Tuesday, June 23, 2015

- Have never talked to Bjarne Riis about doping – Dagbladet.no

(Procycling.no): The report of the Anti-Doping Denmark feller a crushing verdict on Bjarne Riis and mess ytterligere to an already bekmørk, Danish sykkelhistorie.

It also led to a ras av phones for Kurt Asle Arvesen. Eresfjordingen syklet the Danish layer five sesonger.

– That all must be involvert in doping at CSC layer is just nonsense. I have not heard noe on blood bags, dopingbruk or eventuell misbruk av cortisone. It was 25 to 28 riders on the layer every year, and like myeloma staff. It was also great utskiftninger every year, but this is more Snakk on individuals enn on organized doping, says Arvesen to procycling.no.

Double standards

It has banquets each surfaced opp so many dopingsaker that he has joined a la seg surprise.

– I have no grunn to stream go around å mistenke noen but I håper banquets each avsløring this to become the siste, says Arvesen.

And makes the following innrømmelse:

– I trust all inntil the motsatte is proven, and I did too with Bjarne Riis the time. I håpet he had good intensjoner when he hired inn Rasmus Damsgård (Danish play, spring note.) And tested Us doubled myeloma as the other layers. We signed anti-doping contracts, and I had faith in opplegget vårt. Well show it seg that it just Dreide seg double standards, says 40-the grain and am thinking about the doping report konklusjoner to Riis kjente to enkeltutøveres junk and fanteri.

Attorney General Gene mot Riis

The reises for more serious charges mot the reach avgåtte sports director in Tinkoff-Saxo layer.

• He must have oppfordret Bo Hamburger for å obtain Jörg Jaksche EPO

• He must have akseptert comprehensive bruk av cortisone uten that it was Medisinsk sound

• Les also: – Asked av Riis on stream obtain dop competitors

• He must have kjent to several riders enn Tyler Hamilton misbrukte doping the layer his

• He must even have used blood doping in løpet av his active career

– kjedelig stream defend my small triumphs

Arvesen holding onto his aldri diaper spurt on or as åpenlys bruk av doping during its opphold of Team CSC.

– I have never add talked to him (Bjarne Riis, spring note.) doping. I shall not become surprised what comes fram reach because it has hosted so many hints. The extent av this has gradually framkommet, but it was not noe I gikk around and mistenkte when I myself was active.

Brunettes 13 years as sykkelproff sitter he returned with etappeseirer from the Giro d’Italia (two ) and the Tour de France (one), victorious in the E3 Harelbeke, five Norwegian Championship was and verdensmestertittel in U23 class.

– It is incredibly dull river sit here and defend my small triumphs . I diaper U23 World Champion in 1997, and one can only speculate how many results I have gått Glipp av on grunn av everything Groms around. I was hjelperytter and sacrificed own sjanser for others. I think in every fall not my results gjenspeiler career to an U23 world champion, he says.

Sastre-nyhet shuffled risk most

What surprises him most of the report’s assertion that Riis must have come with dopingantydninger opposite Carlos Sastre in his siste Sesong as CSC.

– One can alltids bruke small blood bags. The other uses seg av it. We are sure that Discovery (Channel, Lance Armstrong previous layer) uses them, Riis have said approached mot spanjolen.

The report avfeier Riis it all as a mistforståelse .

Arvesen has no grunn to stream betvile Bet Tres morality and stusser at the time of hendelsen:

– It is vilt it has come slike hints as late as 2008. But I vet is not about the munnet ut in a misunderstanding or not.

– I have to endure this

Arvesen says he must endure suspicion mot own person in light av all skandalene on CSC- layer.

– How is the stream spurt on this banquets each avsløring?

– in a way I’m glad it comes fram, and that today’s riders sees it gets tatt seriously. It is important that riders are hit oppover aldri comes inn on the idea å jukse seg to generate success.

– Huh am thinking about you that people mistenker deg?

– It is natural when it has hosted so myeloma dritt and doping in the environment I have oppholdt meg. I understand those who doubt whether, but if the setter seg inn in my career and get seirene I have received a grant, it is no grunn to it.

artikkelen are Levert av sykkelnettstedet www.procycling.no!


Crushing verdict on Bjarne Riis in doping report – Dagbladet.no

(Procycling.no): Over three years it took to create the report, but now Antidoping Danmark field a crushing indictment of lageier Bjarne Riis.

ADD believes the information that has now emerged after in-depth interviews with about 50 people in the Danish cycling, had been more than enough to open proceedings against the bankrupt bike leader.

