Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Molde confirms prolonged Bakenga damage – Romsdals Budstikke

Mushaga Bakenga must leave the field in yesterday’s friendly between Aalesund and Molde. The signing, according to NRK coated akilessen and risk losing the entire upcoming season.

The situation where Bakenga went down for the count occurred before it was played eight minutes in the training match at Color Line Stadium.

Aftenposten says medical coordinator in Molde Lars Håvard Saebo following:

– We expect to have a full overview of the extent of damage in the course of tomorrow.

For the club’s website confirms Molde coach Tor Ole Skullerud that the tip has snapped akillesen.

– There is a serious injury and it is a sad news for “Mush” of course, but also for us as a club. It is a pity he came to Molde to get up to speed, said Skullerud in a video interview.

Getting support of football profiles

The former Rosenborg player on loan in roses from the Belgian club Club Brugge. That he chose to transfer to Rosenborg rival Molde has not only been popular with RBK supporters. Some of them reacted with laughter on social media when it became clear that the tip was damaged.

It gets teammates to react.

– Being sick of hearing that some people rejoice when someone gets hurt. Good improvement, Mush, writes Fredrik Gulbrandsen on Twitter.

– Embarrassing and very worrisome that some may rejoice over one person say injury, good recovery Mush, reports Molde- and national keeper Oliver Nyland.

Worried Berg Hestad

Also John Arne Riise has noticed Molde striker’s injury and subsequent messages from rival supporters.

– That some rejoice others damage is shameful! Some fans should look in the mirror, writes former Liverpool player on his Twitter account.

After yesterday friendlies expressed Molde captain Daniel Berg Hestad its concern to Bakenga.

– I cross my fingers that the injury is not serious. It is horrible boring if he also gets out a period. Most of himself, but also for the whole team. Until further notice being given hope and we think that this goes well, said Captain Daniel Berg Hestad to rbnett Monday.

Mushaga Bakenga has not responded to hendvendelser regarding the damage.


Townsend stole the show mot Italia – TV 2

With goal after 80 seconds in his debut there were big expectations related to Harry Kane first start for England’s A-team.

But it was Kane’s teammate at Tottenham , Andros Townsend, who saved England’s honor in Turin.

Townsend had been on the pitch for nine minutes, after 79 minutes slammed into the settlement on pass from debutant Ryan Mason, another Tottenham- player.

wing overreached Gianluigi Buffon with a great shot from just over 20 meters.

Earlier Graziano Pelle given Italians lead Juventus Arena. After 29 minutes, met Southampton striker scored from Giorgio Chiellini, with foreheads he placed beautifully into a goal for the azure.

Belgium to struggle for points away against Israel.

match ended 1-1, and Roy Hodgson’s men have now gone nine straight games without a loss.


Kane gets his first start – NRK

GOD PÅ ALT: Kreative Twitter-entusiaster framstiller Harry Kane slik på fotballkortet til dataspillet FIFA 15.

Så gjorde han det igjen, mannen på alles lepper for tiden. Harry Kane brøt nok en barriere på imponerende vis. Fredag debuterte Tottenhams 21-åring på det engelske fotballandslaget, da han kom inn som innbytter for Wayne Rooney etter 72 minutter.

Og bare 79 sekunder senere scoret han sitt første landslagsmål.

– Dette er som i et eventyr, men det er flott når eventyr blir til virkelighet. Eventyret har blir virkelig for Harry, sa landslagssjef Roy Hodgson engasjert etter kampen mot Litauen.

Mange har slitt med å forklare hva det egentlig er som gjør Harry Kane god. Men mannen har virkelig fått sitt store gjennombrudd de siste månedene. Vi har sett nærmere på historien Harry Kane.

Loves start mot Italia

Tirsdag møter England stornasjonen Italia til privatlandskamp i Torino. Allerede mandag kunne Roy Hodgson avsløre at Kane kommer til å starte kampen.

– Harry Kane debuterer fra start, og Wayne Rooney blir lagets kaptein. Det blir fint å se dem sammen. Harry fortjener denne muligheten, sa landslagssjefen.

Men trolig må Tottenham-spissen prioritere U21-EM i Tsjekkia foran A-landslagets neste kvalifiseringskamp i juni.

– Roy og jeg vet at seniorene er i en god posisjon, og han føler at erfaringen av å dra til Tsjekkia i sommer vil være mer til fordel for Harry enn kampene han har nå, forklarer Englands U21-landslagssjef Gareth Southgate til The Guardian.

Harry Kane (t.h) sammen med landslagssjef Roy Hodgson (f.v.) og lagkameratene Andros Townsend og Kyle Walker på Juventus’ stadion i Torino.

Foto: Carl Recine / Reuters

– Blir en helt i mange år

SÅ GLAD: Kane scoret det siste målet i 4-0-seieren over Litauen på Wembley.

Foto: Kirsty Wigglesworth / Ap

– Han har hatt en fantastisk sesong. Jeg tror Kane vil være en helt i Tottenham i mange år framover, sier Steffen Iversen entusiastisk til NRK.

Den tidligere Spurs-helten har måttet svare på mange spørsmål om Tottenhams nye stjerneskudd det siste halvåret.

– Det er helt naturlig. De siste fire-fem månedene har jo Kane bøttet inn med mål, forklarer Iversen ivrig.

Fra å kun være et halvkjent navn for fansen, har 21-åringen gått fra status mislykket til toppscorer i Premier League på rekordtid.

Denne uka var han i sin første a-landslagstropp for «Three lions», og Kane kronet debuten med en rekordtidlig scoring.

(Artikkelen fortsetter under bildet)

STJERNESKUDD: Tottenhams Harry Kane har tatt Premier League med storm denne sesongen.

Foto: EDDIE KEOGH / Reuters

Tok plutselig nivået

Eventyret om Harry Kane har vært som en berg- og dalbane, men det fikk en etterlengtet positiv utvikling i november 2015. Da kalenderen viste «2» scoret han som innbytter sitt første ligamål for sesongen – på det tidspunktet lå Chelseas stjernespiller Diego Costa allerede åtte mål foran på toppscorerlisten.

Men fra og med da har formkurven kun pekt oppover for Tottenhams nummer 18, og siden desember har Kane markert seg med 17 nettkjenninger på 15 ligakamper. Det har mange i fotballverdenen bitt seg merke i.

– Jeg er egentlig like overrasket som alle andre. Det er ikke mer enn seks måneder siden jeg ikke hadde noen som helst tro på Kane. Han hadde ingen historikk å vise til – bare en del utlån med vekslende hell, forteller leder Vidar Edell i supporterklubben Tottenhams Venner, ærlig til NRK.

– Men så begynte han plutselig å spille bra og få selvtillit.

Steffen Iversen er imidlertid ikke fullt så overrasket. Den tidligere landslagsspissen sier han har hatt tro på Kane lenge.

