare for verdenscupen, men som forberedelse til VM, sier Jansrud til NTB.

To verdenscupseire, de to første som ikke kom i Kvitfjell, var så bra som det overhodet kunne gå for 29-åringen i Lake Louise.

Etter at Henrik Kristoffersen vant slalåmrennet i Levi for to uker siden, står Norge nå med seier i tre av fire renn hittil i sesongen på herresiden.

Klar målsetting

Verdenscupseier i utfor lørdag og super-G søndag gjør at Kjetil Jansrud foreløpig leder sammenlagt. Fartsspesialisten forventer å miste den ganske raskt.

- Hovedmålet mitt har vært å komme veldig bra i gang. Videre er super-G- og utforcupen målene. I totalcupen er Marcel ekstremt sterk, og den setter seg ikke før om en stund, men det er selvsagt moro å ta ledelsen.

- Totalcupen er noe en må se på utover i sesongen, men en vet aldri, sier en fornøyd og lystig Jansrud.

Vil hevde seg overalt

Gjennom hele sesongåpningen har 29-åringen følt seg i kjempeform. Helgens renn i Canada var intet unntak, noe som gjør at han «endelig» tok verdenscupseire utenfor Norges grenser.

- For meg har det ikke betydd så mye, det er mest mediene som har vært opphengt i det, forteller Jansrud.

- Men for all del, det er ikke slik at jeg bare skal vinne i Kvitfjell. Jeg skal hevde meg overalt, og jeg håper og tror at det kan fortsette som nå, sier han offensivt.

Allerede tirsdag starter utfortreningen i Beaver Creek, før det er utforrenn fredag i alpinanlegget i Colorado, USA. Lørdag er det super-G, før helgen i Beaver Creek blir avsluttet med storslalåm søndag. (©NTB)


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Brækhus about the damage: – Was no option to give up – TV 2

COPENHAGEN / LONDON (TV 2) Celicia Brækhus won title fight against German Jennifer Retzke in Copenhagen late Saturday night.

Thus defended Bergen girl his four belts.

During the match incurred Brækhus an ankle injury. Pains inhibited distinctly northern man, who eventually could only rely on one foot.

Box Queen met the Norwegian press corps bit before the clock 0200 in the night.

– Am I lucky as there are only a breach in the foot, but they talk about that there may be a tendon is ruptured. Then it is more serious. So now I hope that the foot is broken, says Brækhus and laughs.

– Is it a break I have to keep quiet for 2-6 weeks, says the doctor. So I hope that’s not worse than that.

VG reported at 6:30 o’clock Sunday that they have been in contact with the team to Brækhus. They report that the ankle should not be broken and that Brækhus can not train for a month.

MAY HAVE HELP: Cecilia Brækhus injured himself the title match against Jennifer Retzke. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB scanpix

– What happened?

– I think it was in the third round. I stepped wrong and when I landed wrong with weight. When I sat in the corner I thought this would certainly fine, but when I got up again I could barely stand on foot, said the boxer.

Brækus was big favorite before the match and came also best started. After an even first round took 33-year-old control in the game and hit the German girl in the face with one battle after another.

COMPLAINED NOT: Brækhus were satisfied victory Saturday, despite the injury. Photo: Christer Sævig / TV 2

Brækhus showed why she is the world boxing queen and Retzke had more than enough to defend himself against the blows to his Norwegian opponent.

German still refused to go down, and in the fifth round could see that Brækhus had pain in the right ankle. It gave the German extra motivation, and the fight went out all ten rounds.

Retzke was still never close and Brækhus took a superior victory.

– How important was it to hide the injury Retzke?

– Very important. I do not think she realized how bad it was. I just had to stay the course. For me it was never an option to notify the judge and give up, says Brækhus.

For a hospital
After the game got Brækhus opportunity to thank those who had made the trip.

– Thank you to all who have come here today. This was a shit fight, but shit happens. I was a bit unlucky and ankle today. I come back strongly and hope you come back next year, she said to those in attendance.

33-year-old was clearly affected by the pain after the match and had trouble taking care out of the ring.

Brækhus were examined in a hospital in Copenhagen on Saturday night.

Kai Robin Havnås went as expected victorious out of the ring after his first pro fight in boxing, but it was no memorable performance he managed.


- Am I lucky foot broken, I’m unlucky, there is a tendon that has gone –

COPENHAGEN (Dagbladet): – I noticed that I landed wrong on the right foot and I got ist it down during the break. Then I thought “this hurts, but it goes well.” But when I got up I could hardly stand on foot, says Cecilia Brækhus reporters after she tonight injured in the fight against Jennifer Retzke.

The press gets to meet her in the locker room, where she sits with ice on the leg, in anticipation that she night going to the hospital to take x-rays.

– That I remember it was the middle of a combination that I missed a bit, so I landed with all the weight on the leg. It was well in the third round, explains Brækhus about what happened when she got injured.

After ten rounds in the ring came the decision to the judges, who gave Brækhus victory with scores 98-92, 100-90 and 100-90.

Hidden damage

– There was very important to me that I would be able to hide the damage, and I think never Retzke actually realized how hurt I was, she continues.

She decided to defy the pain and continue the game.

– I could not stand on foot, it was not any fun. But I had two options, one was to say to the judge that I gave up, or to stand out race. There was never an alternative to speak to the judge.

It did, however, that she was inhibited played last six rounds.

– I lost very much weight when I could not stand on the leg. I was never afraid to lose, but I thought that I should not give me at least. I should keep my belts.

Much pain

She also tried to cheer herself up along the way.

– I cheered myself up by thinking that I manage this I turned Retzke with only one foot. I was a little happy when, even though it makes damn hurt, she says laughing.

– This is the first time I’ve had so much pain in a match. Then I know I can handle it ourselves. The worst pain comes now.

Hoping for breach

Now radiology at the hospital provide more answers to how long she must stay away from training.

– I pray that it is an injury that does not keep me awaken too long. So anywhere from two to six weeks, she said.

– The doctor has seen foot and say that I am lucky is the broken, I’m unlucky, there is a tendon that has passed. So now I cross my fingers that the foot is fractured. It’s a special Christmas desired.

After a year with four tough games had Brækhus matter planned a longer Christmas break.

– I would anyway have a training stop, it was planned, it has been a long year of tough matches. I must realize that I also have my limitations.