• Esten O. Sæther comments: Something is rotten in the Danish cycling

As points are obsolete, release Herning- man dog away.

The report admits Riis even having used blood doping by a single case in connection with the Tour de France in 1997.

– Extensive misuse of cortisone

He admits also to have known of doping among several riders at CSC crew he controlled from the start of the 2000s.

– It took place extensive use of cortisone on the team to Riis, without that there were medical reasons for that, says the report.

It also emerged that the bike boss knew about doping among others Tyler Hamilton, Joerg Jaksch, Bo Hamburger and Michael Rasmussen.

– Bjarne Riis has acknowledged that he owns and sporting director while Tyler Hamilton was hired as a team, know that Hamilton collaborated with Eufemiano Fuentes (Spanish doping doctor, our note.) on blood doping. Riis has further admitted that in his career tried blood doping, and knew how it happened.

Tacit acceptance

It believes Doping Denmark is highly reprehensible:

– The research team believes that knowledge fouls a leader duty to act, and it has not Bjarne Riis adhered to. On the contrary, he has to distress tacitly accepted the use of doping. In our view, this involves complicity in a violation of anti-doping regulations, sounds the crushing verdict.

Riis should also have urged Hamburger to obtain EPO Jörg Jaksch, it emerges in the report.

PS Norwegian Kurt Asle Arvesen rode for the CSC team from 2004 to 2009. He is not mentioned in the Danish report.

This article will be updated!


Monday, June 22, 2015

Norway out of the World Cup by English art scoring – TV 2

Se kampreferat øverst i saken.

Norge-England 1-2

OTTAWA/OSLO (TV 2 Sporten): I en time så alt så bra ut. Så gikk det galt.

England skapte to sjanser, scoret to mål, og sendte Norge ut av VM sent mandag kveld.

- Det er skikkelig skuffende. Man skulle ønsle at man skulle til Vancouver å spille mot Canada. Jeg vet egentlig ikke hva mer jeg skal si. Det er bare skuffende, sier Isabel Herlovsen til TV 2 etter kampen.

- Bare Bittert
Sammen med Ada Hegerberg på topp skapte hun mer enn nok muligheter til at Norge kunne ha vunnet kampen.

- Det er utrolig skuffende når vi er så nære. Akkurat nå er det bare bittert, sier Hegerberg.

Norge dominerte åttedelsfinalen i Ottawa i store perioder og tok også en fortjent ledelse ved Solveig Gulbrandsen like etter pause.

Et hodestøt fra Steph Houghton og en perle av en scoring fra Lucy Bronze snudde imidlertid kampen og sendte England, og ikke Norge, til kvartfinalene.

- Et skuffende mesterskap
Tapet gjør at Norge også skal slite med å komme seg til OL neste år. Skal Norge holde liv i OL-drømmen, må Nederland tape sin kvartfinale mot Japan natt til onsdag.

Etter kampen var landslagssjef Even Pellerud naturligvis en skuffet mann. 

- Nå drar vi hjem uten suksess. Det er selvsagt for tidlig. Vi var veldig fornøyd med mye av kampen i dag, men skuffelsen er naturligvis stor i nå, sier han.

- Vil du se tilbake på mesterskapet som en skuffelse?

- Det tror jeg nok. Spesielt med tanke på dagen i dag.

Han ønsker ikke å snakke om sin egen fremtid som landslagssjef.

- Jeg skjønner at det spørsmålet kommer. Men jeg er ikke klar for å si noe om det i dag.

- Ønsker du å fortsette?

- Som sagt – jeg vil ikke si noe om det nå, sier han.

Glimrende Mykjåland tatt ut av kampen
Lene Mykjåland var en av de beste ute på banen, og viste ved flere tilfeller den silkemyke foten hun besitter. 

Det la også engelskmennene merke til, og i andre omgang satte de en egen spiller på sørlendigen – et grep som viste seg å funke.

- De la deres offensive midtbanespiller på meg, og dermed fikk jeg ballen ved færre tilfeller. Det var selvsagt kjipt. Det var ordentlig gøy da det funket så bra i første omgang. Men vi visste at det kunne skje, og da var vi kanskje litt dårlig til å utnytte de andre rommene som åpnet seg, sier hun.

Norge best i førsteomgang
Pellerud gjorde naturligvis en rekke forandringer på laget som slo Elfenbenskysten 3-1 i siste kamp i gruppespillet.

Kaptein Trine Rønning var tilbake i midtforsvaret, Maren Mjelde gikk inn på høyrebacken, Ingrid Moe Wold på venstrebacken, Gry Tofte Ims på midten, og Herlovsen var tilbake på topp. 

