Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Norwegian national team stormed the pitch: – He is crazy –

(Dagbladet): The match between IFK Gothenburg and Malmö was canceled tonight after several spectators threw fireworks onto the pitch with the players.

After the match had been canceled, took a person into court. It was none other than the Norwegian Frölunda hero, Mats Roselli Olsen (24). It writes Swedish Expressen.

Roselli Olsen played for Furuset and Vålerenga, but went to Frölunda in 2012. This year he took SM-gold with the team.

– The winner takes all

Teams Actual Roselli Olsen should have kicked a goal before security guards got hold of him. They will then have ushered hockey player out of Ullevi.

Roselli Olsens teammate, Robin Figured, tweeted about the incident. On a picture where Roselli Olsen was ushered out, wrote Figured “The winner takes it all.”

Also Roselli Olsen have tweeted after the event:

– Älskar IFK och Frölunda! Always drömde about göra goal där! Gothenburg! Ni är bäst !!!, let Roselli Olsen on microblogging website.

Frolunda press officer, Peter Kymmene, told Expressen that he does not currently have any comment on the incident. Kymmene should have been at the stadium, but pulled after commotion started in the stands.

In 2011 played Roselli Olsen for Vålerenga ice hockey, and went on trial for Djurgarden. He was predicted a promising career, and TV2 predicted youngster a bright future.

– He’s crazy

Espen “Shampoo” Knutsen trained 24-year-old Vålerenga. He had just learned about the incident when Dagbladet called Wednesday night.

– Ha ha, I just have to laugh about it. He is crazy. I had not seen for myself that he could do something like that. But it’s fun. He won the right SM-gold, and it’s quite big there, so this was certainly fun then, says Knutsen told Dagbladet.

He describes runner as a quiet and nice boy out of bounds but he on the ice has “temperament so it stays.” In addition to being an accomplished hockey player, that otherwise is taken out of the weekend’s private caps against France, he will also be good in football, according to Knutsen.

– In the fifth SM-finals was one from IFK Gothenburg who asked who the hockey team that was the best football player. “Norrbagge Mats” had they got answers, says Knutsen, laughing.

Dagbladet has not yet obtained Roselli Olsen, Wednesday night.


Star shot Ingrid Halstensen (28) is TV2′s Olympic frontman – VG

100 days before the Games in Rio starts presenting TV2 their Olympic teams. Ingrid Halstensen shall fronte broadcasts along with Erik Thorstvedt (53).

28-year-old from Austevoll has been in TV 2 since she was picked as host substitute for Premier League broadcasts in 2010. She never ended in football club, but has worked his way to become one of the panel profiles after several years on the sports desk.

are you reading matter on mobile? Check all Olympic commentators bottom of the case

Currently, she is host of the sports news, and this summer she will thus lead Olympic broadcasts along with former football pro Erik Thorstvedt.

– I still remember my first broadcast on Sports channel as if it were yesterday, and now I’ll be involved in conveying the world’s biggest sports party! It’s great fun and I am very grateful for the opportunity I get now, she says to VG.


She is happy to be joined by experienced Thorstvedt .

– It is great to have Erik as partner, he is a skilled presenter with a lot of experience that I can take advantage of, a brilliant sparring partner and comic relief, says Halstensen, who is glad she has received spend time building expertise behind the camera.

– When I came to TV 2 had I worked in a small film company in Bergen, so I had no idea what I went for. The testing in the studio went then, to speak. I suspect someone has been spared on the cliffs to a (u) suitable occasion. Now in retrospect I am very happy that it went as it went then. The experience of years on the desk, I would not have done without.

From the Olympic opening August 5th until the lights go out after the closing ceremony on August 21, the TV2 send several thousand hours of live Olympic sports on its channels. During these 17 days will 10,500 athletes from 204 nations competing in 28 sports, 42 disciplines and across 306 medal exercises.

Along with aforementioned Thorstvedt being Halstensen a regular on the screen. But so far in her career, she has not exactly been a regular in newspapers and magazines – or online for that matter.

& lt; p & gt; BIG TASK: No doubt that the Olympic job in Rio is Ingrid Halstensen st & # xF8; first task in TV2 since joining the channel in 2010 and she has l & # xF8; pet of these & # xE5; clean gained extensive experience as a reporter p & # xE5; sports news. & lt; / p & gt;

BIG TASK: No doubt that the Olympic job in Rio is Ingrid Halstensen biggest task in TV2 ago she joined the channel in 2010 and she has during these years gained extensive experience as a reporter on the sports news.

Photo: TV 2

– There is no worse than that I have received very few requests to do interviews so far. I often talk about work and leisure, but want to keep my private life private, says Ingrid who is currently in Jamaica to meet one of the world’s athletics stars, Usain Bolt.


There she naturally has not managed to keep to themselves, the lush Austevoll dialect’s, which once had a separate thread on VG-ed pages.

– Sometimes such threads part of the package when you’re on TV. Personally I would rather be loved or hated, than the crowd that no one has any idea about, says Ingrid.

Also read: TV 2 provides female employees panic alarm

– What do you do on the days you’re not on your TV screen?

– Then I can relax for all it’s worth. As I naturally do not have a very social life in work weeks because of long work, I try to spend time with family and friends. Benefiting happily home to my parents in Austevoll, where do I get connected completely with both sea and mountains.

TV 2 started planning the Olympics in Rio while the Winter Olympics in Sochi was over two years ago. Ingrid Halstensen which together with Thorstvedt presenter Olympic broadcast TV 2 from the studio in Rio, does not deny that it is a huge task she stands in front.

See also: TV2 has purchased Olympics


– Summer Olympics is massive, much bigger than the winter Olympics if one looks at the number of branches, athletes and medals be awarded. So there is much to acquaint themselves with, and it pops up constantly new Olympic knowledge in the cylinder head. I’ll be working normally throughout May, before I get to use much of June to take a deep dive into the Olympic matter, she said.

In addition to Halstensen and Thorstvedt shall Annemarta Giske lead studio from Oslo, while Arill Riise manage news from Rio. Siri Avlesen-Østli bald athletics broadcasts, while Julie Strømsvåg head baseball broadcasts.

TV 2 have paid large sums for the Olympics in 2014 and 2016, according to Aftenposten about 100 million. Ingrid Halstensen says this about the pressure she felt at knowing that TV2 paid large sums for the rights to the Olympics in Rio.

VG comment: Can coup TV sports from NRK and TV2

– Regardless of what things cost, you will always know the expectations, both from employer and yourself. NRK has done a very good job of conveying the summer Olympics, we have big shoes to fill. In addition, this is the biggest challenge I’ve gotten this far in TV 2, so I naturally want to do a good job and show me worthy of that trust.

Project for the Olympics in TV2 Christine Espeland says that TV2 biggest profiles also this time with the Olympic team, while she promises that there will be wagered new and different.

– We know how much interest there is for the Olympics in Norway and has rigged us then, but a wide offer around the clock. We have worked with the comment-our staff in eighteen months and coaches them until the Games starting August 5th, says Christine Espeland.

NRK and TV2 was no chance in the battle for Olympic rights for 2016

There is also no doubt that the Olympic job in Rio is Ingrid Halstensen biggest task in TV2 since she started the channel in 2010. she has over the years gained wide experience as a reporter on the sports news. She also made the evening program in conjunction with Arctic Race and been a presenter for Veko magazine and uteankret sports news in connection with several of TV2′s major events like the bike, Norway Cup and XGames.