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Friday, November 28, 2014

- I’m not really impressed by – Nettavisen

Shopping med annonselenker

Spår lett match for Cecilia Brækhus

OSLO SENTRUM (Nettavisen): Tidligere proffbokser og nå boksekommentator for Viasat, Thomas Hansvoll, er ikke imponert over Cecilia Brækhus’ kommende motstander Jennifer Retzke.

Brækhus har satt alle sine fire titler på spill når de to braker sammen i København lørdag kveld.

Thomas Hansvoll tror Mathis er den eneste som kan gi Cecilia Brækhus ordentlig motstand.

Simen LønningNettavisen

- Lett match
Hansvoll tror imidlertid ikke at den norske jenta skal ha noen problemer med å forsvare sine titler.

- Skal jeg være helt ærlig, forventer jeg en ganske lett kamp for Cecilia. De skal selvfølgelig bokse først og alt kan skje, men jeg har studert Retzke litt, og jeg var ikke kjempeimponert, sier Hansvoll til Nettavisen.

- Hun er en habil bokser, men jeg klarer ikke se for meg at hun skal slå Cecilia. Hun er den beste, og Retzke er langt under hennes nivå. 

Håper på Mathis-kamp
Hansvoll tror Brækhus skal slite med å finne ordentlig motstand også i fremtiden.

- Til det motsatte er bevist, er det dessverre sånn. Jeg tror den eneste som kan gjøre det litt vanskelig for Cecilia er Anne-Sophie Mathis. En rematch mellom de er det eneste som er skikkelig interessant. Jeg synes det var såpass jevnt sist at det kan bli spennende.

- Gull verdt
Lørdag er det imidlertid Jennifer Retzke som er motstander, og den tyske jenta har allerede uttalt at hun tror Brækhus undervurderer henne, og har i tillegg kalt den norske jenta for en diva.

Hansvoll tror «trash talk» fra Retzke bare er gull verdt for Brækhus.

- Jeg tror det bare er gull verdt for Cecilia. Hun blir bare litt mer irritert av det, på en bra måte. Jeg tror ikke hun bryr seg så veldig mye om det. Det er egentlig litt smålig av Retzke. Hun får muligheten til å møte den beste kvinnebokseren pund for pund og så er hun arrogant. Jeg skjønner ikke greia, sier Hansvoll.

Kampen vises på pay-per-view på Viasat.


Aalvik Grimsbø saved Norway from new loss – Bergens Tidende

Sto like a living wall when Norway turned to victory against France.

Norway 21-20 France

LARVIK ( After 21-24 against Denmark on Thursday was the Norwegian victory with 21-20 over France Friday. Without evetyrlig goalkeeping by Aalvik Grimsbø the last half hour, it had not gone. With normal goalkeeping Norway will not be the ultimate favorite when EM begins in Croatia and Hungary on December 7.

The Norwegian game has varied considerably – and at both ends of the court. Towards VM six France started with trouble in both defense and attack. Central defense struggled Laurissa Landre on the line, and the many failed Norwegian attacks gave French counterattack chances. Silje Solberg had no easy task as goalkeeper and managed just four saves the first half hour.

After the break got Kari Aalvik Grimsbø chance. And when Esbjerg keeper decides their own lukningsvedtekter, it becomes funny. At 17 shots she denied him up with 11 saves! It gave Norway the opportunity to save up the delete impression from the first place.

Poor shooting

The Norwegian girls struggled with bad shots in the first half. When Heidi Løke resigned ready again for the national team, it would mean easier life for back players as Løke binds at least two opponents. However, Norway back players who can exploit the attentions opponents must give Løke? It has not looked like yet.

Linn Jørum Sulland is Norway’s best shooter, but initially missed her on all four attempts. So did Stine Bredal Oftedal. Betina Riegelhutn shall receive his championship debut in Debrecen about a week, but appeared not just as something shooter discovery when she got the chance. Two trials and two boom. In other words had three of the back-row players ten attempts and zero goals.

Is dependent on Nora Dark

Fart in Norway was only then Nora Mørk came on seven and a half minutes before the break. True enough there were two technical fouls in a short time, but the Norwegian game gets an extra dimension with Nora on the pitch. She has the speed, shot, eyes and breakthrough power. Yes. She has everything – except the right ignition level at any time. A small adjustment of the thermostat, she almost perfect.

Thorir Hergeirsson chose to hole Nora on the field throughout the second half, and it was just okay. The other girls must learn that Larvik fireworks should not come in and settle each time.

Happily change Hergeirsson

When Sulland also missed the beginning of the second half, was Maja Jacobsen submitted – one of the four who received EM trip last withdrawal. It proved to be the happy choice. Storhamar girl took responsibility when she took on the right back and knocked two goals in three attempts.

– When we in the second half realized that there is crossover game that comes, so we turned the game around. Besides, I’m very pleased that we after the break did not get any kontringsmål against us. There we have previously been too bad. Against Denmark in Golden league we had 13 against us here in Larvik only eight, says Thoiras Hergeirsson, which is harsh enough to emit a great promise:

– We’re going to be ROCK somehow point, but I do not know exactly when.

But it was primarily Kari Aalvik Grimsbø profits that Norway turned 11-14 at halftime to 21-20 victory.

It resembled her unforgettable games in the quarterfinals at the Olympics.

If you have more like that fights in stock, Kari?

Match Details

Norway – France 21-20 (11- 14)

3450 spectators

Norway: Kari Aalvik Grimsbø, Silje Solberg – Emilie Heth Arntzen, Veronica Kristiansen 4, Ida Alstad, Heidi Løke 2, Karoline Dyhre Breivang Nora Dark 3, Stine Bredal Oftedal, Linn Jørum Sulland, Linn-Kristin Riegelhuth Koren 7, Maja Jakobsen 2, Camilla Herrem, Sanna Solberg 3, Pernille Wibe.

Top Goalscorer France Allison Marie Pineau 5.

Judges: Garcia Serradilla / Lorente, Spain

Penalties: Norway 2 x 2 min., France 4 x 2 min.


- You must be new in the game? –

KUUSAMO (Dagbladet): – This we talked about the four years ago. I have not said anything more after that, say, a given Justyna Kowalczyk when the “eternal question” about Marit Bjørgens use of asthma medicine came up during the press conference her in Kuusamo yesterday.

– But you’re still talking about it?

– No, no. But I was asked something in Val Senales and replied only that I had the same view on this as four years ago. Nothing has changed.