– Jeg har sett at han har hatt noe med seg, men i Tottenham handler det om å ta nivået raskt. I fjor hadde han enda mer spisskonkurranse, men Kane har vist at han har tålt å sitte bak (i spisskøen). Det har han fått en fantastisk uttelling for i dag, forklarer Iversen.

«One of their own»

Harry Kane er født og oppvokst i Nordøst-London. Både han og familien har alltid støttet Tottenham Hotspur. At han er en ekte Spurs-gutt gjør at fansen har tatt han ekstra tett til sitt bryst. I dag lyder supportersangen «Harry Kane – he’s one of our own» utover White Hart Lane flere ganger per kamp.

– Det er slike spillere engelske fans drømmer om – en spiller fra egne rekker som virkelig slår til. Kane har fått veldig høy status veldig raskt, forklarer Vidar Edell, som mener Kane er like populær som danske Christian Eriksen og keeper Hugo Lloris.

– En slik lokal spiller gjør at mesteparten av fansen, og deres sønner, har fått et nytt forbilde. Det er ingen tvil om at Harry Kane betyr fryktelig mye for dem, istemmer Steffen Iversen.

Til tross for at han er elsket som lokal gutt, var Kane som åtteåring ett år hos erkerival Arsenal. Det har han måttet tåle tyn for. Men Kane har svart godt for seg og er mer enn tilgitt av Spurs-fansen for «sviket» han gjorde som liten gutt.

Slet med å prestere

FIKK ALDRI TILLIT: Kane ble leid ut til Premier League-klubben Norwich i 2013, men fikk ikke mer enn tre seriekamper. Unggutten greide aldri å score.

Foto: STEFAN WERMUTH / Reuters

Før inneværende sesong hadde imidlertid Kane lagt bak seg flere vanskelige år på fotballbanen, med lite spilletid og utlån med vekslende hell. For eksempel fikk han nesten ikke slippe til da han for to år siden ble lånt ut til Premier League-rival Norwich.

– Kane har vært en del ute, og var betegnelsen på en som ikke fikk det til. Men plutselig har han funnet noe magisk, sier Iversen engasjert.

Etter at André Villas Boas fikk sparken forrige sesong fikk Kane flere muligheter under Tim Sherwoods midlertidige regime, fram til sommeren. På den tiden fikk Kane inn tre fulltreffere i serien.

– Folk vil begynne å sette spørsmålstegn ved meg om jeg har en dårlig kamp. Men i en så stor sport handler det om hvordan du håndterer utfordringene, sa Kane til Daily Mail for en tid tilbake.

– Man må være klar for alt, siden motstanderen forsøker å stoppe deg. Jo bedre spiller man blir, dess vanskeligere blir det.

– Aldri sett en spiss jobbe så hardt

Harry Kanes innsats på og utenfor banen har vekket oppsikt blant langt flere enn Steffen Iversen og Tottenhams egne supportere. Tidligere engelske storspillere som Gary Lineker, Alan Shearer, Gary Neville og Jamie Carragher har alle vært rause med komplimentene i media og på Twitter.

– Jeg har aldri sett en midtspiss jobbe så hardt som Harry Kane. Han er over alt for å jage ballen, sier Neville til BBC.

– Ikke bare burde han være i landslagsstallen, han burde starte kampene også, skryter den tidligere Manchester United-kapteinen.

Gary Lineker tror Harry Kane kan bli en ny legende for både klubb og landslag.

– Han kan gå hele veien og bli en fantastisk målscorer for Tottenham og England. Jeg liker han godt – jeg liker bevegelsene, arbeidskapasiteten, hans begjær for å score mål og selvtilliten, sa Gary Lineker til Tottenhams offisielle nettside allerede i desember.

Foruten Kanes 19 scoringer i Premier League har 21-åringen også puttet ti ganger i Europa League, FA- og ligacup. Det gjør at han allerede i mars har overgått blant andre Spurs-legenden Teddy Sheringhams beste sesong i klubben, og samtidig utlignet Jürgen Klinsmanns personlige scoringsrekord.

– Folk setter pris på en positiv innstilling og hardt arbeid. Jeg vet at det er ekstra høye forventninger til landslagsspillere og at folk forventer forbedring i hver kamp, men det er hva jeg ønsker, sa Kane til den engelske avisen Daily Mail.

– Det stopper ikke her. Jeg vil fortsette. Jeg vil bli større og bedre og vinne ting for Tottenham og England.

Kan bli historisk i mars

GAMMEL FAVORITT: Steffen Iversen scoret 36 seriemål i Spurs-trøya mellom 1996 og 2003.


I januar og februar ble den unge angriperen historisk ved å vinne kåringen «Premier League Player of the Month» to ganger på rad, noe bare Robbie Fowler, Dennis Bergkamp og Cristiano Ronaldo har gjort tidligere.

Og med fem nye scoringer og gode prestasjoner i mars kan Tottenham-gutten nå bli den første i historien til å vinne prisen for tredje måned på rad.

– Det fremstår som helt absurd. Jeg har visst om og kjent til navnet Harry Kane i en god del år, men at han noen sinne skulle bli månedens spiller… …én gang er utrolig nok. To ganger er uvirkelig. Tre tilhører sjeldenhetene, sier Vidar Edell engasjert.

– Kane ligger på flytbølgen. Det er fantastisk for en spiss å gjøre det. Man skal ikke se bort fra at han fortsetter å putte på enda flere mål. Om Kane fortsetter med det kan han bli historisk, mener Steffen Iversen.

Inkludert blant «verdens beste»

Og mer heder kan gå Harry Kanes vei. Nå omtales 21-åringer noen steder i samme åndedrag som verdens to beste fotballspillere – Real Madrids Cristiano Ronaldo og Barcelonas Messi.

Flere bookmakere har åpnet for å sette penger på at Kane vinner «Ballon d’Or» – prisen som verdens beste fotballspiller.

De færreste tror det vil være mulig, men at Kane i det hele tatt er på lista er spesielt nok med tanke på utgangspunktet for et halvt år siden. Den ferske landslagsspilleren har 29 navn foran seg, men modige oddstippere vil få 150 ganger innsatsen om Kane skulle få løfte den berømte gullballen i januar neste år.

Harry Kane er allerede nominert blant kandidatene til å vinne «PFA Fans Player of the month» i mars. Så får vi se om han også kan bli «Premier League Player of the Month» for tredje gang på rad også.


Paying Sandefjord to stop Molde and VIF: – Molde’s a completely sexless club – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): Sandefjord caught up to the Premier League for this season – and now made the assistance of investor eye-stones Stray Spetalen.

Billionaire from Sandefjord, according to VG signed an agreement with Sandefjord to pay a bonus if they turn Vålerenga and Molde Tippeligaen in 2015.