– As program managers shall Erik and I do our best to bring the sports Event in Rio home to Norway. We will get viewers to feel the mood, emotions, ups and downs, gold tears and despair. All Rio has to offer, says an enthusiastic Olympic host.


100 days to go to the Summer Olympics: Double the number of security people in Rio – Aftenposten


RIO DE JANEIRO/OSLO: Turistene på Copacabana leier seg solstoler og holder avstand til de innpåslitne selgerne som vil ha penger for alt fra solbriller til selfiestenger. Politifolk i sommerantrekk holder et våkent øye med det som skjer, vel vitende om at dette er et eldorado for tyver.

Her forsvinner en mobiltelefon som dugg for solen. 

- Rio OL kommer til å være trygt for hvite turister som holder seg vekk fra de mer belastede delene av byen. Men turister bør unngå å gå med dyre smykker eller andre synlige verdisaker, sier sikkerhetseksperten Robert Muggah til Aftenposten.

Arrangeres i Rio de Janeiro i Brasil fra 5. til 21. august 2016. 

Er tidenes første OL i Sør-Amerika. 

Det arrangeres 306 øvelser i 28 idrettsgrener. 

10.903 utøvere fra 206 land deltar. 

Totalbudsjettet er på 82,75 milliarder kroner (38,67 milliarder real). 

Han leder tenketanken Ingarapé Institut i Rio de Janeiro. Denne samarbeider med en lang rekke institusjoner over hele verden, blant annet Fredsforskningsinstituttet (PRIO) i Oslo. Og den får støtte fra Norge. Sikkerhet i urbane strøk, herunder kriminalitet, er blant de temaene Muggah har jobbet mye med.

Stort innrykk

Turistmyndighetene i Rio de Janeiro venter et sted mellom 350.000- og 500.000 turister til byen under OL som starter 5. august. Omkring 85.000 sikkerhetspersonell vil passe på dem. Detter det dobbelte antall av hva man hadde under London OL i 2012, ifølge Reuters.

Militære er utkommandert, og det kommer til å være 17.000 flere politifolk i gatene enn vanlig.

- Rio er en ganske sikker by for hvite fra middelklassen. Det mest dødelige du kan være i dette landet er fattig, ung, mann og farget, sier Muggah som er ekspert på såkalt urban vold.

Han viser til at antall drap har gått ned i Rio. Byen er mindre voldelig nå enn for 10 år siden, men antall ran øker. Og det er her han mener den store faren er for de fleste turister. Beskjeden til dem som reiser hit, er at dersom du blir ranet, gi fra deg penger eller verdisaker uten å protestere. 

- Da slipper du unna med livet i behold og forhåpentligvis uskadet, forklarer Muggah – som legger til at tyveri og ran har en tendens til å øke under slike store begivenheter. 

Det så man under fotball-VM i Brasil i 2014.

OL kommer til å skje på 54 ulike steder i Rio. Transporten kommer til å bli et problem. Ennå er ikke den nye T-banen ferdig. Og biltrafikken i Rio de Janeiro er blant de verre i verden. Den er også et sikkerhetsproblem.

Kuttet i bevilgningene

Muggah understreker at bevilgningene til politi og generell sikkerhet har gått ned i Brasil de siste årene. Dette på grunn av den økonomiske situasjonen. Derfor er moralen hos politiet synkende.

- Det vi kommer til å se under OL, slik vi så under Fotball-VM, er at sikkerheten vil øke i de områdene hvor det er mye turister og rundt arenaene. Derimot vil det trolig bli mer vold og farligere i fattigstrøk i byen, forklarer han. 

En av grunnene til at volden øker er at man i slike ekstraordinære situasjoner bruker militære styrker. Det fører gjerne til at det løsnes flere skudd. Organisasjoner som Amnesty International og andre menneskerettighetsorganisasjoner retter søkelyset mot denne baksiden av OL-medaljen.

Hva med terror?

I de siste ukene har man også i Brasil gjennomført anti-terrorøvelser. IS har kommet med trusler om at de etter Paris og Brussel har blikket rettet mot Rio OL.

Den brasilianske anti-terrorsjefen Luiz Alberto Sallaberry sa på en pressekonferanse nylig at terrortrusselen øker og at det er et økende antall personer i Brasil med tilknytning til IS.

Men på Muggah liste er ikke terrorfaren det han nevner først når det kommer til sikkerhet. 

- Første gang jeg hørte om urban terror i sammenheng med Rio OL var for ett år siden. Nå er dette på sikkerhetsmyndighetenes agenda. Men vi har ikke hatt den type terror som dere har sett i Europa. En av grunnene til det kan være at Brasil ikke er alliert med vestlige land som er mål for terror. Vi er ikke engasjert i Libya eller i Syria, sier Muggah.

Salget av billetter til OL går tregt. Noe det også gjorde foran fotball-VM. Men med sikkerhetsbekymring, økonomisk krise og zikaviruset frykter man at det blir færre solgte billetter.

I tillegg er det politisk kaos i Brasil for tiden. President Dilma Rousseff risikerer riksrett etter anklager om å ha trikset med nasjonalregnskapet.

Senatet skal avgjøre om det blir tiltale, den avgjørelsen faller trolig 17. mai.

Hvem åpner OL?

I et intervju med AFP vil ikke idrettsminister Ricardo Leyser fastslå hvem som kommer til å åpne lekene på Maracana stadion 5. august.

– Det er vanskelig å se inn i fremtiden. Hadde jeg hatt evnene til å gjøre det, vil jeg foretrukket å se lotto-tallene, sier han.

– Når det gjelder å forberede lekene, er ikke krisen en faktor i det hele tatt. De store utgiftene er allerede tatt, og nå jobber man med mange mindre ting. Vi har planlagt godt og trenger ikke ta noen store strategiske avgjørelser nå, påstår han.

Tar med egen PST-betjent

Med 100 dager igjen til OL hadde Øvrebø og sjef for sommeridrettene, Marit Breivik, innkalt til statusmøte på Toppidrettssenteret ved Sognsvann onsdag. Der tok ikke Øvrebø opp bare medaljesjansene i sommerens OL, men også sikkerhetstiltakene – inkludert forholdsregler mot zikaviruset.

– Terrorfaren i Rio er betydelig mindre enn den var i London. I London var det antiluftskyts på takene og stort fokus på terror – og lite på kriminalitet. I Rio blir det motsatt. Det blir det et massivt oppbud av sikkerhetspersonell som den brasilianske stat har ansvaret for. De tar dette på det største alvor og lager ordentlige systemer.

– Hvordan lyder sikkerhetsinstruksen de norske deltagerne får?

– Det blir å gå to og to sammen og holde seg innenfor den olympiske ringen. Der kommer det til å bli trygt, forsikrer Øvrebø.

Samarbeider om Zika-tiltak

Norges PST-betjent skal være bindeleddet mellom de nasjonale myndighetene og Norges OL-tropp.

– Vi tar sikkerheten på det største alvor og vet at vi har et stort ansvar, sier Øvrebø, som gikk rett fra møte med pressen til møte med PST onsdag.

Den andre bekymringen rundt Rio-OL er zikaviruset, som kan forårsake skade på fostre.

– Vi tar det på det største alvor og forholder oss til de rådene vi får fra helsemyndighetene. Det er klart at de som planlegger å bli gravide må vente i mange måneder etter at de kommer hjem. Vi er også med i en «Club of six» som samarbeider om informasjon på dette området. Det er Sverige, Sveits, Nederland, Belgia, Brasil og Norge, forteller Øvrebø.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

“I have held with Leicester for nearly 50 years and never thought the idea of ​​a new gold” – Aftenposten


Vinner Leicester en av sine siste tre kamper, vinner de Premier League for aller første gang. Kanskje trenger de ikke det engang: Avstanden ned til Tottenham er hele syv poeng.