– But what exactly is the problem with Bjoergen and medicine her, asked a fish journalist.

– You must be new in the game? This we talked about four years ago. I have not said anything more since then, and will not do it now, said Kowalczyk.

Anyway, four years ago, she asked a big question mark about Marit got a performance-enhancing effect by using asthma spray. It has a variety of medical capacities determined that Bjoergen not get but Kowaczyk thus has not changed his mind because of that.

Heavy motivate themselves

Asthma Medicine she would thus not talk about, but about their own preparations speaks the Polish long cleanse stjerna like.

After the Olympics last winter, where she struggled with an injury in the foot, but still secured a gold, she consider add up.

– It was hard to come to get after medical treatment in the summer. It was hard to motivate themselves. Very heavily indeed. But when I brought started with hard training and knew that I was in pretty good shape, also came the desire back. Now I am very motivated for the season.

– Are you still a classic specialist, or have you worked to improve freestyle your attributes?

– I’ve done as usual. I will probably no skating star in winter either, hehe.

If everything goes – as usual

While the Norwegian – and most foreign – like entering a competition break after the Tour de Ski to build up a new impression top tl championships later in the winter , liver Kowalczyk up to his nickname – “Diesel Doris” – and runs on. She usually goes all races that exist.

That’s the plan this year.

– Yes, I will go all races in the World Cup. I love to compete.

– Are not you warned against it, nobody advise you to take a break not to “use up” VM shape too early?

– Yes, but it I will not hear. I do not think it is so dangerous for me to compete so much. Remember that I do not compete on training – as the Norwegian girls for example – I train alone.

– I do not have the opportunity to hone me on the best training. Therefore I need some good competitions against the best to get properly started.

– But are not you tired after the Tour de Ski?

– The course, I’m only human I and. But I love to compete. And for me it works best to compete in the World Championships me shape.


Norwegian super goalie: – Having children has given me a different perspective – Aftenposten

Kari Aalvik Grimsbø have learned to be more calm. It gave Norway victory against France.

Norway 21-20 France

LARVIK ( 11 saves on 17 shots! It should not be possible when your opponent is of world class. But sometimes Kari Aalvik Grimsbø from another world.

– Before I was often overzealous, but in the period from 2010 until 2012 so I learned to be more calm. Now I have again been trained hard and structured, and it gives me peace of mind knowing that I have laid down such a good physical basis. It gives me peace, and I play best when I am calm, explaining Esbjerg goalkeeper after his phantom game that made Norway turned 11-14 victory 21-20 over France.

Initially stood Silje Solberg but saved only four shots. Now was not that Silje fault alone, for she had a defense in front of him as not hang together at all. There was one on one – and counterattacks.

– Silje had a difficult task, comforts Kari, who thought she had the advantage of sitting on the bench in the first place.

– I tried to memorize some of the first half. France has a number of new types that I do not know. It’s nice to be able to see what they do, says 29-year-old, who experienced great contrasts after the Olympics. The negative were many injuries, the heavenly was to become a mother.

– Having children has given me a different perspective, says Norwegian rescue woman.

Read also: Aalvik Grimsbø saved Norway from new loss

Norway not EM favorite

Although it was victory over World Cup six France, appears not Norway that some EM favorite one week before it starts in Croatia and Hungary. For it turns the game too much. The technical errors abound, and scored ZERO lot from distance.

– It loosened when we got started with crossover game in the second half. Nice that they for once would hear the coach during the break, joked Thorir Hergeirsson, who admits that there is much that remains, but it is exceptionally strong promise he delivers in the next sentence.

– We will being ROCK! But I can not say exactly when.

Found new right-back

On a night when Linn Jørum Sulland missed all five distance shots, came Maja Jacobsen as a gift to the national team at the same space . She was one of the four that came with last outlet, but so it did not seem. Storhamar girl superior to both 19-19 and 20-19 – after Norway had been below 11-14 at halftime and 13-18 ten minutes into the second half. Most thought Maja would be an option on the edge. Instead she grabbed from the back position.

– It’s like back I feel safer, that’s where I’m playing in the team. But I know that I came by because I can be used both on edge and back, says 24-year-old, who is also a good defensive player.

Positive for Norway was that the victory came after our best outfield was on path in only ten minutes. Then Nora Mørk inside and arranged three goals.

The rest arranged Kari Aalvik Grimsbø.

Møbelringen Cup

Sunday ending in Oslo Spektrum:

Kl. 16.15: Norway Serbia

At. 18.30 France-Spain

Norway in EM

To play Norway initial EM matches in Hungary

Sunday, 7/12: N-Romania PM. 18.10

Tuesday, 9/12: N-Ukraine 20.25

Thursday, 11/12: N Denmark pm. 20.25

Published: 28.Nov. 2014 10:18 p.m.


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Delicious Celtic advanced in europe league despite loss – Aftenposten

Stefan Johansen reduction was not enough for Celtic, who nevertheless went ahead in europe league on a day with poor Norwegian results.

Celtic 1-3 Red Bull Salzburg

Celtic had the chance to take command in the battle group victory for three points would Scots moved past Red Bull Salzburg in europe league group D.

But the home team was second best in mostly the first half hour at Celtic Park, against an Austrian team without an ACL injured Valon Berisha. It would ultimately cost them points, although Stefan Johansen lit a hope with its 1-2 reducer quarters before the break.

Although Celtic dominated the ground game in the last hour, was Alans goal after four and twelve minutes enough for the guests, who secured group victory in front of Celtic when Naby Keita counterattacked into 1-3 right at the end.

Nightmare Start

Ronny delicious men got the worst possible start to the top settlement in Glascow . Knowing that the visitors had the shape players Jonathan Soriano and Alan on top, without managing to stop them. For eight minutes appeared latter up when Salzburg got a chance out of nothing – and the Brazilian was clinical.

where Celtic stopper Virgil van Dijk and Efe Ambrose was passive when Bruno shot was blocked by Charlie Mulgrew, was Salzburg striker awake. Thus he received a relatively easy job to hammer home 0-1.

As soon could become two when Martin Hinteregger stood all alone on a set piece situation just after, but thankfully for homemade hit the central defender only Craig Gordon from four meters.

Read also: Bane Great Chart stopped Tottenham match

Passive defense games

But when Alan got the opportunity from the same distance minutes later, he showed why he is the league’s top scorer europe. When passive Celtic defender had not learned of scare shot on the previous set piece situation, could the 25 year old thank and succumb when he was served his sixth goal in Europe this fall, with a simple finish from three yards after Celtic had lost, or dishes said, not been present in two crucial battles.