Made from Vestfold get 100,000 for each victory against Molde and Vålerenga – and 50,000 if they draw against the two teams.

In addition, Sandefjord NOK 100,000 as a bonus for promotion, newspaper VG.

– I really should have doubled in bonus games against Molde. I have the same relationship to Molde in Norwegian football that I have to SV in Norwegian politics, says Spetalen VG, before he breaks out:

– Molde’s a completely sexless club. Absolutely completely sexless.

Now we hope coach Lars Bohinen that cooperation with Spetalen can develop over the long term:

– We are obviously pleased that Øystein engages in Sandefjord. It is always easier to relate to safe money says Bohinen VG.


Kristoff superb in De Panne – 2 TV

It was a big Norwegian day on the first leg of the Belgian three-day race Driedaagse De Panne-Koksijde.

Alexander Kristoff won the sprint in a six man group, which also teammate Team Katusha Sven Erik Bystrøm whereabouts.

23-year-old finished last in tetgruppen but did a great job to help Kristoff to victory.

See Kristoff talk about victory in the video window on top!

– Was unsure at the end

– Belgian champion Jens Debusschere is fast. He went not at the end, so I was not sure how much he had to go with. But I took him okay in the end, said Kristoff to the organizer after the race.

When asked what he thinks about teammate Bystrøm, was 27-year-old full of praise.

– He’s a good workout buddy who works hard. He has a great future ahead of him.

– A small breakthrough

Bystrøm was clearly happy to put his mark on stage.

– You could say that this was a small breakthrough for me. I was told to try something even if I had the legs to it, and that I had, he said to TV 2.

Although the U23 world champion had to take the role of domestique, Depp he not the reason.

– It was great to do a job for Alex. That he came up was just okay – Lotto had three man and it would be difficult to do anything on their own.

Bystrøm pointed out that it felt good to be focused on the race, where the Russian team is allowed a råsterkt crew.

Satisfied coach

Stone Eagle is the coach of both Kristoff and Bystrøm. Although he was most keen to boast of the latter.

– He is a rider with extreme capacity, and just need some time to adapt to the absolute top level. Today he sacrifices himself fully for Alex. Such achievements will make him a more independent rider in the future, said Eagle TV 2.

With over 40 seconds down to the main field can be revenge for the second battle for the overall win as Kristoff lost to Sylvain Chavanel in 2013.

– The distance down to the main competitors are large, but there are also several good pace riders six man group he put in. So Alex must make sure to be in front of the next two stages and run an excellent pace.

Bystrøm took responsibility

Lars Bak Protecting and Jens Debusschere was long together in failure, but 3 mil worth of leg clash Bystrøm in front of the main field.

He called his Kristoff and the two Lotto riders Sean de Bie and Stijn Devolder.

Along used quad band scant eight kilometers to catch up duo in front, and the distance down to the main field at that time under 20 seconds.

The six front worked well together, and increased its lead. With 17 kilometers from the finish was the lead up to 44 seconds.

Main Field eventually got up steam, but when the distance was still over 40 seconds with 10 kilometers left to the finish ante one that the breach could go all the way.

Nobody could threaten Kristoff

With less than seven kilometers left certain Lars Boom for alienating the main field and the pace strong Dutchman were joined a few other riders in the experiment.

But the pursuers were quickly eaten up and the riders behind realized eventually that victory stood among the six in front.

With three kilometers to the finish began Bystrøm to encounter the others, who had to use valuable effort to recoup the 23 year old. Thus could Kristoff get a cheap travel and save energy to finish.

There he was in a class of their own, and distanced the competition by a wide margin.

DeBusschere was closest, but never near to chastise Stavanger boy. The victory was his sixth of the season – as many as Mark Cavendish.

Driedaagse De Panne-Koksijde consists of a total of four stages, and ending on Thursday with both hijackers and time trial.

fuming Jack Bauer threw the bike into the ditch!


- Bakenga out in six to nine months – Nettavisen

Molde bekrefter at spissen har røket akillesen. Det er uvisst hvor lenge spissen er ute.

Mushaga Bakenga ble i forrige uke Molde-spiller.

Spissen gledet seg til å få spilletid for sin nye klubb, etter flere trøblete måneder i Eintracht Braunschweig.

Mandag kveld debuterte trønderen for Molde i en treningskamp mot Aalesund, men allerede etter få minutter gikk han ned i bakken med store smerter.

Nå har Molde kommet med en melding at spissen har røket akillesen og må belage seg på en lang periode med opptrening. Angriperen blir sendt til operasjon med en gang.

Til klubbens hjemmeside sier Molde-trener Tor Ole Skullerud at klubben skal jobbe hardt for å få spissen fort tilbake på banen.

- Vi har fått bekreftet at akillesen til Mushaga har røket. Det er trist for han og for oss som klubb, sier Molde-treneren.

NRK melder at at han nå må belage seg på et avbrekk på 6-9 måneder.

Det er en stor smell for Molde at deres leiesoldat nå kan vente seg en lang, lang periode på tribunen og på fysiobenken.

Fra før er Fredrik Gulbrandsen ute med en skade, også han er ventet å være ute til langt utpå høsten.

Lik Nettavisen Sport her og få flere ferske sportsnyheter i feeden din!


Teammates onto Bakenga-bullying – I feel sick – Aftenposten

Mushaga Bakenga must leave the field in yesterday’s friendly between Aalesund and Molde. The signing, according to NRK coated akilessen and risk losing the entire upcoming season.

The situation where Bakenga went down for the count occurred before it was played eight minutes in the training match at Color Line Stadium.

Aftenposten says medical coordinator in Molde Lars Håvard Saebo following:

– We expect to have a full overview of the extent of damage in the course of tomorrow.

Read also: AaFK Assistant – It was fun towards the end

Getting support of football profiles

The former Rosenborg player on loan in roses from the Belgian club Club Brugge. That he chose to transfer to Rosenborg rival Molde has not only been popular with RBK supporters. Some of them reacted with laughter on social media when it became clear that the tip was damaged.

It gets teammates to react.

– Being sick of hearing that some people rejoice when someone gets hurt. Good improvement, Mush, writes Fredrik Gulbrandsen on Twitter.

– Embarrassing and very worrisome that some may rejoice over one person say injury, good recovery Mush, reports Molde- and national keeper Oliver Nyland.

Read also: RBK fans laugh Bakenga damage in Molde debut

Worried Berg Hestad

Also John Arne Riise has noticed Molde striker’s injury and subsequent messages from rival supporters.

– That some rejoice others damage is shameful! Some fans should look in the mirror, writes former Liverpool player on his Twitter account.

After yesterday friendlies expressed Molde captain Daniel Berg Hestad its concern to Bakenga.