Leicester 76 poeng, 30 plussmål:

Søndag 1. mai: Manchester United – Leicester

Lørdag 7. mai: Leicester – Everton

Søndag 15. mai: Chelsea – Leicester

Tottenham 69 poeng, 39 plussmål

Mandag 2. mai: Chelsea – Tottenham

Søndag 8. mai: Tottenham – Southampton

Søndag 15. mai: Newcastle – Tottenham

Grunnlagt: 1884 (Leicester Fosse)

Hjemmebane: King Power Stadium (32.262)

Kallenavn: The Foxes (Revene)

Eier: King Power International Group

Manager: Claudio Ranieri

Meritter: Nummer 2 på øverste nivå (1928/29), FA-cupfinale fire ganger (alle tapt), vunnet ligacupen tre ganger

Aktuell: Er en seier unna å vinne Premier League

– Denne sesongen kan oppsummeres med ett ord: Eventyr. Jeg har holdt med Leicester i snart 50 år, og aldri tenkt tanken på seriegull, sier 55-årige Per Arne Hansen.

– Du kan ikke gratulere meg med gull ennå, men nå begynner det å nærme seg, sier han.

Han er leder av Leicester City Supporters Club Scandinavian Branch, en klubb som før sesongen var registrert med 135 betalende medlemmer.

Hvis du trodde at medlemstallet nå har skutt i været, er det helt feil.

– Det er ganske stabilt med rundt 150 betalende medlemmer. Mange er av den eldre generasjon som begynte å følge Leicester på 1970-tallet. Men det kommer flere yngre medlemmer nå, og det er hyggelig, sier Hansen.

Gullfest mot Everton

Tottenham klarte kun 1-1 hjemme mot West Bromwich mandag i en kamp de «måtte» vinne for å henge med. Nå kan Leicester sikre seriegullet med seier mot Manchester United på Old Trafford søndag.

– Jeg vet ikke om noen fra supporterklubben som skal på den kampen, for det er bortimot håpløst å få tak i billetter, sier Hansen.

Han har fotball både som jobb og hobby. Hansen er administrativ leder i Notodden FK, men om to uker prioriterer han Leicester foran Notodden.

– Da reiser jeg over og ser Leicester hjemme mot Everton. Forhåpentlig får vi tidenes gullfest på den kampen, sier supporterlederen.

Han har sett Leicester åtte ganger så langt denne sesongen, og nærmere 100 kamper til sammen. Men hva er det egentlig som får noen til å holde med Leicester?

– Da Tippekampen begynte på NRK sendte de mange kamper fra Midlands, fordi ITV hadde base der. Så det ble en del Leicester-kamper på TV, og de har hatt noen stjerner som Gordon Banks, Peter Shilton og Gary Lineker. I tillegg er det jo litt artig å holde med et lag som ikke så mange andre heier på, sier Hansen.

En utrolig snuoperasjon

Historien om Leicester er helt fantastisk. Det er en relativt liten by med rundt 330.000 innbyggere. Laget har aldri vunnet den engelske toppdivisjonen, og forrige sesong så det lenge ut som om Leicester skulle rykke ned. En fantastisk sluttspurt gjorde at Leicester berget plassen. Claudio Ranieri kom inn som manager, men mange tippet Leicester på nedrykk. Nå må de nærmest ha tidenes kollaps for ikke å vinne.

– Oppturen begynte mot slutten av forrige sesong da vi vant syv av de ni siste kampene. Ranieri kom inn og hentet noen nye spillere, men ikke så mange. Vi mistet jo Esteban Cambiasso som var en svært viktig spiller, men N’Golo Kante har vært en solid forsterkning på midtbanen, sier Hansen.

Nå håper han at denne sesongen ikke bare er et blaff.

– Jeg tror ikke det er et blaff. Det kommer jo an på om spillerne blir værende. Men vi har et spennende lag og gode folk som driver klubben. Det som kan bli en utfordring, er at det neste sesong blir en del flere kamper med Champions League. Denne sesongen har Ranieri vært veldig bevisst på å hvile spillerne til seriekampene, sier Per Arne Hansen.

98,18 prosent sjanse

Norsk Regnesentral har på oppdrag fra Bergens Tidende gjort en sannsynlighetsberegning før Premier League-innspurten.

Tallknuserne konkluderer med at det er 98,18 prosent sjanse for at Leicester tar gullet. Tottenham er eneste rival med en teoretisk sjanse, men den er på syltynne 1,82 prosent.

Ellers er det overveiende sannsynlig at topp fire vil bestå av Leicester, Tottenham, Manchester City og Arsenal. Manchester United gis 18 prosent sjanse for topp fire.

I bunnen er det allerede klart at Aston Villa rykker ned. Størst fare er det for at Newcastle slår følge (87 prosent).


Hart with two feverish saves: – He is fantastic good one on one –

• Manchester City – Real Madrid 0-0

(Dagbladet): – 0-0 is an all right result for both, it can be seen, commented Viasat studio in the break between Manchester City and Real Madrid , when they played the first semifinal at Etihad Stadium on Tuesday night.

for although City went out hard at the start of the second half, they were unable to convince during the match. But Joe Hart should have, because he had some very important saves when it approached the final whistle by leaps and bounds.

The first came after the visitors got a corner. Hart’s feet were standing, and some lucky hits the ball right at his left foot and bounced out.

Just over three minutes later catered Hart made a great save, again, when he stopped a ball alone against Bacary Sagna.

– He’s wonderful good one against one, said Viasat commentator Roar Stokke.

Lite action

Otherwise the game was not the major events. Hart was lucky with its EU as it approached the end, but the visitors’ Sergio Ramos was also lucky when he initially stamped Fernandinho. A similar challenge that has kosta Manchester United player Nani red card earlier.

Fernandinho got away with fright, and to continue playing. It could neither Benzema (Real Madrid) or Silva (City). The latter managed to get injured when he tried to cope with Bale in the first half, which Roar Stokke could not let go unnoticed;

– He can not cope, commented Stokke.

nor on either kick or a corner in stoppage time, managed homemade putting the ball in behind Keylor Navas.

Manchester City played their first semifinal of the Champions League, and with an injured Ronaldo in the stands , had homemade great opportunity to acquire a good starting point before the rematch in Madrid next week. It did not, and teams are equidistant in the struggle for a finals place.

– Suspended together

After the match was City players happy with the final score, although they tried to win.
– We tried to win today, to be honest. We know it will be tough gone, says City player Sagna to Viasat after the game.

He has faith in the advancement next week, as long as the players stick together and focus.

– The Santiago Bernabeu we are have to just play continues Sagna.

– they did nothing in particular to put us into the game, as it had been disappointing if they score here, says one of the evening’s heroes, Joe Hart, who, like Sagna believes the team must stand together in the second leg.

Dagbladet followed the live broadcast:

the battle is on. Real Madrid got the first corner before it was played two minutes, but nothing dangerous was coming out of it.

Fernandinho has been strong so far in the game for Manchester City, while Real Madrid lost the ball several times in critical positions.

the time passes 15 minutes, the score is still 0-0 at the Etihad Stadium.

De Bruyne tries to take the ball first touch, but does not reach the ball before it being kicked out for a throw.

Lucky Ramos

Again, it is De Bruyne is in focus. He suffered Pepe equally Outside the 16-yard box, and the latter incurs game’s first yellow card.