Thus, showed television pictures a very concerned Ronny Deila after four nightmare minutes gave a hard base for the rest of the game. A Celtic manager who got himself a little fright when Salzburg striker Jonathan Soriano spotted onto a lovely free kick after 22 minutes. But the hosts were “saved” by the free kick from 30 meters was judged to be indirect – thus was the shot that went right into the goal invalid.

Johansen lit hope

And then played third target largely seemed to be decisive for Celtic could hope for points – appeared a Norwegian up at Celtic Park with the home side the first closing on target. And what goal. Emilio Izaguirre charged down through the left side before he swung the ball in front of goal. Where tore Stefan Johansen came through, before he controlled the ball down in the corner with a lovely volley.

2.1 by Johansens third goal of the European league – the fifth overall.

That gave Celtic the little spark that team needed after a mildly tame opening. The Scottish league leaders thus took over control of the match – led by an energy vadsøværing.

Celtic finally asked

But they had to wait until quarter before finally before it really became dangerous in front of Salzburg’s goals. For minutes after Alan could punctured the fight when he was centimeters from being able to slip into their tree before evening, got Leigh Griffiths a chance entire Celtic Park so the net. For Emilio Izaguirre posts found 24-year-old all alone in front of goal, it was almost harder to miss than to score. But Celtic striker outright hit goalkeeper Peter Gulaschi.

Soon after Izaguirre could offset when Stefan Johansen gave return the favor in the 1st half. But when the roles were reversed after Johansen cheeky freeplay with a heel strikes, could not left back complete foreplay.

Instead punctured Naby Keita fight in overtime when guests counterattacked into 1-3 in overtime. Thus lost Celtic chance group win, but got a bright spot when Dinamo Zagreb loss meant that Ronny delicious men forward in European league as group deuce.

Heavy Norwegian evening

Henning’s Legia Warsaw was already ready for further game before away encounter with Lokeren tonight. But the series of four consecutive wins was broken when Hans Vanak ensured 1-0 Belgians. Thus, it becomes pure group finale when Poles welcomes Trabzonspor in the last game two weeks.

Read also: First europacuptap for Henning Berg

Stale Solbakken FC Copenhagen with Tom Høgli on the pitch for 90 minutes, it got too tough this evening. Høgli could not stop the Finnish sizu and HJK won 2-1 at home in Helsinki.

Read also: Solbakken knocked out of Europa League after the loss

Adama Diomande and Dinamo Minsk lost 0-2 at home to Greek PAOK, while Havard Nordveits Borussia Mönchengladback prevented grim Europa League tonight with Norwegian eyes, then cross Granit Xhaka wonderful frisparkmål ensured that ended 2-2 against Villarreal in Spain.

PS! The last Norwegians in action in europe league was Tom Harald Hagen Norwegian judge quintet. Those sentenced cheetahs-Rio Ave, which ended 2-0 in the Ukrainian capital.

Published: 27.nov. 2014 11:01 p.m.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The unreal evening – Fædrelandsvennen

358 days after he was presented as Branns savior, led Rikard Norling Bergen layer down one division.


– I realize that the question is, said Branns Swedish coach and failed to provide any good answers about their future in the club after relegation.

On Wednesday evening 26th November 2014 in Mjøndalen can be summarized in one word: Unreal.

Lille Mjøndalen, with its 8,000 inhabitants, round played, humiliated and ridiculed football pride of the nation’s second largest city.

Mjøndalen 3. Fire 0.

It was not coincidence that decided. It was fully deserved.

Therefore brown jerseys play college football in 2015.

Fire will measure forces with Åsane, Wolverines and Levanger second highest level.

we experienced at Topsham stadium was one of the greatest peels in Norwegian football.

While MJØNDALEN players, coaches and support was hailed by 2000 home supporters, roar mind of Fire fans.

Feeling with them

Someone should have become so angry that they tried “to fly on” Fire coach Norling, according BergensAvisen. But two guards prevented them from it.

– I feel for them. I would have liked there with them, said Norling.

He went from microphone to microphone. The Swede was sad. He was disappointed. He was undesirable.

It did not take many minutes from relegation was a fact to Bergens Tidende demanded coach departure.

– It is too early to talk about the future now, responded Norling – which after all was relatively tall in the chaotic and crowded press room at Topsham Stadium.

The Swede said it was up to the club to decide if they want him to continue with. But Norling would take its responsibility to lead the club back to the good company. If Fire will.

Neither Fire leader Rolf Barmen or manager Roald Bruun Hansen would conclude anything last night.

But they promised a thorough evaluation. Also by itself.

– Is there anyone who should be fired, so it’s me. It is I who is the top manager in the club, stated Barmen, while Bruun-Hansen felt that supporters shouted after his departure.

– With all my heart, I’m sorry, Bergen. This is completely cruel, whispered veteran Erik Huseklepp and unable to hold back the tears.

Has been with the entire journey

Fire jerked words down for the first time since 1985. After 28 straight years in our top division they down a level.

Mjøndalen go the opposite way: They are back in the grandest party for the first time since 1992.

While Bergen press grilled everything that could creep and walk in the Fire camp, trudged two happy club veterans Mjøndalen around the center circle on the artificial turf. Captain Mads Hansen and coach Vegard Hansen has been with the entire journey from the 3rd division to elite series.

They have not called, they did not scream. They were happy in a controlled manner.

– I do not think it has completely gone into that we play in the Premier League next year, said Mads Hansen after his third promotion with the club.

– I remember when we uprooted from 3rd to 2nd division in 2006. When we talked about that it was so big. For when was Mjøndalen teletext again! It was the big thing at the time. Right now it feels completely unreal that we should accept the big guns here in leagues late spring. That we are now in the good company is pretty sick.

– What do you think about Fire?

– They lost deserved. And it is our profit. We were good. We have a high, well pressure, and it works against everyone. We did not completely out of it in Bergen. But we figured it out today.

– How should this be celebrated?

– Now we’re going to put us on the bike, getting started with recovery and focus on the important training match against Notodden at the start of February, responding Mads Hansen with a laugh.

Now bust coach hair

Coach Vegard Hansen promised that the long hair going away if there was promotion. He stood by lifted half an hour after the match yesterday – and just waited for someone to come with razor.