– I cross my fingers that the injury is not serious. It is horrible boring if he also gets out a period. Most of himself, but also for the whole team. Until further notice being given hope and we think that this goes well, said Captain Daniel Berg Hestad to rbnett Monday.

Published: 31 March. 2015 11:52


Swedish mistake secured Norwegian victory in curling championships – TV 2

Ages most winning VM ships, Thomas Ulsrud, ruled Norway to comeback win over Sweden Monday. Norway stands with four of five possible victories so far in curling championships.
A few of the Norwegian fighting has been very smooth. So also with Sweden meeting, where Ulsrudvann really thought he had lost the battle.

For so dark out when the Swedes led 5-4 after eight periods, but the Norwegian gentlemen in their traditional, colorful pants backfired and won 6-5.

– I was ready to pack up bag My, what I really thought we had lost this. Now we have four wins and one loss. It’s pretty good, but we must keep our game up, for all our matches have been reasonably smooth, said Ulsrudvann.

The position 5-5 when Sweden had last stone.

– We can win this, boys, said the Swedish ship Niklas Edin before he was putting the stone.

Only one Norwegian stone lay in the estate. But Edin unable to position itself better than the Norwegian stone.

Ulsrudvann set of record as Norway earlier in the day beat Scotland 11-6. Ulsrudvann went past German Andy Cape’s stunning 72 victories ships curling championships. After Sweden triumph, the Norwegian the skip 74.

Defending champion Norway shares second place in the World Cup so far with Switzerland. Only the host nation Canada has five straight victories. Tuesday will Ulsrudvann & amp; co. meet Finland and then leading Canada. (© NTB)


Monday, March 30, 2015

Norway took narrow victory over Sweden in curling championships – Dagbladet.no

The most successful World Cup ship, Thomas Ulsrud, ruled Norway to comeback win over Sweden Monday.

Norway stands with four of five possible victories so far in curling championships.

A few of the Norwegian fighting has been very smooth. So also with Sweden meeting, where Ulsrudvann really thought he had lost the battle.

so dark out when the Swedes led 5-4 after eight periods, but the Norwegian gentlemen in their traditional, colorful pants backfired and won 6-5.

– I was ready to pack my bag because I really thought we had lost this. Now we have four wins and one loss. It’s pretty good, but we must keep our game up, for all our matches have been reasonably smooth, said Ulsrudvann.

He set of record as Norway earlier in the day beat Scotland 11- 6. Ulsrudvann went past German Andy Cape’s stunning 72 victories ships curling championships. After Sweden triumph, the Norwegian the skip 74.

Defending champion Norway shares second place in the World Cup so far with Switzerland. Only the host nation Canada has five straight victories. Tuesday will Ulsrudvann & amp; co. meet Finland and then leading Canada.



TV2 expert doubt Odd tackles favorite stamp – TV 2

ULLEVÅL / OSLO: – I only play with joy, and I have a feeling that I’m good enough. When there is no reason to add up, says 41-year Frode Johnsen to TV 2.

Odd player is both all-time leading scorer and oldest national team. He wants to become top scorer again and not think it’s any surprise that odd predicted high on the table also for 2015 season.

– We have played consistently good football for three years, so it was no surprise that we were number three this year. This season the lads played another year in the Premier League this year. It means a lot, says Johnsen.

Falling on table
Towards league start will TV2 experts reveal which team they think harbors on the table when the season finished. We believe Odd drops one position from last year and pinch fourth place in the Premier League and that Oddrana thus harbors just ahead Vålerenga, Viking and Haugesund. TV2′s football expert, Ole Martin Årst, pointing to the piston top club as one of the challenges for Odd.

Read all TV2 betting advice here

– After Odds very solid last year season, we think they can fight for a medal this year. They must indeed fight harder for points, and therefore we believe they end up with a fourth place in the season. They will not be worse than last year, but think all teams are more observant when they meet Odd and thus will position itself somewhat more cynical year. We have also seen that teams that have surprised and taken medal in recent years has fallen through the season after, and odd will probably also to some extent noticed it. But overall Odd rock solid and will be right up there, says Årst TV 2.

The expert also points out that André Hansen has disappeared Rosenborg and goalkeeper space thus somewhat more uncertain.

– Odd is perhaps a little more weakened goalkeeper space. Although Sondre Rossbach has great potential, he will probably in total over 30 games save some fewer points than Hansen says Årst, which also points out that Oliver occean only on loan until the summer as a challenge.

Continuity crucial
A variety of coaches and players, TV 2 has been in contact with in connection with the preparation for the Clausura 2015 says Odd is one of the teams that can compete at the very top of division. The captain is more moderate in expectations.

– Realistically, we are among the top six. We have had a nice climb in the winter and I think we are in good shape for series start, says Steffen Hagen TV 2.

The garden is known as the player who “never” is damaged, and just the continuity he represents believe Hagen is a lot of mystery to developments in recent years, according to Odd-captain.

– It has been important for us who have not so violently wide stall to have players who adhere injury free and can play through all season. Continuity is important, as will usually results also eventually, Hagen says.

Odd players in 2015 (all players taken from altomfotball.no)

Sondre Rossbach
Viljar Myhra

You must buy or continue your subscriptions at C More to see everything from the Premier League.

Defense Players:
Espen Ruud
Vegard Amundsen Bergan
Thomas Grøgaard
Jarkko Hurme
Emil Jonassen
Lars Kristian Eriksen

Ardian Gashi
Oliver Berg
Jone Samuelsen
Fredrik Nordkvelle
Jonathan Lindseth
Fredrik Jensen
Håvard Storbæk

Attacks Players:
Ole Jørgen Halvorsen
Frode Johnsen
Rafik Zekhnini
Eric Kitolano
Mathias Fredriksen

Head coach:
Dag-Eilev Fagermo

In and out of Odd 2014 season:


Olivier – Eintracht Frankfurt, loans to July 15
Oliver Berg – Raufoss
Espen Ruud – Odense


Herolind Shala – Sparta Prague
Christer Kleiven – Vigor
Snorre Krogsgård – Halmstad
André Hansen – Rosenborg
Henrik Kjeldsrud Johansen – Fredrikstad (Loans)


Soccer tip 2015, no. 4: Odd


Soccer tip 2015, no. 5: Vålerenga

3540 impressions

Soccer tip 2015, no. 6: Viking

2014 impressions

Soccer tip 2015, no. 7: Haugesund


Soccer tip 2015, No. 8: Tromso


Soccer tip 2015, No. 9: Lillestrom



This player plays with Thoresens layers – Nettavisen

Kniven på strupen for nordmannens lag i KHL-semi.

SKA – CSKA 1-3 (0-3 i kamper)

Patrick Thoresen og SKA St. Petersburg er i alvorlig trøbbel etter å ha tapt for tredje gang på rappen i KHL-sluttspillets mot CSKA Moskva.