The free kick being turned good into the box, but Kompany is just too tough and get free kick against them. Soon played half an hour, now.

Sergio Ramos running knobs into the ankles of Fernandinho.

– Der release Ramos cheap away, concludes Viasat commentators after the player gets away without a card.

City presses, and come to a good opportunity. It blocks Modric.

Kompany trying to clear just outside the 16 yard box and, in addition to hit the ball, ending City’s up to kick Modric in the stomach. The referee is behind Modric and do not understand what’s happening. The away was enough cheated of a free kick in a very dangerous position.

– He can not cope

Silva incurs a yellow card after being late into a tackle on Bale.

Only minutes after suffered a yellow card, it appears that Silva must change due to injury. In comes Iheanacho.

– He can not cope, says Roar Stokke in Viasat 4 studio.

The away get a corner, but going no further than to the floor, where it will be cleared out.

there is nothing of particular significance at the end, and it is still 0-0 when the final whistle blew half. Fans and other viewers have to hope for a little more exciting game in approximately 15 minutes after the match has developed to become a sometimes dull and mediocre game where neither team looks like them have something to play for.

– 0-0 is an all right result for both, and it sees, commenting Viasat studio at halftime.

Benzema replaced before the match started moving again. Probably comes after a knock earlier on.

The fight is still steady. According to statistics ball inside sea 50/50 together on the first and second half.

Hart with master issued

Finally it happens – almost – anything! Carvajal sends the ball into Jesé which header the ball towards the goal. Unfortunately for the visitors hit the leather ball onto the crossbar and goes out.

Hart waited on with two match crucial saves, under ten minutes remaining!

Isco enters for Real Madrid in the fight nearing 90 played minutes.

City gets a break opportunity, but substitute Sterling ranks just not forward before Pepe cleans up.

Carvajal tackles de Bruyne, and obtain City one last chance when they get free kick on the corner the 16-yard box. Kick goes out, and the home team gets the ball.


Can get VM answers from Zucca tonight – VG

Mats Zucarellos (28) confirms that he will be playing the World Cup for Norway after meeting New York Rangers’ general manager Jeff Gorton, Tuesday night.

– I’ll play the World Cup, confirming Zuccarello opposite Manager.

Teams Chief Roy Johansen (55) told VG that “there is an injection for all.”

– It is a good news after we have been plagued by injuries and problems in a period. Mats (Zuccarello) has not been included in the World Cup since 2010, but he is a player and type that delights and contributes much off the field, says Roy Johansen.

One of the harm afflicted are Mats Zuccarello best mate, Alexander Bonsaksen (29). Bonsaksen, who is the girlfriend of snowboarding star Silje Norendal, was tonight Finnish champion for Tappara of Tampere.

Shampoo: Extremely important

– He’s a good team player, and that suits us fine because we emphasize just that – that we must act as one team, adds Roy Johansen regarding Mats Zuccarello.

Espen Shampoo Knutsen (44) mean in turn that Mats Zuccarello yes to play World Cup for the first time since 2010, is “extremely important”.

– Yes, Holy Father – that is important. Primarily because of the offensive, which Norway does not look so strong out. Now we get by far the best player offensively. In addition there will be a real boost for the entire Norwegian squad, says Espen Knutsen, who will comment on the World Championships in Moscow for Max / Eurosport.

– He can not do everything alone. But now Norway two rows that can produce goals and a good hideout games, where Mats (Zuccarello) is very good. Also, he will bring confidence into the layer. It may have been so-so after Patrick Thoresen maturity and some injuries, he added.

Mats Zuccarello played for Norway in Sochi Olympics two years ago.

– When he was a little unlucky. He came straight “down” (from the NHL) and there was a little breathless for him. He suffered a breach in the hand (against Austria). This time he gets some rest and time to train the same with the rest of the team, says Roy Johansen.

He also tonight know that Mats Rosseli Olsen is ready for the World Cup. The former Vålerenga player was two days ago Swedish champion for Frölunda after winning the Champions Hockey League with the Gothenburg club earlier this season.

– Will play in Roy-parting

Roy Johansen know yet not when Zuccarello joins ice hockey team, but expect that to happen this weekend. Norway meets France in two friendlies in Lørenskog Friday and Saturday.

sporting director Petter Salsten in Norway’s ice hockey federation said earlier tonight, before Zuccarello was VM-aware, that the union “bound by the rules.” They say that the NHL team New York Rangers – after the season for the club’s part is over – must be contacted with request for Norwegian hockey league can get permission to “invite” Mats Zuccarello for the World Cup and training in advance of the championship.

Background: Had cerebral hemorrhage

it sounds formal, and it formally because the NHL is privately owned and VM hosted by international Ice hockey Federation IIHF. The rules Petter Salsten referring to are enshrined in an agreement between the NHL and IIHF.

Mats Zuccarello gave earlier today, Tuesday, indicated that he would like to play ice hockey team in coach Roy Johansen (55) last World Cup -tournament.

– This is the last year to Roy. It is also one of the reasons I wanted to join. I’ve had him since I was 17 or 18 and was on the national team, said Mats Zuccarello in an interview with the online newspaper in New York.

Mats Zuccarello has not played since the World Cup championship in Germany six years ago. After that, he signed his first contract with the New York Rangers. Injuries and playoff for Rangers have been the reasons that he since has had to turn down five World Cup in a row.

Terminal mate got VM yes

New York Rangers were beaten out of the NHL playoffs in the first round. Saturday lost Zuccarello & amp; co for the fourth time for the Pittsburgh Penguins in the best of seven games series. On Tuesday morning local time cleared Rangers locker in the club’s training facility in Tarrytown, with the press present.

Rangers full-back Brady Skjei have been allowed to play for the US in the World Cup, while captain Ryan McDonagh (fracture in the finger) and runner player Derek Stepan has been “recommended” to drop the trip to Russia.

Mats Zuccarello variety mate Derick Brassard has been given permission to play for Canada at the World Cup, according to the New York Rangers reporter Jim Cerny.


Liverpool fans blameless in Hillsborough disaster – Manager

Promotion med annonselenker

De 96 ofrene i Hillsborough-ulykken i 1989 døde som følge av en straffbar handling, tilsvarende uaktsomt drap i norsk rettsterminologi, konkluderer juryen.

- Endelig. Det var, som de alltid visste, ingen ulykke, skriver Paddy Shennan i sin rettskommentar i Liverpool Echo. Han henviser til Hillsborough-familiene som aldri sluttet å kjempe for sannheten om hva som egentlig skjedde da deres kjære døde.

Det var den 15. april 1989 at 96 mennesker mistet livet i trengselen som oppsto på Hillsborough i Sheffield før og under FA-cupsemifinalen mellom Liverpool og Nottingham Forest.

Klart nei

Sakens kjerne har hele tiden vært hvordan politiet oppførte seg på kampdagen, og om politiet var direkte skyldig i det som endte i en katastrofe hvor nesten 100 menneskeliv gikk tapt og 766 ble skadd.

Et første likskue i 1991 konkluderte med at ingen kunne klandres, men en langvarig kampanje for «Rettferdighet for de 96» resulterte i en uavhengig gransking (2009-12) som plasserte ansvaret hos politiet. Det ledet til et nytt likskue som startet i 2014 og ble avsluttet tirsdag.

Juryen på ni personer, seks kvinner og tre menn, skulle svare på 14 spørsmål. De svarte ja på tolv av dem. Juryen fant også mangler ved arrangørens planlegging, sikkerhetstiltakene på tribunen og ambulansetjenestens innsats da katastrofen var et faktum.