The commander of the good Mjøndalen times meant uprooted was deserved.

– I think we’ve been better than Fire over two fights. We were at least as good as those in Bergen and was better today, especially during the match. It was deserved. I have been long in football, I have experienced a lot and this is one of the biggest. But I do not know if I would say that it is unreal. But it’s fun and well done.


This writes Swedish newspapers about Norling – NRK

Mange i Sverige stusset på Norlings prioriteringer da han før årets sesong forlot svenske Malmö etter å ha tatt seriegull i 2013.

FEID AV BANEN: Marcus Pedersen og Brann ble regelrett overkjørt av Mjøndalen.

Foto: Bendiksby, Terje / NTB scanpix

Kunne spilt CL-kamp mot Juve

Laget spilte gruppespillkamp mot Juventus i Champions League onsdag, mens Norling kjempet for Branns liv i eliteserien mot Mjøndalen – og tapte .

LES OGSÅ: Her må politiet skille Norling og Brann-fansen | Eksperter mener Norling må gå | Styrelederen freder Rikard Norling

«Samma kväll som MFF spelade mot Juventus i Champions League lirade Rikard Norlings klubb Brann för att hanka sig kvar i högsta norska ligan. Det gick inte alls», heter det i Dagens Nyheter.

«Han kom med visioner om guld. Men det slutade i praktfiasko för Rikard Norling och Brann», skriver Fredrik Falk i Aftonbladet.

Tror Norling frykter for jobben

Svenske Europsports tittel, «Norlings blytunga utlandsår – från SM-guld til nedflyttning», vitner også om overraskelsen over Norlings fiasko i Norge.

Stikk i strid med hva Norling selv og styreleder Rolf Barmen sa til NRK i Mjøndalen etter kampen onsdag kveld, skriver SVT at Brann-treneren nå belager seg på å måtte gi fra seg jobben.

«Frågan är vad som händer med Norling nu. Han sade förra veckan att han inte är naiv, utan räknar med att han kan komma att få sparken», skriver TV-kanalens nettside.

LES OGSÅ: – Vi må innse at vi ikke er bedre enn dette


Friday occupies Abax English football – Østlands-Posten

Larvik firm Abax now provides that the municipality are represented in English football. Friday change namely Peterborough name of their home from London Road to Abax Stadium. This as part of a five-year deal.

– As part of our strategy to build our brand in the UK, Abax partnered with the English football club Peterborough United. Abax UKs owner and director, Frank Ystenes, opened an office in Peterborough, England, in 2012 and discussions on cooperation with Peterborough United FC started this year, according to a press release.

ABAX is previously not unknown sponsoring clubs. In Norway, for example, both odd, Rosenborg and Vålerenga partners for the firm. In addition, those known sponsor of Fram football another season.

Now they are also represented in English football.

Peterborough plays in League One, the third tier in England and current manager is Darren Ferguson, son of Manchester United legend Sir Alex Ferguson.

Frank Ystenes and Deputy CEO Bjørn Erik Brandsæter Helgeland will witness the official opening of the new stadium Friday. Peterborough then meets top layer Bristol City to a match which is also shown live on Sky Sports. Peterborough is in eighth place, nine points behind Bristol City.

According to VG costs venue name to Peterborough around one million annually. It does not want Helgeland to confirm.


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

- Solbakken suggested illegal Nordtveit Agreement – Nettavisen

NYE ANKLAGER: Jim Solbakken anklages for å ha prøvd å få Haugesund på å gå med på at han fikk representere dem, i tillegg til Håvard Nordtveit da spilleren ble solgt til Arsenal i 2007.

NYE ANKLAGER: Jim Solbakken anklages for å ha prøvd å få Haugesund på å gå med på at han fikk representere dem, i tillegg til Håvard Nordtveit da spilleren ble solgt til Arsenal i 2007. Foto: Chris Fairweather/huw Evans Agency (NTB scanpix)


New Messi record when Barcelona won again – Aftenposten

New hattrick and new prestigious record for Messi as Barcelona beat John Arne Riise APOEL.

Barcelona remains at 2. -space in Group F behind Paris Saint-Germain, but on scoring top thrones team big star. Messi scored his 72, 73. and 74. goals in the grandest European Cup and passed Real Madrid legend Raúl.

Before the game was the two star strikers alike but a triple from Messi – all goals of right foot – changed it.

John Arne Riise was sitting on the bench the entire match for a APOEL team that was not any scale for Barcelona. The hosts created barely a chance and remained last in the group with his one point.

The big talk ice was anyway Messi, who took målrekorden when he made 2-0 in 38 minutes. Argentinean ruled 2-0 from Rafinha shot attempts. And more to come after the break.

Ronaldo four behind

57 minutes were played when right-back Dani Alves played Messi free with a sassy sticking. Keeper he was icy and tilted 3-0.

His second hattrick in four days arranged Messi four minutes before the end. After click-clack game in APOEL box he easily into the last goal on Assisted by Luis Suárez.

Suárez was the way the man behind 1-0 goal, his first in Barcelona shirt.

Messi now leads målracet Champions League with three goals Raúl but threatened still by Cristiano Ronaldo. Real Madrid goal machine currently has 70 direct hits.

PSG strikers delivered

Barcelona must fight against Paris Saint-Germain for victory in Group F. The French capital the team has 13 points against Barca 12 before teams meet at Camp Nou in the last game.

Wednesday was PSG strikers in the form when the team beat Ajax 3-1 at home.

Edinson Cavani made it 1-0 before Davy Klaassen offset for guests. Then Zlatan Ibrahimovic scored against his old club, while Cavani finished it all.

Ajax is third in the group with two points. In other words, made only a draw at home against APOEL to secure a place in the Europa League.

Ten of scoring top Champions League

  • 74: Lionel Messi (Barcelona)
  • 71: Raúl (Real Madrid / Schalke)
  • 70: Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester U. / Real Madrid)
  • 56: Ruud van Nistelrooy (PSV Eindhoven / Manchester U. / Real Madrid)
  • 50: Thierry Henry (Monaco / Arsenal / Barcelona)
  • 48: Andriy Shevchenko (Milan / Chelsea / Dinamo Kiev)
  • 46: Filippo Inzaghi (Juventus / Milan)
  • 44: Didier Drogba (Marseille / Galatasaray / Chelsea)
  • 42: Alessandro Del Piero (Juventus)
  • 42 Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Ajax / Juventus / Inter / Barcelona / Milan / Paris Saint-Germain)

(© NTB)

Published: 25.nov. 2014 10:50 p.m.