Det fungerte bra fra starten av.

Norge åpnet nemlig klart best og spilte seg til to gode muligheter før 20 minutter var unnagjort. Først var det Herlovsen som, alene med ‘keeper, ikke klarte å overliste Karen Bardsley i England-buret. Noen minutter senere var det Kristine Minde som fikk muligheten, men Linköping-spilleren var noen tideler for sent ute til å kunne tuppe ballen forbi Bardsley på bakerste stolpe.

Damen bak begge sjansene? Lene Mykjåland. 

England kom seg bedre med etter hvert i omgangen, men det var Pelleruds kvinner som skapte det som var av farligheter. Få minutter før pause fikk Hegerberg en god mulighet til å sende Norge foran etter å ha plukket opp et tilbakespill, men avslutningen fra skrått hold gikk rett på den engelske sisteskansen.

Norge tok ledelsen – og kastet den bort
Norge dominerte i førsteomgang og gjorde det samme i andre.

Da måtte scoringen til slutt komme, og mindre enn ti minutter ut i omgangen tok Norge en fortjent ledelse.

Servitør? Mykjåland, så klart, som fant Gulbrandsen på første stolpe med et presist hjørnespark. Veteranen fikk pannebrasken først på ballen og stusset den inn via tverrliggeren.

1-0, og ingen kunne si at ikke den ledelsen var fortjent. 

Likevel hadde Norge bare ledelsen i noen få minutter. Mot spillets gang, og på sin første sjanse i kampen, utlignet England. Et hjørnespark ble slått på bakerste stolpe etter en times spill, og der stod Houghton takknemlig og ventet. Arsenal-spilleren sendte ballen bak Ingrid Hjelmseth, og vips var lagene like langt.

Vakker England-scoring
Englands utligning satte tilsynelatende en støkk i de norske damene, som etter 1-1-scoringen slet med å få spillet til å sitte. 

Etter drøye 70 minutter begynte spillet å ligne på noe igjen, og Gulbrandsens lekre pasning gjennom til Hegerberg burde kanskje ha resultert i 2-1-ledelsen. Avslutningen fra Lyon-spilleren gikk imidlertid rett på Bardsley, og like etter smalt det i andre enden. 

ENGELSK GLEDE – NORSK SKUFFELSE: Norge dominerte, men England gjorde det viktigste. Her feirer Jordan Nobbs og Lucy Bronze sistnevntes vakre og avgjørende scoring. Foto: AFP PHOTO/NICHOLAS KAMM.

Bronze bestemte seg for å fyre løs fra skrått hold, 20 meter fra mål, og fikk et vakrere treff enn hun kunne ha drømt om. Hjelmseth fikk såvidt en hånd på ballen, men kunne ikke hindre den i å gå i mål helt opp ved krysset.

Et av VMs vakreste mål, og plutselig var Norge på vei ut av VM.

Med et kvartet igjen å spille var det nok tid for Norge å gjøre det på, men Pelleruds elever slet med å skape noe av betydning og må nå sette kursen hjemover.

Slik startet lagene:

Norge: Ingrid Hjelmseth - Maren Mjelde, Trine Rønning, Marita Skammelsrud Lund, Ingrid Moe Wold – Solveig Gulbrandsen, Lene Mykjåland, Gry Tofte Ims – Kristine Minde, Isabell Herlovsen, Ada Hegerberg

England: Karen Bardsley - Lucy Bronze, Steph Houghton, Laura Bassett, Claire Rafferty - Fara Williams, Jade Moore, Karen Carney, Katie Chapman - Fran Kirby, Toni Duggan


Norway wasted chance (e) – Sunnmørsposten

Solveig Gulbrandsens goal with his head on the corner of Lene Mykjåland sent Norway in management and lure early in the second half, but England scored on its first two chances and scored best against a Norwegian team that had spent fierce heat.

defender Steph Houghton and right-back Lucy Bronze facing battle for England with each goal.

– We had six or seven wonderful chances before England scored their first. We felt much better than England today and it feels very heavy right now, said Even Pellerud.

It is England who will fly on to Vancouver and meet Canada in the quarterfinals Friday, while the Norwegian must travel home. For the first time Pellerud led Norway in a playoff without having completed a medal.