De svarte nei på spørsmålet om Liverpool-supporterne var årsaken til ulykken.

Politimann kan bli siktet

David Duckenfield, som var ansvarlig for politivaktholdet, besluttet å åpne en av portene til tribunen fordi det hadde oppstått trengsel utenfor. Dermed flommet 2.000 mennesker inn på en allerede overfylt tribune, og det oppsto dødelig trengsel mot stålgjerdet av typen som den gang omkranset de fleste fotballarenaer i England.

Duckenfield innrømmet til slutt at han løy om at supporterne skal ha presset seg fram. Porten hadde faktisk stått åpen, og det på hans ordre.

Juryen slo tirsdag fast at denne avgjørelsen, om å la porten stå åpen, var direkte knyttet til at så mange mennesker mistet livet. Det skriver Daily Mail. Politimannen, som nå er pensjonert, kan nå komme til å bli tiltalt.

Overlevende og etterlatte reagerte kraftig på at politiet først la skylden for tragedien på Liverpool-tilhengerne, og de har siden kjempet for å få fram sannheten.

- Dere er utrolige

Utfallet ble møtt med gledestårer og spontan avsyngig av «You’ll Never Walk Alone» av etterlatte og andre som var samlet utenfor rettslokalet.

Storbritannias statsminister David Cameron hyllet «det ekstraordinære motet» til dem som har kjempet en utrettelig kamp for å få fram sannheten om det som skjedde aprildagen for 27 år siden.

– En merkedag. Hillsborough-granskingen resulterte omsider i rettferdighet for de 96 Liverpool-supporterne som døde i den tragiske katastrofen, skrev Cameron på Twitter.

Reaksjonene har ikke latt vente på seg på sosiale medier heller, som flommer over av følelser. Tidligere Liverpool-spiller John Arne Riise er en av dem som hyller innsatsen Hillsborough-familiene har lagt ned.

- Fantastisk bra av alle dere som har jobbet for dette i 27 år. Dere er utrolig. I dag får dere belønningen. Sannheten er ute, skriver Riise på Twitter.

Anbefales: The Guardian med stor reportasje om Hillsborough-tragedien (ekstern lenke)

Fakta om Hillsborough-tragedien

*15. april 1989: 96 mennesker mistet livet i trengselen som oppsto på Hillsborough i Sheffield før og under FA-cupsemifinalen mellom Liverpool og Nottingham Forest.

* Liverpool-supporterne fikk umiddelbart skylden for at det oppsto uro på tribuneseksjonen bak det ene målet.

* Storbritannias verste idrettstragedie ble klassifisert som en ulykkeshendelse.

* 20 år etter tragedien ble de offisielle dokumentene rundt tragedien offentliggjort.

* I september 2012, over 23 år senere kom et uavhengig panel fram til at Liverpools supportere ikke på noen måte var skyld i det som skjedde, og at hovedårsaken var politiets mangel på kontroll. En ny etterforskning ble iverksatt.

* Både FA og statsminister David Cameron ba om unnskyldning overfor de etterlatte.

* I desember 2012 innrømmet David Duckenfield, politimannen som hadde ansvaret for vaktholdet under Hillsborough-tragedien i 1989, at han gjorde en feil som direkte forårsaket dødsfallene.

* I mai 2013 gikk flere overlevende etter ulykken til søksmål mot politiet og krevde erstatning.

* I april 2014 ble det satt i gang en høring for de 96 ofrene, hvor en jury skulle identifisere hvert enkelt offer og fastslå hvordan vedkommende døde. Dette spesielle likskuet var ferdig behandlet rundt årsskiftet.

* Tirsdag kom juryen til at ofrene var uskyldige i ulykken. Samtidig ble det konkludert med at de 96 fotballsupporterne døde som følge av en straffbar handling tilsvarende uaktsomt drap i norsk rettsterminologi. (©NTB)

Lik Nettavisen Sport her og få flere ferske sportsnyheter i feeden din!


Jury conclusion: The 96 Hillsborough victims were killed – TV 2

In 1989, lost 96 people lost their lives during the FA cupsemifinalen between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest.

Hillsborough tragedy is the worst accident in European football. Police lack of security meant that fans were crushed to death and died inside the stadium. More than 50,000 spectators conceded ports in Sheffield. Too many of them in the same seats.

For 27 years, Liverpool supporters and relatives fought a battle against the government, police, and partly also the country’s political leadership to get to the bottom of what really happened.

today acquitted jury in Hillsborough affair Liverpool fans. Gross negligence of the police was the cause of the tragic incident. It was the conclusion to the jury Tuesday.

The jury was to answer 14 questions about the tragedy that cost 96 lives in 1989.

The conclusion was that the police did their job. The jury’s assessment was that the lack of planning by South Yorkshire Police either caused or contributed to the tragic outcome.

– Gross negligence means that the police should have understood the serious consequences and that they can be blamed for that they are not adapted to that risk size. This is recoverable is very important. Today’s decision will therefore not be any sentence, but a starting shot for damages from those left behind, says TV2′s legal expert Randi Gustad.

it was determined that the 96 victims of the Hillsborough disaster in 1989 died as a result of a criminal act, corresponding manslaughter in Norwegian law terminology, and that Liverpool fans were innocent. It triggered cheers and tears among the relatives in the audience.

– After 21 years of intense investigation, said the jury today yes that tribune accident occurred as a result of gross negligence – ie strong reprehensible behavior from South Yorkshire police, said Gustad.

– police planning, execution, errors and omissions caused the deaths. Emergency services, security at the stadium was also held responsible for its shortcomings, reviews and omissions.

The 12 of 14 issues ended with “yes”. Among other things, the paramedics criticism for not understanding the extent of the tragedy.

Hillsborough judgment

1) Basic fact. 96 people died in the disaster. YES
2) Errors in police planning? YES
3) Error police gates? YES
4) Errors in the behavior of the police in the stands? YES
5) Error police opening of the gates? YES
6) Manslaughter? YES
7) Support ‘search behavior led to the killings? NO
8) Contributed shape of the stadium to the killings? YES
9) Error security at the stadium? YES
10) Planning from Sheffield Wednesday – wrongly? YES
11) Conduct to employees of Sheffield Wednesday – wrongly? NO
12) Should stadium-entrepreneurs have done more? YES
13) Errors in police Repon? YES
14) Errors in ambulance response? YES

– After 27 long years, this real justice for the 96, their families and all Liverpool supporters. The survivors may finally be remembered that they were on that day, the heroes in Hillsborough who tried to help their fellow supporters, says MP Andy Burnham.

Burnham also took the opportunity to kill the effort to retired officers who were involved and their lawyers.

– people must be held accountable for their actions and prosecutions must come, he continued.

Hillsborough affair has been going on for over two years and is thus the longest lagrettssaken in Britain’s history, writes the Guardian.

the jury consisted of seven women and three men.

These questions were considered

the first key question was whether the lack of planning by South Yorkshire police either caused or contributed to the tragic outcome. Furthermore, the jury asked to consider whether the police made mistakes in managing the crowd Leppings Lane, where there was great suffering.

The trial has largely devoted attention to Lieutenant David Duck Field, who led South Yorkshire Police efforts that day. Duck Field was accused of gross neglect of the safety of the 96 people.

The jury was instructed that, in order to find Duck Field guilty beyond any doubt to be able to establish that his actions were not in line with a “careful and competent match official would chose in 1989 to ensure supporters’ safe arrival to and departure from the arena.” Furthermore, the jury was instructed that Duck Fields assessments and actions had to be considered so bad that they constituted a criminal act.