Monday, November 24, 2014

Goof scored in Villa drama: – Horrible! – Nettavisen

Reisetips med annonselenker

Men Aston Villa klarte likevel ikke å komme ut av krisen laget befinner seg i.


Nedturene fortsetter for Aston Villa-fansen.

Mandag ledet de lenge mot topplaget Southampton, men slett forsvarsspill gjorde at de rotet bort seieren mot slutten av kampen.

De tre poengene hadde de hatt bruk for.

Villa hadde kun ett poeng på sine syv siste kamper før mandagens oppgjør. Seks av disse kampene hadde de gått av banen uten å score et eneste mål.

Nå står laget med åtte strake kamper uten seier i Premier League.

Det var derfor ikke rart at skuffelsen var enkel å spore i Villa-ansiktene da dommer Phil Dowd blåste av kampen på Villa Park mandag kveld.

Villa hadde tilsynelatende full kontroll på kampen, men sov da Nathaniel Clyne fikk stå helt alene i boksen og sette inn utligningen ti minutter før slutt.

SLITER: Aston Villa-manager Paul Lambert

Mike EgertonPa Photos

Dermed fortsetter rekken med kamper uten seier for Villa-manager Paul Lambert og hans menn.

Southampton-manager Ronald Koeman kom til oppgjøret med en helt annen optimisme.

Nederlenderens mannskap er Premier Leagues store overraskelse så langt, og de rødhvite hadde vunnet åtte av sine ni siste kamper før dysten mot Villa.

Trolig vil Koeman være fornøyd med poenget sånn kampen ble.

Nå er Villa på 16.plass på tabellen med fattige 12 poeng på 12 kamper. Southampton blir værende på sin sterke andreplass, seks poeng bak lederne Chelsea.

- Fryktelig keeperspill
Kampens første scoring kom etter en snau halvtime. Fraser Forster feilberegnet da han stormet ut av egen 16-meter for å klarere et oppspill, og ballen ble snappet av lynhurtige Gabriel Agbonlahor.

På blankt mål hadde spissen få problemer med å sette inn sin tredje ligascoring for sesong.

- Fryktelig keeperspill, konstaterte Morten Langli helt riktig på Twitter etter scoringen.

Han får støtte av Chris Waddle, tidligere landslagsspiller for England.

- Man må gi skylden til Forster der, men godt gjort av Agbonlahor, sier han ifølge BBC.

Det var første baklengsmål siden kampen mot Tottenham 5. oktober for gjestenes del. Da hadde laget ifølge Opta gått 439 minutter på rad uten å slippe inn en scoring.

Sadio Mané var svært nær en utligning med et vakkert skudd kort tid etter Villas ledermål, men bare en glimrende redning fra Brad Guzan hindret scoring.

Dermed sto det fortsatt 1-0 da lagene gikk til pause, men det var ikke helt fortjent. Southampton spilte til tider vakker fotball, men målene uteble enn så lenge.

I andre omgang fikk Villa mer og mer grep på kampen, og burde avgjort 13 minutter før slutt. Agbonlahor fant Andreas Weimann på ti meter, men spissen banket ballen opp på rad Z. Der burde østerrikeren ha økt ledelsen for hjemmelaget.

Slo tilbake
Da skjer det som ofte skjer i fotball, det andre laget scorer. Ryan Bertrand fikk ballen langt oppe på Southamptons venstreside, og foran mål ventet en annen sideback. Nathaniel Clyne kom først på innlegget fra Bertrand og styrte inn 1-1 for gjestene.

En skikkelig kalddusj for hjemmelaget. Flere scoringer ble det ikke, og kampen ebbet dermed ut med et kjedelig 1-1-resultat.

Aston Villas neste kamp i Premier League spilles 29. november, når Burnley venter på bortebane. Southampton møter Manchester City på St Mary’s dagen etter.



“Horrible” goalkeeping cost Southampton two points –

• Aston Villa – Southampton 1-1

(Dagbladet): Southampton er definitivt sesongens overraskelseslag i Premier League, men mot Aston Villa hjalp det ikke at de sto med fire strake seirer forut for oppgjøret.

En grov feilberegning av keeper Fraser Forster da Gabriel Agbonlahor var på vei gjennom etter 28 minutter, kostet nemlig topplaget to poeng i tetstriden.

- Fryktelig keeperspill av Forster. Han ruser ut, men mislykkes med å nå ballen før Agbonlahor som fortsatte og scoret, skrev den kjente engelske fotballkommentatoren Henry Winter på Twitter like etterpå.

Tam affære

Målet var det første av totalt to i det som var et relativt kjedelig oppgjør. For selv om Southampton slet med å skape mange og store sjanser, fikk høyre back Nathaniel Clyne nettkjenning snaut ti minutter før full tid.

Det skjedde etter et flott kombinasjonsspill på gjestenes venstreside, hvor back-kollega Ryan Bertrand til slutt fikk lagt et flatt innlegg inn i 16-meteren.

Der kom Clyne på løp og styrte ballen kontant forbi Brad Guzan med innsiden av foten.

Resultatløs jakt

De siste minuttene forsøkte bortelaget å skru opp tempoet i jakten på seiersmålet. Etter 93 spilte minutter, måtte Ronald Koeman og hans gutter imidlertid avfinne seg med ett poeng etter en heller sløv dag på jobben.

- Sånn som dette ble, er det to tapte poeng for Southampton. Aston Villa forsvarte seg ekstremt bra. Mens Southampton var det førende laget, burde de klart å skape mer, sier Erik Nevland i TV 2s Premier League-studio.

Det er likevel ikke grunn til å deppe for mye av den grunn. Laget ligger fremdeles på 2. plass, seks poeng bak Chelsea og to poeng foran Manchester City på tredje.

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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Pedersen called Fire fans for idiots – Nettavisen

Shopping med annonselenker

Mislikte pipekonserten mot eget lag.

Brann ble møtt med pipekonsert etter å ha spilt 1-1 hjemme mot Mjøndalen i kvalifiseringen til eliteserien. Det likte ikke angriperen Marcus Pedersen.

Resultatet innbyr til et spennende og nervepirrende returoppgjør på Nedre Eiker onsdag. Men hjemmefansen hadde håpet på et langt tryggere utgangspunkt etter første kamp.