Mandag ble Thoresen og lagkompisene slått også på egen is.

Nok en gang ble CSKAs største stjerne, Alexander Radulov en avgjørende spiller for moskovittene. Russeren er tidligere lagkamerat med Patrick Thoresen fra tida i Salavat Julajev.

Den norske ishockeystjernen vant KHL-sluttspillet med Salavat Julajev i 2011, og ble dermed første nordmann til å bli russisk mester. Med seg som rekkekamerat og notorisk målscorer hadde han Alexander Radulov. 

I denne sesongens semifinaleserie møtes de to gamle lagkompisene som de to beste lagene i KHLs vestre avdeling.

Kostbar utvisning 

Radulov scoret og hadde to målgivende i den første kampen mot SKA (CSKA-seier 3-0) og fortsatte med å ha to assist, da CSKA utlignet til 2-2 og scoret vinnermålet i tredje overtidsperiode lørdag.

Mandag var Radulov sentral i forspillet da CSKA tok ledelsen i Ispalasset i St. Petersburg. Det skjedde i tillegg da Thoresen akkurat var kommet seg ut av utvisningsboksen, etter å ha sonet to minutter for slashing.

(artikkelen fortsetter under bildet)

PÅ ETTERSKUDD: SKA og Patrick Thoresen har en formidabel oppgave med å snu 0-3 i kamper mot lagets som har vært best i KHL denne sesongen.

Anders Bakkerud LarsenMediehuset Nettavisen

CSKA opprettholdt presset rundt målvakt Mikko Koskinen og Roman Ljubimov trykket inn det første målet før Thoresen rakk å komme til for å hjelpe lagkameratene.

Drøyt halvveis i tredje periode var Radulov igjen nest sist på pucken da backen Denis Denisov fikk plassere inn 2-0 for gjestene.

Stjernen avgjorde selv

SKA reduserte ved Maksim Tsjudinov bare et drøyt minutt seinere, og brakte spenning tilbake i oppgjøret.

Men etter at SKA-trener Vjatseslav Bykov så seg nødt til å ta ut keeper Koskinen for å jage utligning, tok de ikke engang tjue sekunder før avgjørelsen falt.

Og selvfølgelig var det Alexander Radulov som satte den definitive spikeren i kista til hjemmelaget. I blank kasse kunne han enkelt sette inn CSKAs tredje med bare minuttet igjen.

Dermed leder klubben til «Den røde armé» med 3-0 i kamper før lagene møtes på nytt i St. Petersburg onsdag.

Da er bare seier godt nok for Patrick Thoresens lag, som også må vinne ytterligere tre kamper på rad for å ta seg til en første finale i KHL-sluttspillet.  

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The online newspaper launches own Soccer program – Nettavisen

Nettavisen og Norsk Tipping lanserer denne uka Tippeligamagasinet.

Web-TV-programmet byr på nyheter, reportasjer, tippetips og gjester i studio.

I første utgave av Tippemagasinet avslører vi Moldes hemmelige våpen i jakten på nytt seriegull. Det blir møte med Odd-trener Dag Eilev Fagermo som allerede i serieåpningen kan få sin revansj etter tapet for Molde i cupfinalen.

Martin Ødegaard og Mats Møller Dæhli røper sine gullfavoritter i årets Tippeliga og hvem de tror blir de store profilene denne sesongen.

Tippeekspert Joacim Jonsson gir deg tipsene du trenger i serieåpningen.

– Nettavisen er glad i norsk fotball, og vi gleder oss til Tippeliga-sesongen. Vi tror leserne våre vil sette pris på et ukentlig tv-program med profiler og høydepunkter fra Tippeligaen, sier Nettavisen-redaktør Gunnar Stavrum, og legger til:

– Nettavisen har i mange år hatt et godt samarbeid med Norsk Tipping, og vi har erfart at leserne våre er interessert i sportsspill.

Du kan se Tippemagasinet fra og med førstkommende onsdag, men vanligvis blir programmet publisert på torsdager. Programleder er Jonas Berg-Johnsen.

Hver uke denne sesongen vil Nettavisen presentere de siste nyhetene fra Tippeligaen, tippetips, gjester og ha reportasjer fra Tippeligaen, OBOS-ligaen og Toppserien.

Det blir også fokus på landslagets EM-kvalifisering og VM for kvinner i Canada.

– Vi tror at Tippemagasinet vil bli et spennende konsept som bidrar til å styrke interessen for norsk fotball, og som generalsponsor er det midt blinken for oss å bli med på dette prosjektet. Norsk fotball og Norsk Tipping har vært nære partnere så lenge Norsk Tipping har eksistert, så ethvert program som bidrar til å bygge opp under fotballinteressen, bygger også opp under spenningen knyttet til det å krydre fotballopplevelsen med en innsats på Tipping eller Oddsen. Dette gleder vi oss til, sier Tonje Sagstuen, kommunikasjonsdirektør i Norsk Tipping.

Sendingene er et samarbeid mellom Nettavisen, Norsk Tipping og NTF/NFF, og produseres av Ullevaal Media Center (UMC). ​

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Celtic talent topical Rosenborg – TV 2

According to the Scottish big newspaper Daily Record Rosenborg made an attempt to lend Celtics midfield talent Liam Henderson (18).

newspaper has learned that Rosenborg shall in talks about a transition Henderson during the next 24 hours. Celtic manager Ronny Deila has reportedly given its approval to the youngster can be rented out to trønder club.

Currently Henderson on international duty for Scotland U19 team. He has played 15 games for Celtic this season.

Rosenborg coach Kåre Ingebrigtsen could neither confirm nor deny a loan of Henderson Sunday night.

– I can not comment players coming in or out from the club right now, he said according to the Daily Record.

Adresseavisen writes that Rosenborg have hunted a new inner runs through the winter. It is probably in this role Henderson is a possible alternative. (© NTB)


NM will be no success without Northug presence – Aftenposten

Comment: Marit Bjoergen, Therese Johaug and Martin Johnsrud Sundby never reaches up to Skikongen writes Rune Robertsen.

Petter Northug must come to NM ski in Tromsø in 2016 that the championship will be a success. The claim is for someone just over, but having been three days in Norway championship in Harstad this long weekend, I’m convinced.

not yet been clarified whether Northug choose to bet on long runs through a privatlag, or return to the national team next season. More I’ve talked to as inbound know the situation in Ski Norway, all of which now goes and waits answer, saying it rather against Northug going to choose a long race betting.

If the Federation does not provide for it means Northug are seeing little in national costume next season. Among the major races are long Marcialonga in late January. It goes the same weekend as NM skiing held in Tromso.

Both Petter self and dad John Northug said to me Thursday that a NM is high on our priority list no matter what the future brings for the world of today’s best skier. And organizers of Tromsø should hope that Northug find their way to Storelva in late January 2016. Northug was great after the World Cup at Holmenkollen in 2011, and many, including myself, did not Trønder would be able to come back on the same level replenish scandal May.