Duck Fields assessment Investigated

After that it had encountered trouble on Leppings Lane page of the arena, ordered Duck Field that output C to be opened to let in people. The jury was in this context asked to consider a question of misconduct by South Yorkshire Police, where Duck Field had command. In order to answer the question was the jury asked to consider whether Duck Field should shut off the tunnel to prevent more people coming to the site where the tragedy occurred.

The jury was also given questions about the emergency services’ handling of the disaster when the occurred, including whether they were too slow to understand the magnitude of what had happened. Three questions dealt with the Hillsborough and whether the arena of design, construction or plan was “dangerous and defective”. In this connection was also Sheffield Wednesday-management brought to justice.

The case also contained a controversial question: Caused or contributed supporters that the dangerous situation occurred? In this connection, the jury asked to assess any late arrival to the arena and whether their conduct towards the police was unusually opposing. This question was central primarily to determine whether police major problems that day stretched beyond what you might expect. Prosecutors stressed that there was no evidence that would suggest that the supporters behaved in a bad way.


Charlotte Kalla would not have the Norwegian coach – Aftenposten


TRONDHEIM: Tidligere i april ble det kjent at Ole Morten Iversen, far til årets norske skikomet Emil Iversen, skulle ta over som sjef for de svenske langrennskvinnene.

Charlotte Kalla «tar en Northug» – bryter med landslaget 

Lagets klart største stjerne har de siste årene vært Charlotte Kalla. I dag sendte det svenske skiforbundet ut en pressemelding, hvor de gjorde det klart at Kalla bryter med landslaget. På samme måte som Petter Northug skal hun nå gjennomføre sitt eget opplegg frem til sesongstart.

- Jeg vil prøve noe nytt i min karriere. Etter ti år på landslaget er jeg klar for å gjøre forandringer og følge et opplegg som jeg har sterk tro på. Jeg tror resultatet av samarbeidet med min personlige trener Magnus Ingesson blir bedre om vi kan treffes kontinuerlig for oppfølging, planlegging og teknikkarbeid, sier hun.

Synes det er synd

Iversen forteller til Adresseavisen at han har kjent til Kallas valg en god stund.

- Hun signaliserte behov for å gjøre noe nytt allerede før jeg fikk tilbud om jobben. Jeg har hatt dialog med henne og har veldig forståelse for det. Hun har gått seg litt fast og har behov for å gjøre noe nytt, sier han.

Samtidig innrømmer den ferske svenske landslagstreneren at han synes det er synd.

- Punkt en er at jeg har forståelse for at hun vil gjøre noe annet, men det er synd for laget. Vi mister liksom motoren i laget. Jeg synes også litt synd på henne, for jeg tror at med et nytt trenerteam og lag, så kunne det ha bidratt til at hun hadde utviklet seg som skiløper. Men jeg respekterer valget.

Skal ikke bidra

Iversen ser for seg at han ikke vil bidra på noen måte for Kalla i månedene fremover.

- Jeg er ansatt av skiforbundet som trener for det svenske damelandslaget. I den grad skiforbundet vil at jeg skal bidra for henne, så må arbeidsgiveren si ifra om det. Jeg er interessert i det, men kan ikke gjøre det jeg har lyst til akkurat nå. Kalla har et bra støtteapparat. Hun og Magnus Ingesson har spikret et opplegg, sier Iversen.

Så langt har ikke Kalla gitt noen signaler som kan tyde på at hun ønsker å søke råd hos nordmannen.

Sammenlignes med Northug

- Hun har ikke gitt uttrykk for å bruke meg på noen måte. Jeg hadde syntes det ville ha vært steikandes artig å trene Kalla, men den muligheten mister jeg.

Iversen er enig i at Kallas situasjon kan sammenlignes med det Petter Northug har gjort. Den norske skistjernen brøt med landslaget våren 2013.

- Det er litt som med Northug. Det blir spennende å se hvordan vi håndterer utfordringer som sponsorer og den svenske Olympiatoppen. Men Kalla blir på vårt lag under verdenscupåpningen i Kuusamo, poengterer han.

Laget som Ole Morten Iversen og hans trener Johan Granath får ansvar for kommende sesong består av Hanna Falk, Anna Haag, Sofia Henriksson, Ida Ingemarsdotter, Stina Nilsson, Jonna Sundling, Linn Sömskar, Emma Wikén og Jennie Öberg.


After failure season: Kalla withdraws from the Swedish national team –

(Dagbladet): Charlotte Kalla announced a brutal assessment of the debacle in the championship-free season we have just concluded.

Two podiums at the start of the season and fifth overall in the World Cup was a huge letdown in a season Kalla had anticipated challenge Therese Johaug the slot.

The announced evaluation is now complete and Kalla have come to the same conclusion as Petter Northug did in his time here at home. The Swedish cross-country star chooses to stand outside the national team’s training group towards Championships in Lahti February.

– I want to try something new in my career. After ten years in the national team I am now ready to make changes and follow a program I strongly believe. I believe that the result of collaboration with my personal trainer Magnus Ingesson will be better if we can continuously taken to follow me up, plan and work on my technique, said Kalla in a press release from the Swedish Ski Federation.

Thus discards she has coach Rikard Grips program, where he acquired the Norwegian Ole Morten Iversen to train the Swedish ladies.

Kalla meets great understanding for the choice of cross-country manager Johan Sares in associated.

– Of course we would welcome Charlotte with the national team’s training group, but we understand her choice and supports her in the commitment she feels she must do. Everyone wants Charlotte Kalla in its best shape for the winter, and there is a separate program that is required to get to it, we just have to respect that she chose it. Together we will sell us expensive in Lahti, says Sares in the same press release.


Monday, April 25, 2016

Here, the title race be decided. But Kane disagrees Iversens conclusion –

• Tottenham – West Bromwich 1-1 (1-0)

(Dagbladet): Leicester slaughter of Swansea yesterday had virtually no Tottenham choice: West Bromwich had defeated at White Hart Lane in tonight on gold hoped would be real.

It could not.

West Brom defender Craig Dawson took on the lead role in the settlement, for better or worse. First he put the ball into his own goal with stomach. He made amends by heading in 1-1 just over a quarter before full time.

Thus, Dawson the fourth player in Premier League this season having scored both of his own and opposing network in a single match. Exactly, no one cared about this evening.

Instead of Leicester blamed Dawson to help Tottenham may Claudio Ranieri thank 25-year-old for the Leicester took a big step towards the league title tonight.

Kane disagree with Iversen
with three rounds left to play leadership Leicester Premier League seven points ahead of Tottenham, who also despair that Eric Dier went off injured and Share Alli risk quarantine after beating Claudio Yacob.

Alli was harvested from various quarters after he lost his temper. Former Tottenham player Steffen Iversen believes the title race is now settled.

– This means that all the excitement that the league championship is over, concluded former Tottenham player Steffen Iversen TV 2 Premier League studio.

Harry Kane is however not agree with his predecessor in the Spurs shirt.

– It’s not over. We must continue to fight, but we are dreadfully disappointed. Now we must hope that Manchester United are doing us a favor, ‘said Kane.

Absurd goal

After seven minutes showed the pair Harry Kane and Share Alli forward. Like so many times before served Alli Tottenham’s top scorer, but this time hit Kane in the post.

Christian Eriksen also met smelter when he tested firing wide six minutes later. Dane tackle was high class, but just not good enough to arrange home cheers.