Da lagene gikk av banen ble de møtt med en høylytt pipekonsert fra skuffede hjemmesupportere.

- Jeg ble litt irritert etter kampen. Folk var idioter, sa en skuffet Pedersen om reaksjonen Brann-spillerne ble møtt med.

- Jeg skjønner frustrasjonen deres når vi spiller slik som i dag, men de må kunne oppføre seg, fulgte han opp til NTB.

Men i likhet med supporterne var han skuffet over søndagens kamp.

- Det fungerte ikke for meg i dag. Vi må spille annerledes og tørre mer om vi skal vinne borte.

Skal analysere

Brann klarte å redde seg fra direkte nedrykk fra eliteserien med seier i de to siste serierundene. På forhånd var laget en klar favoritt i dobbeltkampen mot Mjøndalen, men det var de brunkledde gjestene som tok ledelsen etter 37 minutter i Bergen.

Det gjorde de da vertenes Amin Askar taklet ballen fra dødlinjen og inn i banen. Ballen havnet hos Vamouti Diomande, som fyrte av et lavt skudd fra 20 meters hold. Skuddet var langt fra utakbart, men Branns reservekeeper Øystein Øvretveit måtte se ballen gå forbi seg og inn til 0-1.

Brann-trener Rikard Norling var ikke spesielt lysten på å kommentere det som skjedde før baklengsmålet.

- Alle så hva som skjedde. Det er ingen vits i gå videre innpå det, svarte svensken.

Norling var skuffet over lagets prestasjon, og varslet at han vil bruke god tid på å analysere kampen.

- Vi skulle selvsagt gjerne ha vunnet i dag. Men nå har vi i hvert fall et resultat å forholde oss til. Og så har vi en prestasjon vi må løfte, sa Norling.

Mjøndalen nærmest seier

Branns utligning kom ved innbytter Kasper Skaanes etter 53 minutter. Et godt innlegg fra Andreas Vindheim ble ikke ordentlig klarert. I stedet landet ballen hos Skaanes, som fikk presset ballen forbi flere forsvarere og i mål via stolpen.

Flertallet av de 14.225 tilskuere trakk da et lettelsens sukk. Brann hadde hatt et par gode sjanser før pause, men spillmessig imponerte de ingen. Størst var muligheten Marcus Pedersen fikk like før pause, men keeper Ivar Andreas Forn fikk på utsøkt vis avverget det harde volleyskuddet.

Etter utligningen klarte Brann aldri å sette et ordentlig trykk på gjestene. Mjøndalen, som startet kampen med et høyt press, var helt på høyde, og hadde også et par muligheter til å stikke av med seieren.

- Utover i annen omgang synes jeg vi er nærmest seieren. Om noen tror vi feirer nå tar de feil, men vi er fornøyd med jobben. Nå har vi et godt utgangspunkt. Dette var noe av det beste vi kunne håpe på å få med oss, sa Mjøndalen-trener Vegard Hansen.

Med 1-1 på bortebane har serietreeren i årets 1. divisjon skaffet seg et godt utgangspunkt før onsdagens avgjørende oppgjør. (©NTB)


Alerts offensively Mjøndalen in rematch – Fædrelandsvennen

– We are going out and control, says Vegard Hansen.


BERGEN ( Brown jerseys embark on Wednesday settlement completion. Team away goal makes one speechless affair Buskerud will send fire down a division. But Mjøndalen According trainer Vegard Hansen no plans to play on the result.

– It will be a little different input on Wednesday than we had today. We tend to have a violent impact on home and we’ll go out and try to control. Now it’s completely open. We have given ourselves an opportunity, says Hansen after Sunday settlement at Brann Stadium.

Vamouti diomand goal scant ten minutes before the fire gave a brilliant Mjøndalen starting before the decision falls on Lower Spokes Wednesday.

– Ever open

For many Fire big favorites before the duel. Historically league teams have been several notches for large qualification.

– Those who saw the fight says enough that Fire is not as big favorites now. They have everything to lose. For them it will be a scandal if they do not win, said Sunday Mjøndalen captain Mads Hansen.

In the opening minutes received Hansen and his team mate several times booing from the home crowd, when they spent a long time fixed situations.

– Fire players complained that we spent a long time. But we were just close like them to win, so get our part, we had no reason to stalling, says Mads Hansen.

Will not compare

Already after five minutes played got Mjøndalen player Joachim Olsen Solberg yellow card for drøying.

– We got a stupid yellow card, but we tried all the time to play football. We did not go out here to delay the time, says Vegard Hansen.

Last year also did Hansen and Mjøndalen life miserable for Bergeners when they won 2-1 at Stadion in the cup.

– The fight last year was completely different. When we met a fire with seven consecutive home victories. It was a Rosenborg where we had some luck. I am far more pleased with what we performed this time, says Mjøndalen coach.


- Now it is Mjøndalen closest Tippeligaen – TV 2

Brann – Mjøndalen 1-1:

Brann Stadion/Bergen (TV 2): Branns plass i neste års Tippeliga er fortsatt høyst usikker etter bare 1-1 i første kvalifiseringsfinale mot Mjøndalen søndag.

Dermed er det 1. divisjonslaget – og ikke Brann – som har fordelen foran onsdagens returkamp på Mjøndalen Stadion. Bruntrøyene har nemlig med seg et gunstig bortemål og vil rykke opp med for eksempel 0-0 i den kampen.

TV 2 fotballekspert Drillo mener også Brann-fansen bør være nervøse.

– Nå må vi slå fast at det er Mjøndalen som er nærmest Tippeligaen, sier han.

Vi fulgte kampen minutt for minutt i vårt livesenter!

– Mjøndalen var klart best

Den tidligere landslagssjefen ble overrasket over hvor tamme Brann fremsto på eget gress.

Norling: –  Vår innsats må opp et par hakk

– Jeg hadde trodd at Brann skulle vinne denne kampen. De var litt uheldige i 1. omgangen da Mjøndalen scoret på den eneste sjansen de hadde. Men i 2. omgang var faktisk Mjøndalen best, sier Drillo.

– De hadde mer ork enn Brann og flere Brann-spillere spilte heller ikke opp mot sitt beste. Mjøndalen var klart best den siste halvtimen og det var overraskende, forteller han.

Drillo er glad i statistikk og prosentregning. Han mener Mjøndalen nå har en klar prosentmessig fordel.