But mistakes we should take. Not only he came back. Four gold medal later in Falun in February showed that he was better than ever, and are completely on top of a career unparalleled. Northug is with his charisma and radiance an outstanding performer in Norwegian sports history. He is impossible to remain neutral, and has cracked the code which makes him equally popular with her eight year old who at eighty year old. Northug has become a skilegende middle of a career, and when NM 10 years held without 29-year old will most think back on how raw it was when Northug was active.

Read also: Believes Northug must make dramatic changes

When Northug took arena in Kilbotn outside Harstad Thursday changed the whole mood up. The murmur went through the crowd is equally large rock stars get when they go on stage. Some may argue that Marit Bjoergen, Therese Johaug and Martin Johnsrud Sundby also major stars that will probably come to Tromso in January.

That they are stars contesting I can not but Skikongen when they are not quite up to. Doubters who prefer to stay on the couch will because of Northug presence alone stand up and take a trip to Storelva if he comes. The effect is no other athletes who currently have.

That world champion has proved from a human side through driving while drunk have just had the effect that even more love to follow him closely. To estimate the economic difference between a NM with or without Petter Northug is difficult. But if Tromso NM can sell that Northug comes it will make the job of making themselves attractive to sponsors considerably easier. Without Northug consequences will be fewer sponsorship dollars, less crowd and far less wow factor when opening day arrives.

Read also: Gold winner Brandsdal about femmila: Almost like going sprint

I think NM matter could be a great event for Tromso. But for there to be a real success with a large S must the biggest of them all coming. The downturn will be huge if Skikongen not come, and it is not possible to pack for the organizers.

Petter Northug has never had a higher star than right now. For the city part, I hope we get to experience him on our scene about 10 months. Soon it may be too late.

Published: March 30th. 2015 9:34


Sunday, March 29, 2015

Edvald Boasson Hagen out with collar bone fracture – TV 2

It says MTN Qhubeka team said in a statement Sunday night.

Boasson Hagen suffered rupture during Gent-Wevelgem Sunday. There he met a bar when he was blown off the road in the terrible weather that characterized the race.

– He got a break at the front of the right collarbone, says laglege Jarrad van Zuydam.

The fracture to heal without surgery, but he can not compete at four weeks. This means that the main objectives of the spring season, Flanders and Paris-Roubaix, must go without north man.

– It is a pity, but it’s not so much I get done with it now other than to take it easy, said Boasson Hagen to TV 2.

– I hope to be back to Tour of Norway and the Tour de France.

– It is painful, but not so bad. I cycled 100 km after it happened. There and then it was not so bad, but I knew it thoroughly.

fuming Jack Bauer threw the bike into the ditch


Zuccarello-assist did not help Rangers – Dagbladet.no

New York Rangers have lost two in a row after they were ready for the playoffs. Sunday was the Washington Capitals who were too strong for 5-2.

Mats Zuccarello had assists when Rangers took the lead 2-1 late in the first period but after the job was all about the guests from the capital.

Capitals ‘Russian superstar Alexander Ovetsjkin, scored the visitors’ first two and become the NHL’s top scorer with 49 goals. He is one of the milestone 50 for the sixth time in ten seasons.

The game was decided in the final period. Jason Chimera scored two quick, and towards the end decided Marcus Johansson when Rangers took out the goalkeeper.

Zuccarello played just over 20 minutes and was with him the runner with the most playtime Rangers. He was plus 1 on the scoresheet.

Rangers leads his department in the east and have only Montreal ahead in the Eastern Conference when it remains seven games of the regular season. The defeat Sunday was the second in two days. Saturday they lost 2-4 Boston Bruins.

Washington fighting a hard battle for playoff position and can quickly be made Rangers meet in the first round.



Boasson Hagen has broken collarbone – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet / procycling.no): Edvald Boasson Hagen crashed into a pole in Gent-Wevelgem.

Meanwhile, he could wave goodbye to the cobblestone classics of Flanders and Paris-Roubaix:

– It was windy and many overturning. I sat in the first group of fan, but so was the whole fan pushed out on the left side. I ended up in the ditch, and Trek rider fell in the river. I hit a post with his shoulder, and it hurt, said Boasson Hagen to procycling.no.

On Sunday evening confirms his team MTN Qhubeka that north man has incurred collar bone fracture as a result of the crash.

10 mil breach

For Boasson Hagen was not race over. He got back on the bike and pedaled tirelessly towards Wevelgem.

– I cycled 100 km to. I knew they shoulder, but I did not know there were violations.

The medical examination proved a breach in the outer part of the right collarbone. Not enough that surgery is required, but enough that spring highlights bust.


Earlier Boasson Hagen lost all or part of vårklassikerne because of inflammation in akillesen and collarbone fracture.

– It is a pity, that. I can not be in the classics, but there is little to do with it now, he acknowledges.

Growing in form

Swede announced transition from Team Sky to MTN Qhubeka front this season. The last races have shown that he has been heading towards great shape.

He was number ten in Milan-Sanremo and felt very vigorous during Wednesday’s E3 Harelbeke.

– Then I had bad luck with both puncture and well underway, but I felt really good.

Sunday skirmishes during Gent-Wevelgem was very tarnished by weather conditions. It has little of cycling on the pro level riders outright being blown off their bikes.

– I do not know if this is something we should tackle. When outright being blown off the road, there is little we can I get. I will not say that it should have been called off, but when only 39 man completes, says a bit about the weathering influence on race, quit Boasson Hagen.


Tie between the two Liverpool legends – Aftenposten

John Arne Riise played a game in veledighetskampen at Anfield.

TEAM GERRARD – TEAM Carragher 2-2

Former Liverpool player John Arne Riise (now in Cypriot APOEL) was back at Anfield Sunday when it was arranged charity match between two all-star crew, led by Liverpool legends Steven Gerrard and Jamie Carragher.

Team Carragher took the lead after eight minutes at Mario Balotelli. Didier Drogba put the 2-0 after 22 minutes, just after Riise had a whooshing free kick that was saved.

Steven Gerrard who goes to LA Galaxy this summer reduced from the penalty spot after 37 minutes, thus stood 1-2 at halftime.

Riise was replaced after a game. Inn at Gerrards teams finished among others, the former Liverpool heroes Luis Suarez and Fernando Torres.

Gerrards team got a new penalty after 68 minutes, and again it was Gerrard icy Now stood 2-2.

It was also result. 44,903 people watched the match at Anfield. Gerrard said thanks for itself after 81 minutes and got a standing ovation.

Team line:

Team Gerrard : Brad Jones, Glen Johnson, Kevin Nolan, John Arne Riise, Steven Gerrard, Xabi Alonso, Thierry Henry, Ryan Babel, John Terry, Anthony Gerrard, Jerome Sinclair.