When the beautiful experiments did not go in the goal, could Tottenham celebrate after a far less aesthetic, but pretty much funnier and absurd situation. Eriksen’s free kick created unrest in the visitors’ 16-meter. Jan Vertonghen hunt ball Craig Dawson overhangs on like a backpack.

Dawson fell to the imbalance and landed on top of the ball, which went through his hand and then the stomach to Dawson and the goal. This gave Tottenham the lead they wanted and could lower your shoulders a little notch.

– It oozes confidence of Tottenham. They dare to offer themselves and take out the whole gamut, said former Tottenham player Steffen Iversen at halftime TV 2 Premier League facility.

Dawsons revenge

The gold chasing white jerseys continued to show good attacking football after the break. After 57 minutes, hit the post no. 3. Once again Eriksen waitress. This once beaten Erik Lamela scored a goal.

Soon after kept guests to shock Mauricio Pochettino’s men. Salomón Rondón was the recipient of a very good post, but a header from four meters went wide.

73 minutes it happened that should not happen for Tottenham. Dawson towered highest at a corner and headed the 1-1. Thus did the central defender amends for itself the goal and stood behind both teams goals.

Tottenham’s final spurt was not good enough. It ended 1-1 and Leicester cheers at White Hart Lane.


Juventus are champions for help from Totti –

Juventus are Italian champions for the fifth consecutive year after challenger Napoli lost 0-1 against Roma Monday.

Roma legend Francesco Totti was the architect behind Radja Nainggolan winning goal in the penultimate minute.

Juventus won away against Fiorentina Sunday. It forced Naples to win Monday’s game, but it was not able to light blue.

For the first time since the 1930s (1931-1935) has Juventus won Serie A five times in a row.

Torino and Inter have also managed to win the Italian top flight five seasons in a row.

Tung start

After ten rounds this season was Juventus on 12th place with only twelve points. Up to Rome boasts eleven points but Napoli were nine points ahead.

With three laps remaining of the season leader Juve with twelve points down to Naples, with a further two points down to trey Rome.

– I have always argued that you can only elevate yourself by coming through heavy periods. When we look at our season, I am even more proud of what we have accomplished, tweeted Juventus coach Massimiliano Allegri.

In fine company

Juventus players dominated social media Monday night. Pictures of jubilant players and coaches spread across all channels.

Juventus got a sour start to the season, but from October 31 has the Turin club has taken incredible 76 of 78 points.

Goalie Veteran Gianluigi Buffon became champions for the seventh time. There are as many triumphs as Ferrara, Bettega, Costacurta, Maldini and Scirea.

Juventus’s champion club 32 time. The club was also stripped of two titles mid-2000s because of match-fixing (Calciopoli affair).



Kristiansen irritated unfair criticism – NRK

The story of Egil Kristiansen’s ten years as a woman coach in cross country, is the story of 23 gold, 10 silver and 14 bronze in the World Championships and Olympics. It is the story of how Norway has played a historically sovereign position internationally.

UP AND NEDTURER: The job as national coach has given Egil Kristiansen many cheers moments, but also more downs. Here he is with Heidi Weng during the Olympics in Sochi in 2014.

Photo: Åserud, Lise / NTB scanpix

But it is also a story that contains plenty of resistance. In 2009 worked effort to get Kristiansen removed from his job. Marit Bjørgens plight was the epitome of the Norwegian cross-country girls fall.

Now insert sentence. Monday thanked Kristiansen for himself at a press conference at Holmenkollen.

Then he sat down on the couch to talk to NRK about the good moments, but not least also the difficult.

– You say Marit Bjørgens first Olympic gold in the sprint in Vancouver in 2010 is the largest single moment. What do you remember of it?

– It was very special, you remember the story in advance. Meanwhile, I was actually sick, so I was in solitary confinement in the Olympic camp. It was a barracks with no TV or anything at all, so I had sneaked down to the administration office of the Norwegian team to watch TV. I had not really allowed to be there.

– When it became final and I realized that “this goes way,” so it was reasonably wild jubilation in the barracks. So it is the single performance I remember best. We had spent so outrageously long time working hard towards that goal. That it finally succeeded, after so many difficult years, is the largest.

MANY MEMORIES: Marit Bjørgens Olympic gold in the sprint in Vancouver in 2010 describes Kristiasen as the greatest single moment after ten years on the national team.

Photo: Poppe, Cornelius / NTB scanpix

Bjoergen conflict

– There were many discussions about Bjørgens training in the transition from Svein Tore Samdal as national coach for you. How much did you feel that the controversy was involved in influencing her accomplishments years in advance?

– Marit had a crazy belief in what she was doing, and I understand that after the good performance she did in the preceding period. She had faith that it would also bring her a step further, but maybe she should intend that so that “now I’ve tried this for so many years and may not succeed” and twisted a little before, but at the same time I think Marit learned extremely much of that period. And I did too. It is perhaps the period when it went heaviest, is perhaps when I learned the most in my managerial career. And I have taken retrospectively.

– Readiness to throw me out

– How close were you to throw in the towel when the brickbats flew toward you after the World Championships in Liberec in 2009?

DISAPPOINTED : Here comforted Egil Kristiansen anchor woman Marthe Kristoffersen who went into fourth place on the World Cup relay in Liberec.

Photo: Larsen, Hakon Mosvold / NTB scanpix

– I was never close to throwing in the towel. It may well be many others were ready to evict me, but I was never ready to go out for yourselves. I was determined that “this here I’ll fucking get to,” and show that it is possible to get it on its feet again.

– Did you have the feeling that more did not want you?

– Yes, I had the feeling. I knew it, it was not just a feeling.

– Was that athletes who came to you and said that the time so that you did not continue?

– no, not performers. I did not have the feeling that some athletes would, but there were many others outside.

– Irritated today

– What did that experience with you, process in 2009?

– I think it’s important to have the kind of thing that ballast also when it goes well. Had it only been good all the time, so I think maybe we had not got as much as we have done. You see that there is no guarantee that things will go well.

– Is there any moment that stands out from the heavy time?

– I will not pull out single thing. But being accused of things you absolutely can not have done it I become irritated. It’s almost so I get irritated today.

CRITICISM Egil Kristiansen was accused of having abused relay team in smørerbua after finishing fourth in the World Cup.

Photo: Åserud, Lise / NTB scanpix

– And now we talk about the incident after the relay in Liberec, then Adresseavisen wrote that you scolded made in smørebua after the medal slipped?

– for example, yes.

– And that annoys you?

– Yes, being accused of things you absolutely have not been close to do it irritates me. But this I do not intend to rip up.

The great challenge

– You’ve had very many girls on the team who have taken gold medals in international championships, and then you say that the hardest part of the job is to take care of the most damaging at any time. What is the part of the job?

– It’s very difficult when you are in a championship or a World Cup, for you are quickly dragged the press conference and be this and that with athletes who have done well. And you know at once that it is the athletes who have not done so well that you might not get caught you well enough. I think that’s challenging, because you know that there are those who actually need it most.

– I remember it was very especially during the World Cup in Holmenkollen in 2011, the 30-kilometer. For you have two athletes that takes double victory. Therese Johaug takes gold, Marit Bjørgen becomes number two – and I stand lost in turn with TV cameras on me when Therese and Marit enters the goal, and it should really be wild cheers. But then you stand and wait for two athletes who have not performing – Vibeke Skofterud and Kristin Stormer Steira, who has not got out there they are good for. You can not stick in the way and cheering as tusan when they go by. You feel with those who have done the same job, but did not succeed.

restrained : despite much success has Egil Kristiansen been keen to master cheers. Here he receives Marit Bjørgen after World Cup relay in Oslo in 2011.