If the Netherlands lose to world champion Japan Tuesday, they receive Norwegian least be in a tough replay of Europe’s last Olympic place against Sweden, the Netherlands and Switzerland. (© NTB)


Norway lost thriller against England, knocked out of the World Cup – Dagbladet.no

• Norway – England 1-2 (0-0):

OTTAWA (Dagbladet): It went smoothly for one hour. So everything unraveled for the Norwegian football ladies.

England did drop into a battle Norway had ruled, and have put themselves in. It punished in the worst possible way. Two quick goals against English someone burned Norwegian chances changed everything in Ottawa.

While the English girls cheered for a historic victory, lay nitristw Norwegian girls knocked on kunsgresset on Landsdowne Arena.

Controlled everything

The Norwegian ladies are not so good to control football matches, it was said beforehand. After a quarter, Norway had had possession 59 percent – and managed it all right as well.

Because Lene Mykjåland flourished in ankerrrollen midfield.

Against England showed she really looking forward football understanding her, and directed one attack after another by varying his game constantly.

Sometimes she beat first touch, sometimes calmed her down and broke support, and sometimes forced her run itself. She was unpredictable and did it with the English defense unsafe.

And when she is not initiated anything offensively, she obstructed the English ladies from getting chances with an impressive defensive job.

– Lene has characterized much match. It looks pretty easy, but actually requires a fotballhue, said Tom Nordlie in NRK studio and hit the nail on the head.

Almost goals

Norway ruled the very, very most before the break. And of course, should the girls had reward in a goal.

Closest was Isabell Herlovsen after 12 minutes. A lovely entouch games from Mykjåland and Solveig Gulbrandsen sent her alone towards England keeper Karen Bardsley.

Herlovsen only got his toe on the ball, unable to lift it, and Bardsley got blocked.

Both Herlovsen itself, Ada Hegerberg and Kristine Minde had scoring opportunities before the break, but not on langtnær as large as the first.

England? Well småfarlige corner, but never came to any major opportunities.

Two quick

It was after the break that occurred in Ottawa last night.

First we had captain Trine Rønning say thank you for taking the break. Injury nightmare continues her. Maria Thorirsdottir acquired defender job.

So there was a bang!

Solveig Gulbrandsen back-headed a Mykjåland corner on to the crossbar and into the quarter-hour!

Where and when was Norway in both the quarterfinals and the Olympics.

It would unfortunately not care. England responded in kind rather immediately when Laura Basset won a duel against Skammelsrud Lund after a corner and heads England to tie the game and new excitement.

then and there was not the Norwegian defense game in the World Cup class.

Got severely punished

In the English goal could not longer the Norwegian girls to keep the same pace and lost more and more the initiative in the game. England came on several dangerous raids. Ballerobringene Norway led the fight on before the break was less frequently. It was more hunting.

And the punishment came!

Ingrid Moe Wold lost a challenge on the left, the ball ended up with Lucy Bronze, which snogging the crossbar from 18 meters, utagbart for Ingrid Hjelmseth .

Before that Ada Hegerberg had a good opportunity but shot straight at the English keeper.

Olympic hoped liver
Judging from what happened during the first hour in Ottawa, Norway had deserved to win this battle. But as long as players do not score at obvious odds and let the opponent slip into a fight they basically atm on, it went as it tends to do.

It was a miserable loss and untimely repatriation by the Norwegian girls taste.

The only consolation – if there is any – is that Olympic hope is still not dead. About Switzerland loser as expected against Japan on Tuesday evening, there will be replay on an Olympic place between Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Sweden.


Vålerenga claims paying 12 million. Real Madrid show – Romsdals Budstikke

After deiced calculations means that Vålerenga must sell over 20,000 tickets for shows battle held on August 9. Ullevaal stadium has the capacity to accommodate 27,000 spectators.

– Vålerenga have had to stretch far. Vålerenga pay Real Madrid about 12 million, newspaper VG.

On Monday morning announced both VG and TV 2, Real Madrid coming to Norway to face Valerenga in what is the strong Spanish team’s latest run-fight for season beginning in Spain. Aftenposten also receive confirmed that this is true.

Real Madrid meetings Vålerenga August

This means that the vast majority of stars are sure, which include Cristiano Ronaldo, Luka Modric, Karim Benzema – and Of course, our own Martin Ødegaard.

Neither Real Madrid or Valerenga have confirmed that training game. General manager of Valerenga, Stig-Ove Sandnes, said following Aftenposten on Monday morning:

– I can not say anything about that yet. The only thing I can say is that Vålerenga played show matches against big teams in the past. Neither head coach Kjetil Rekdal want to comment on the case.

Ronaldo visits moves FOR match

Real Madrid’s press office has not returned our calls. It is expected that the friendly match will be confirmed by the clubs on Tuesday.