Substitutions : Scott Dann, Ashley Williams, Luis Suarez, Fernando Torres Charlie Adam, Jay Spearing, Stephen Warnock, Joao Teixeira.

Team Carragher : Pepe Reina, Didier Drogba, Harry Kewell, Alvaro Arbeloa, Stewart Downing, Lucas, Jamie Carragher Jonjo Shelvey, Martin Kelly, Jon Flanagan, Mario Balotelli.

Substitutions : Péter Gulácsi, Luis Garcia, Craig Noone, Alberto Moreno, Gael Clichy, Fabio Borini, Craig Bellamy.

Published: 29th March. 2015 5:54 p.m.


Croatian analysis: Ødegaard was better than Modric on two areas – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): Real Madrid duo Martin Ødegaard and Luca Modric has met many times on the training field, but yesterday they met for the first time in combat.

The technically gifted duo landed in several close duels in midfield, and after the game, they changed outfits and boasted another.

– I like to change costume. There was not anything more than that. I think Martin was perhaps Norway’s best player. He is a very talented boy, said Modric after the game.

– Modric showed that he is a very good player, but I knew from before, boasted Ødegaard back.

It is not just Norwegians seem duel is interesting. Also Croats have become interested in Norwegian prodigy.

– Modric is more precise

In the Croatian nettavisen 24.sata.hr they have today made a case on the duel between Modric and Ødegaard.

There have Croats concluded that Modric – maybe not so surprising – is a better footballer than the Norwegian.

– Modric is better and more precise, the newspaper said.

In Saturday EM qualifier had namely the Croatian star a hit percentage of 90 in the passing game, while Ødegaard lay of 85 percent. Modric also won ten more duels than what the Norwegian technician did.

– Ødegaard dangerous on the opponent’s half

In addition created the Real Madrid midfielder star two chances, while apprentice Ødegaard produced no chances. Modric was also behind three multiple fractures with associated counterattacks than what Ødegaard did.

The Norwegian youngster struck however Modric in two areas.

According to the Croatian analysis was Ødegaard more gjennombruddshissig the opposing half and threatened room around Croatia’s box more than his teammate in Madrid.

In addition fired the Norwegian 16-year-old multiple shots on goal than Modric.


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Croatia boss was so dissatisfied with 5-1 victory over Norway that he had to slow … – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): When coach Per-Mathias Høgmo stated that he was happy despite the 1-5 loss, he harvested massive criticism from a number of different voices.

The man with the most Norwegian caps, John Arne Riise, called for, among other higher requirements in the Norwegian camp.

High demands are made to the degrees among Norway Croat over men. Despite 5-1 victory over Norway’s best men were not exercising Niko Kovac particularly pleased with the performance.

– I’m not happy. Although the result is great, the whole battle weak from our side. We hold no agreement. We are not aggressive enough, so we have been before, says Kovac to site 24sata.hr.

– I do not see the team play like that again. We were not one hundred percent. We were not good enough in a duel game. I should perhaps focus on the positives after such victory, so I get a glass of wine and calm me down, continues the chief.

– They ruined for Modric

He believes Croatia would be punished against a better opponent than Norway.

– The first 30 minutes we are weak. I will not say anything negative about Norway because they have a lot of quality but we had to be punished for an even better team than Norway, says Kovac.

In the opening minutes created Croatia null and void. Kovac believes Martin Ødegaard helped defuse midfielder Luka Modric star.

– We struggled initially. Norway played a 4-4-2, but strikers Ødegaard and Elyonoussi dropped down and killed room for Luka. It created problems for us.

– Had to stop Ødegaard

In the 2nd half decided Croatia itself to repay to duels. There were partly to 16 years old Ødegaard experience when he kicked the ground and got a little damage in the leg.

– In the break I said that I was not happy. I could not lie to them, although we led. I ordered the players to move closer into duels. They had a small Ødegaard who was not afraid to challenge. He had to go closer into, says Kovac.

He also asked the players to shoot more.

– Every time we shot, we scored. We must exploit the team’s strengths. 5-1 was a bit excessive. We must rise against Italy, says the former Bayern Munich player.


Dæhli: – People get believe what they want, but I am proud that we tried – Aftenbladet.no

Landslaget two youngest were the two most unhappy. Dæhli and Ødegaard believes that it came something good out of the loss in Zagreb.

Croatia-Norway 5-1

ZAGREB: Norway fielded a 16-year old on top and a 20-year-old left wing in a 4-4-2 formation. Naively, believed someone. Quite right, said Mats Møller Dæhli (20).

– I am proud that we go out in an offensive formation away from home. That is how we will emerge. Initially we did what we had planned. It was just so annoying with the goal against which came on their only shot on goal in half, said Mats Møller Dæhli after the game.

See also: Player Exchange: Nyland was Norway weakest

Read also: Ødegaard: – I have not looked too good now

Missing routine

He was disappointed, spoke quietly and reflection about what had happened on the pitch. Norway had been the best team the first half hour of the match. Then came the unfortunate answer to Marcelo Brozović. Norway was under 0-1. In many ways the game.

– We must realize that we are a little inexperienced in some phases of the game, admitted Freiburg pro afterwards.

He had a mid-day on job on its left edge. Sometimes he attacked with speed and precision, other parts of the game he was almost invisible.

– We’ll just take this as good learning. What we do know after this, is that we must work even harder every day in training. And hope for a place in the European Championships next year is not gone. We do not give, he stated.

Disappointed age 16

The player who has had overwhelmingly most media coverage ahead of this match, Martin Ødegaard, was a bit surprising in Per- coaching staff start up.

See also: Martin Ødegaard was historically again

Afterwards he came småhaltende against the bus that would take the players to the charter plane that flew players directly to Oslo during the night. There was no smiling 16-year-old who spoke with the media.

– My performance was partly good, but right now it’s not so easy to think about other than that we lost the match 1-5, told the youngster.

He did not Norway deserved to lose by as much as 1-5 in this game.

– They were raw in front of both goals. That’s the big difference, said Ødegaard.

Penalty Miss

Tarik Elyounoussi is in many ways a veteran on the team even if he is still not more than 27 years. He would very much in the game, but it would not move.

– It feels as if we are punished very hard. We had the belief that this could go. They do not have any big chances. They score all the goals, and before the third goal was the hands, he told after the game.

He took punish for Norway. Had he scored on it, it could easily have become a bit of excitement in the game. But the punishment hit the post.

– Exactly summarize only the entire match for us. Stang out all the way, said Elyounoussi.

Not dissatisfied trainer

Those who perhaps showed the least disappointment outwardly over the loss against a strong Croatian team was coach Per-Mathias Høgmo. He was in many ways satisfied with what his boys performing.