Photo: Kallestad, Gorm / NTB scanpix

eating Problems

– You mentioned Skofterud and Steira – two athletes who have had challenges around eating and weight. How has it been dealing with the issue with several athletes?

– There are difficult issues. It is of the heavier things you’ve worked with. But while there are also things you have with them as ballast, and that you actually learn quite a lot from. I think you learn by far the most of the things that are difficult and you really have to challenge you self on.

– Have you experienced having to intervene and say “you have a problem, we must put your foot down, we must reverse the course, you must take a break “?

SUPPORT Kristiansen says it was difficult to deal with issues around cross country girls guard and eating problems. Here he is with Vibeke Skofterud championships in Oslo in 2011.

Photo: Solum, Stian Lysberg / Scanpix

not just that, but it is constantly a dialogue on such things. We talk together, and then one takes hold of it. But it’s not just me who is in such a loop. When there are several professionals. But at the same time you must as a coach pushing on a few things.

– What are you most proud of during the ten years that coach?

– it’s actually what we have managed to achieve. Managing to keep the pressure up, regardless of whether the results are bad or good, to do the damn job one hundred percent anyway. Not being dragged down by a poor outcome, or about to take off for yummy results. To paint on paint anyway.

– Could have been a giant brake

– Bjoergen and Johaug on a training level of generality that almost no other practitioners in Norway has ever been and almost no one else in the world either. Martin Johnsrud Sundby’ve seen in training diaries their to achieve its progress, you feel that you have helped to set a new standard for training in cross country?

– When you mention it is perhaps also a thing I’m a little proud. We have constantly pushed the boundaries and added a new template, set a new standard for how it is possible to train. It is perhaps not primarily my merit, but I have given these offensive athletes a little pandering rein to do it .

– I could have been a huge brake on the development and said that they had to calm down, but they’ve got some free rein. It has proved to be very good, and we see that others have begun to take for and received good results.

PROUD Egil Kristiansen is satisfied with national template he leaves behind. Where one always pushes the boundaries.

Photo: Pedersen, Terje / NTB scanpix

– is it difficult for a coach to know which athletes you can give free rein and who you have to hold back?

– it’s not that easy all period, and many of the girls are extremely offensive. Some may find it difficult to rein in, and sometimes it goes in the ditch.

– Are there any exercises you as a coach you have received too little out of the potential?

– I will not take up individual names, but there are many athletes you feel have not gotten out its potential and perhaps could have done things a little differently here and there.


Gunnar Pettersen reveals why he disappeared: – I had cancer –

(Dagbladet): Trainer profile Gunnar Pettersen tells Fædrelandsvennen that he operated for colon cancer, and that is why he was sick earlier this year.

Handball coach has led the Vipers Kristiansand this season, but had to take a break in the new year because of health problems. He has also worked as an expert for Viasat.

It started with stomach pains, but Pettersen had first told that it was not cancer.

– But the doctor said that I with 99.9 percent probability not had cancer. The thought had never beaten me, I thought I had stomach ulcers or inflammation of the intestine, says Pettersen told the newspaper.

Then came the counter-message.

– But Wednesday 6. April called the doctor and said he had bad news. It turned out that he had missed the 0.1-percentage, and found cancer in one of the four polyps. Then I thought that now I have the luck of the four had the already removed. Yet I had in the hospital again to see if they could find new cancer remains, which they fortunately did not find. It’s a good sign. Whatever shall I operated for them to be on the safe side, but it may well be that I am healthy already, says Gunnar Pettersen to Fædrelandsvennen.

The former Norwegian national team says he talks about incident to put an end to speculation about his absence from the Vipers.

– Now I set up on this interview, and uses it to tell what has been the cause of sick leave. Long gone myself around without knowing what was wrong, but now I know it and are looking forward to ending the speculation, says Pettersen.

Handball profile told in an interview with TV 2 in February that he took a break from the sport.


Bjoergen about modest: – I was sorry – Aftenposten


HOLMENKOLLEN: Landslagstrener Egil Kristiansen hadde tilbud om å fortsette i jobben, men sier selv at han ikke hadde nok motivasjon til å fortsette.

Født: 18. januar 1966 (50 år) i Fåberg.

Klubb: Lillehammer.

Meritter som aktiv: 6.-plass OL (1994).

Meritter som trener (2006-2016): 47 OL- og VM-medaljer (23 gull, 10 sølv og 14 bronse). Årets trener (2011).

Aktuell: Gir seg som landslagstrener for langrennskvinnene etter ti år.


Han forklarte at han hadde tenkt lenge og vel, men landet på å gi seg. Og at det var vemodig.

- Når det er sagt, har det vært en fantastisk reise etter OL i 2006. Det har vært opp- og nedturer, men vanvittig mye bra. Jeg har lært mye, og det har gitt meg fantastisk mye, sier Kristiansen.

- Det er vemodig. Jeg hadde sett for seg at Egil skulle være med til jeg gikk i mål, sier Marit Bjørgen, som også tok del på pressekonferansen i Holmenkollen mandag.

Hun håpet i det lengste på at Kristiansen skulle fortsette.

- Jeg ble lei meg. Han har betydd mye for meg, ikke minst fordi han var med da det snudde, sier Marit Bjørgen.

- Vi har hatt et langt ekteskap, ler Bjørgen og titter på Kristiansen.

- Blir rart uten Egil

Hun forteller at kunnskapen har vært en av Kristiansens store styrker, og at damelaget har stått sammen og gjort hverandre bedre under hans ledelse.

Bjørgen, som skulle til markedsdager i Skiforbundet, kom for å rose sin mangeårige og jordnære sjef.

Nettopp det siste fremhevet hun. Og hun trøstet seg med at Kristiansen bare vil være en telefonsamtale unna.

- Han forsvinner ikke fra jorda. Han skal være med oss fremover, ut den neste samlingen i mai.

Bjørgen hadde fått et lite hint om hvilken vei det bar, men hun hadde likevel et håp om at Kristiansen viille fortsete.

- Det blir rart å reise på tur uten Egil. Han har vært en trygghet å ha. Selv er jeg fortsatt sugen på å komme tilbake, ikke minst med tanke på VM, som er hovedmålet, sier Bjørgen.

Hva nå?

Kristiansen skal bruke tid på å bestemme seg for hva han skal gjøre videre. Han forteller at  det var tungt å ta avgjørelsen, og at det kan være tøft å stå i en slik jobb over mange år.

Han forteller at han etter hvert gikk tom for ideer. Da begynte han å tenke at andre kunne ta over.

Det siste året har Kristiansen hatt en ettårskontrakt. Sportssjef Vidar Løfshus ønsket en toårskontrakt med tanke på kommende OL, men Kristiansen sier at det blir hypotetisk om han ville ha takket ja til et tilbud om ett års forlengelse.

Hvem blir arvtager?

- På dette nivået er det bare øverste hylle som teller i treneransettelse, og det øverste nivået er internt.

Det sier langrennsekspert og tidligere løper Odd-Bjørn Hjelmeseth, som nevner Arild Monsen, rekrutt-trener Sjur Ole Svarstad og bror Roar Hjelmeset som de heteste kandidatene.

- Det kan selvfølgelig også komme trenere utenfra, men det letteste er å ta dem internt.

Roar Hjelmeset avviser ikke at han er interessert i å overta jobben, men foreløpigbare for ett år. Og da spørs det om det kan være løsningen i en overgangsperiode.