– Ja, når du klarer 1-1 på bortebane – og det var fortjent – har du det. Med hjemmebane nå betyr det 75 prosent sjanse til seier, sier han.

Skaanes: – Vi gjør en dårlig kamp

– Ikke noen stor divisjonsforskjell

– Vi har vært bedre borte enn hjemme

Her invaderer Mjøndalen-supportere TV 2s nyhetsstudio:

Norling: – Innsatsen må opp

Brann-trener Rikard Norling var følgelig nok ikke veldig fornøyd etter kampslutt.

– Dette var en kamp med mye kamp i, men vi gjorde ingen topp innsats. Vi må prestere bedre i neste kamp, sier han til TV 2.

– Vi kom ikke opp til normal standard. Nå må vi analysere nøye for å se hva vi kan gjøre annerledes, legger Norling til.

Svensken ser uansett for seg en tøff kamp i Mjøndalen til uka.

– Det er et annet underlag med kunstgress. Det betyr en annen form for fotball, men vår innsats må opp et par hakk, sier Norling.

Mjøndalen-trener Vegard Hansen hadde naturlig nok mer grunn til å smile enn sin svenske kollega.

– Jeg er fornøyd. Vi fightet og fikk med oss noe hjem. Det var også målet, sier han til TV 2.

Hansen innrømmer at han var spent på nivået til Brann.

– Vi visste ikke hva vi kunne forvente, egentlig. Vi har kun møtt 1.divisjonslag i år, men vi visste likevel at vi hadde en fair mulighet og håpet vi skulle klare det, sier han.

– Nå har vi en kjempegod mulighet på hjemmebane, hvor vi har vært gode i hele år. Men vi må være på topp. Vi møter et godt lag og skal ikke ta av etter dette her. Vi er bare halvveis, sier den tidligere Bristol City-proffen.

Mjøndalen-press fra start

Det var Mjøndalen som startet kampen best. Bruntrøyene gjorde som de ofte har gjort denne sesongen: Startet med høyt press for å legge motstanderlaget bakover.

Utover i omgangen kjempet likevel Brann seg inn i kampen og rullet opp noen halvgode sjanser. Spesielt Marcus Pedersen var nær etter vel 23 minutter.

Men Brann tok ikke godt nok vare på sjansene sine. Det gjorde derimot Mjøndalen.

For på deres første skikkelige sjanse i kampen endte nemlig ballen rett i mål. Vel 37 minutter var spilt da Brann-spiller Amin Askar leverte en mislykket klarering ut av feltet. Ballen gikk rett til Vamouti Diomande og ivorianeren banket ballen strake veien inn i nettmaskene.

«2 mot 1» ringer Brann-spiller for å få vite taktikken:

Mjøndalen nærmest seier

Mjøndalen startet 2. omgang på samme måte som den første og var nær 2-0 etter få minutters spill. Men denne gangen var det imidlertid Brann som var mest effektive og tente håpet i Bergen.

53 minutter var spilt da innbytter Kasper Skaanes – etter bare sju minutter på banen – satte inn utligningen.

19-åringen var først på ballen etter en Mjøndalen-klarering inne i boksen og plasserte ballen nede i hjørnet.

Brann-fansen hadde nok håpet at laget skulle fortsette å kjøre på for 2-1-scoringen etter det. Men i stedet for Brann-overtak, var det Mjøndalen som ble det førende laget den siste halvtimen av kampen.

Nærmest scoring fra de også. Blant annet hadde Magnus Sylling Olsen en stor mulighet etter vel 68 minutter. 

PS! Den avgjørende returkampen spilles på Mjøndalen Stadion førstkommende onsdag.


- Fantastisk å stå her igjen

66 visninger

Skullerud: – Har vært en fantastisk dag

123 visninger

Gjennopplev gullfesten med Molde-spillerne

2807 visninger

Brann skjelver etter 1-1 i første kamp

2275 visninger

Huseklepp om returoppgjøret: – Vi har vært bedre borte enn hjemme

573 visninger

– Ikke noen stor divisjonsforskjell

3218 visninger


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Now Messi-time top scorer in La Liga –

• Barcelona – Sevilla 5-1

(Dagbladet): Lionel Messi scored a hat trick in tonight’s La Liga encounters against Sevilla, and took a highly regarded record:

The Argentinian is now the all-time top scorer in La Liga with all 253 goals. He walked past Telmo Zarra, who has held the record since 1955.

Zarra who in his time played in Athletic Bilbao, scoring 251 goals in his time at the club, between 1940 and 1955.

There he celebrated by scoring his 30th hat-trick in his career, both for club and country. First equaled Messi record, before he just okay scored two goals. Also Neymar wrote on the scoring list tonight and had two additional assistant. Ivan Rakitic scored the team’s fifth goal in the game.

Tonight let Lionel Messi out a video of his first Barca-coring on his Facebook page.

– When I scored that goal, I could not dream of taking a record, at least not one that was held by the great Telmo Zarra. There I was able to achieve using all the support I’ve had from so many people so long I’ve been here, and I will dedicate this event to you, write Messi.

– Thank you for always here for me.

With its 27 years Messi already beaten several records. Earlier this month he became the all-time top scorer in the Champions League.

Dagbladet come back with more


Friday, November 21, 2014

It falls jumps comet for a tissue at 148 meters –

(Dagbladet): The Norwegian ski jumping comet Phillip Sea was fortunately unharmed from the dramatic fall in the afternoon.

During the training in German Klingenthal fallen 18-year-old 148 meters and was taken to hospital.

Check the fall at the top of the case!

Had jumper from Bækkelaget SK stood, he would set a new unofficial hill record – a record German Michael Uhrmann has held since 2011.

Phillip Sea took jump circus by storm in the summer, and in August he won the Summer Gran Prix race in Japan.

This weekend was to 18-year-old seriously enter into the most prestigious ski jumping company and debut in the World Cup.

But after the fall of the training, to sports director Clas Brede Braathen realize that we have to wait a bit to see Geneva debut.

– He has taken a beating, and are not going to jump this weekend. But I hope he can be back quickly, and show the kind of potential jumps inga as he did today, Braathen said to Dagbladet earlier tonight.

After the ugly fall, everything went seemingly well with the 18-year-old.

– I’m bruised but in good spirits. I am glad that I have not given me any serious damage. I wil be back, saluted Sea from the hospital bed tonight.