– 5-1 is not something nice result, but I think we succeeded battle plan. But they scored at crucial mistake on our part, said Høgmo at the press conference after the game.

In many ways it was a match that showed a difference between boys and men. Young Norwegian players strove to begin the fight and had the hang of Croatia in 30 minutes. But then showed Croats that they have been out on a winter before. They were men with “chest hair” in duels and had precision in the crucial moments. Thus began the goals conceded to race in.

Cracked after the break

After the break it was youthful spirit of which had marked the opening of the game gone. Gone were also all hope of being able to bring their points back to Norway when Ivica Olic poked 3-0 under Ørjan Nyland 66 minutes.

Croatia would never have given away a tremålsledelse at home with a button half hour to play anyway. Neither the expulsion of Vedran Corluka for two yellow cards, could shake Croatia to a poengtap.

And the reduction of Alexander Tettey 82 minutes was too little too late that it made a difference.

Everything was in many ways as it should be when Mario Madzukic inserted 4-1 after 87 minutes and Danijel Pranjic in overtime scheduled humiliation 5-1 in overtime.

– We fail at some crucial point in the game. Of course seeing the result ugly, but it’s a bit unfair that it eventually ends 1-5, says Stefan Johansen.



Kazakhstan – Iceland 0-3 (0-2)

Objective: 0-1 Eidur Gudjohnsen (20) 0 -2 Birkir Bjarnason (32), 0-3 Bjarnason (90)

Played Astana.

Czech Republic – Latvia 1-1 (0-1)

Objective: 0-1 Aleksei Visnakovs (30), 1-1 Vaclav Pilar (90).

Played in Prague.

Netherlands – Turkey 1-1 (0-1)

Objective: 0-1 Burak Yilmaz (37), 1-1 Wesley Sneijder (90).

Played in Amsterdam.


Israel – Wales 0-3 (0-1)

Objective: 0-1 Aaron Ramsey (45), 0-2 Gareth Bale (50), 0-3 Bale (77).

Red Card Eitan Tibi (51), Israel.

Played in Haifa .

Andorra – Bosnia and Herzegovina 0-3 (0-1)

Objective: 0-1 Edin Dzeko (13), 0-2 Dzeko (49), 0-3 Dzeko (62).

Played in Andorra la Vella.

Belgium – Cyprus 5-0 (2-0)

Objective: 1-0 Marouane Fallaini (21), 2-0 Christian Benteke (35), 3-0 Felaini (66), 4-0 Eden Hazard (67), 5-0 Michy Batshuayi ( 80).

Played in Brussels.


Croatia – Norway 5-1 (1-0)

Objective: 1-0 Marcelo Brozović (30), 2-0 Ivan Perisic (54), 3-0 Ivica Olic (66), 3-1 Alexander Tettey (81), 4-1 Gordon Schildenfeld (87 ), 5-1 Danijel Pranjic (90).

Red Card: Vedran Corluka (74, two yellow), Croatia.

Ca. 25,000 spectators in Zagreb.

Azerbaijan – Malta 2-0 (1-0)

Objective: 1-0 Javid Husejnov (4), 2- 0 Dimitrij Nazarov (90).

Played in Baku.

Bulgaria – Italy 2-2 (2-1)

Dimensions: 0-1 Jordan Minev (own goal 3), 1-1 Ivelin Popov (11), 2-1 Ilijan Micanskij (17), 2-2 Éder (84).

Played ii Sofia.


It was not EM hoped that was broken – it was self – Dagbladet.no

ZAGREB (Dagbladet): For a Norwegian team in the development phase, it is not critical to lose with brutally ugly 5-1 in Zagreb. If we understand why and gets better of it.

Norwegian EM fate was not sealed although Croatia scored on five of six cut chances in Zagreb. In the real world knew most of us that we would basically be no chance in this game.

So beyond the immediate pain caused to any team that gets profit ridiculed in the international arena, so do not ruin this something at all.

Yes, it is heavy here to reach.

But to shout that a national team with an average age of 24.6 years must be ashamed has no nothing to do with reality.

Although it does not have to be wrapped and swept under the carpet.

TO HEAVY 90 minutes against Croatia being the learning Per coaching staff talking about the one thing that counts. Team learns from it. That one understands why it went as it went in Zagreb. And that what preached before the game becomes applicable in battle. For although it is not in any way was an unequal struggle what possession concerned – it was actually just 52-48 in Croatia’s favor – so it glows remember living of 5-1.

And it can not be explained away with everything we did satisfactorily in this game.

I HEAR HØGMO say we really got the game we wanted and that the first round was good clean apart from what happened at and around Croatia 1-0. From a defensive standpoint, it is easy to agree with it. Croatia bothered us not noteworthy. But offensively we created nothing and in my book it has with the defensive play. The times we had the chance to take driving a wholehearted counter so it was so we barely moved people forward in court.

As if the balance was paramount.

NORWAY CREATED NO chances before the break. The only significance of the offensive was a moment when Tom Høgli and Mats Møller Dæhli came down the left side. We created nor nothing until we suddenly got the penalty Tarik Elyounoussi shot in rod midway through the second half.

And then it was already 3-0 to Croatia, that game over.

First 11 to 10 – and because we had nothing more to lose – we produced the opportunities that were given chance statistics to end 6-4 in the home side’s favor.

OTHER STATISTICS NARRATOR nor about unequal struggle at Maksimir Stadium. Croatia played 459 passes between them. We 420. And while homemade hit a mate 378 times we hit 341.

Nothing in these figures indicate, 5-1.

MEN OF STATISTICS this type is the fact that does not take into account the inherent quality differences. And there it is until further class difference in Croatia and Norway. They are good, forward-looking and take their chances.

We are cautious, uncertain, imprecise and sloppy (4-1 and 5-1). And then we lack players who have the courage and skills to challenge one against one forward in court.

There Mats Møller Dæhli is one of the exceptions.

ALREADY DA STRAP was taken out was Norway without first choice on top, Joshua King. Friday night lost Per coaching staff right back Omar Elabdellaoui.

And when Per Ciljan Skjelbred got a stretch after four minutes was over 25 percent of a topped Norwegian national team out of play before the game was underway.

Although injuries belongs football has not Norway afford stuff against teams like Croatia.

MARTIN ØDEGAARD ​​STARTS game, played throughout and did not away. Preserved. But he was not the Martin Ødegaard we saw in Marbella. This night was the only serious and no play. And therefore it went most backward the times he was involved. There have of course with the level to do.

HALFWAY qualifying has Norway nine points. We have lost the good and turned those ranked behind us. It should, according to the plan and development target, be good enough for third place and play off in November.

So while some choose to do an ugly result in Zagreb to cry for slaughter, greater demands and the even more critical is, I choose to place also this result in the big picture.

And it actually looks very much worse off than before we traveled to Croatia.
