Sunday, November 9, 2014

How Kasparov realized that Carlsen (13) one day came to be the world’s best – Fædrelandsvennen

Chess legend was amazed that a pure young Norwegian dared to criticize his book.

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During November, Magnus Carlsen winning their second World Cup match, and at the age of 23 years.

The Norwegian has, however, been a household name for chess experts for a decade already. For example, aroused the attention when Carlsen beat fox Anatoly Karpov in a rapid chess game during a tournament in Reykjavik in 2004.

In the same tournament he also managed a draw against world number one Garry Kasparov in the rapid chess. The 13-year-old achieved such results aroused naturally stir in chess world, but Kasparov was not yet convinced that all the compliments retargeted Carlsen was justified.

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Just before this year’s World Cup match came Carlsen’s former trainer Simen Agdestein out with an updated version of his book on world champion, now titled “How Magnus Carlsen became world champion.”

book tells Agdestein story of how Carlsen convinced Kasparov that he was a rare good talent.

Discussed chess parties from 1928

When Carlsen still was 13 years, Kasparov visited Oslo. During the visit, said Kasparov suddenly Carlsen “name your three favorite parts of Alekhine.”

– Magnus initially said nothing, but after a little pause commented Magnus that he disagreed with some of Kasparov’s comments in the book he had written about Alekhine and their predecessors in World Cup throne Agdestein writes in the book.

The Russian Alexander Alekhine was the world’s best chess player in the years before World War II, and is still a player who is admired by chess enthusiasts. Kasparov was a great Alekhine fan and when Carlsen criticized his book, he was aware.

– Sudden set Kasparov leaning over the little boy in deep discussion about Alekhine-parties, writes Agdestein.

– There are not many players in the world on the fly can discuss portions of the world champion from 1928 onwards like that on the fly. But it could Magnus – already at 13.

– I know he can be world number one

Two weeks later Agdestein a phone call. He was very surprised when he discovered that it was Kasparov who was at the other end.

– I know he can be world number one, exclaimed Kasparov during the phone call.

Aftenposten chess expert John Kvisla went at the Norwegian College of Elite Sport with Carlsen and still have contact with the world number one. He says that Carlsen had long since distanced their peers in Norway when he met Kasparov in 2004.

– Until 2000, he was steady with many others, but in 2001 he began to pull away, says Kvisla.

He says that memory was one of the things that separated Carlsen from the crowd.

– he remembered parts of former world champions as others in the class were not close. He also considered the positions much better. Young children think usually on one move at a time. Magnus learned to expect better from an early age, says Kvisla.

Would not do homework

Agdestein says that Carlsen was invited home to Kasparov in Moscow. AGDESTEIN brother Espen Agdestein, Carlsen’s current manager, Magnus Carlsen’s father Henrik Carlsen and young Carlsen himself were guests at Kasparov and Russian’s mother.

– When Magnus came home, he got the homework to analyze four taps parties at least four hours. party by Tuesday, which was only a few days later. So 16 hours of work in a short time. This was not Magnus particularly keen on, and with it broke collaborated in the game, writes Agdestein.

Braving Kasparov Council

Carlsen would later resume cooperation with Kasparov, but canceled it after one year. Simen Agdestein has a theory about why Carlsen cooperation was terminated.

– I suspect that Magnus had enough after the defeat against Kramnik in Wijk aan Zee in 2010. Kasparov was second, via Skype and had at last come to know that Magnus could not play the scheduled opening yet, when he had found a hole in the analyzes.

– Magnus started the party to sit with your hands in your head and think long before he made his first move. In hindsight we know that he had an inner dialogue if he should defy Kasparov and play what he believed in, or follow Kasparov advice. I think Magnus chose the first. Maybe it was there and then he decided to break with Kasparov.

Agdestein says that Magnus came well prepared out of the opening, but ultimately lost the party. After the break in 2010, Magnus Carlsen cooperation with Kasparov, but the two are still good friends.

The atmosphere between the two was for example very good when they participated in a show match of St. Louis, after Sinquefield Cup in September. Kasparov has also made it clear that he was rooting for Magnus Carlsen at the World Cup match against Viswanathan Anand.

– My support and my tips go to Carlsen, Kasparov wrote on his Twitter account the day before the first party.


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