Valerenga has played show matches against Liverpool, Manchester United and Barcelona at Ullevaal.


Ødegaard meetings Vålerenga – Dagsavisen



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Av Egil Sæther

Real Madrid stiller med et tilnærmet toppet mannskap til kampen mot Vålerenga på Ullevaal stadion 9. august, melder TV 2.

Det kan bety et spennende møte med karer som Cristiano Ronaldo og Martin Ødegaard for det norske publikummet.

Dette blir den siste oppkjøringskampen til klubben før La Liga starter 15. august. Da er det kanskje ikke så merkelig at nymanageren Rafael Benitez velger å ta med sine beste menn til Norge.

Vålerenga jobbet med å få Real Madrid til Oslo også sist sommer, men da ble det vanskelig grunnet fotball-VM i Brasil.

I januar ga Vålerenga et nytt tilbud til Real Madrid som den slo til på.

Vålerenga har i de siste årene spilt oppvisningskamper mot Barcelona, Manchester United og Liverpool.

Kampen mellom Vålerenga og Real er ikke bekreftet, men etter det TV-kanalen vet gjenstår bare detaljer før avtalen er spikret. (©NTB)


Real Madrid face Valerenga in August – Aftenposten

Real Madrid – with all superstars – going Ullevaal to play show match against Valerenga 9 August.

reports VG.

Vålerenga has long worked to get the Spanish capital made to Oslo. Now therefore an exhibition match between Martin Ødegaard Real Madrid and Vålerenga be the bank.

None of the clubs have confirmed the friendly match yet, but only minor details should remain until everything is in order.

Vålerenga managing director, Stig-Ove Sandnes, can not confirm anything yet.

– I can not say anything about that yet – the only thing I can say is that Vålerenga played show matches against big teams in the past, he says to Aftenposten.

VG writes that Vålerenga at some point must have thought that it was impossible to get large team of Ullevaal, but for a couple of weeks ago should Real Madrid have made contact.

Show Kampen will be Real Madrid’s last friendly before the start in Spain, which means ‘Los Blancos’ will come with their best men.

Real Madrid start their pre-season in Melbourne in Australia. Here they meet Roma on July 18 and Manchester City on 24 June. The journey continues on to China, before Audi Cup awaits in Munich. Martin Ødegaard is promised to be a part of the summer tour.

Also read: Spanish newspaper: Ødegaard earn more than these Real Madrid Profiles

Earlier, Manchester United, Barcelona and Liverpool have been in Oslo to play exhibition match against Vålerenga.

Vålerengas league match against Tromsø moved forward to Friday 7 August to make way for the Real Madrid game being played at. 15.00 Sunday 9 TV 2 bought the rights to broadcast the match.

The case is updated

Published: 22.jun. 2015 2:06 p.m.


Here are the Norwegian teams’ opponents in Europe – Aftenposten

Check the draw for the Champions League and Europa League here.

On Monday 1st and 2nd qualifying round in both the Champions League and Europa League drawn.

Molde begins its European tour in 2nd qualifying round of the Champions League. MFK meet the winner of Armenian FC Pyunik and SS Folgore from San Marino, who will meet in the first qualifying round.

Molde gets home game in jazzuka. The match played either 14 or 15 July, with the return on 21 or 22 July.

In the 2nd qualifying round starts also Ronny delicious Celtic and Åge Hareide Malmo. Celtic face Icelandic Stjarnan, while Malmö meetings Zalgiris of Lithuania.

To get to the coveted group stage of the Champions League must Molde win both the 2nd and 3rd qualifying round, plus a final playoff round.

Norway has three teams in the Europa League. Rosenborg takes Faroes and play against Vikingur . Strømsgodset meetings Albanian Partizani , while Odd was drawn to Sheriff from Moldova.

RBKs opponent Vikingur struck out Tromso in the 2nd qualifying round last year. The three Norwegian teams starting gone. First game played on July 2, with the return match on July 9.

In the 2nd round drawn 14.30 is Stale Solbakken FC Copenhagen a possible opponent and Henning Berg’s Legia Warsaw.

The Way is long even against Europe League group stage: There is a 3rd qualifying round plus a final playoff round.

How was the draw:

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Published: 22.jun. 2015 10:38


- Anti Doping Denmark tried to cover up the doping scandal – Dagbladet.no

(Procycling.no): According to Danish Ekstra Bladet shall Anti Doping Denmark (ADD) and Denmark’s Sports Federation (DIF) have tried to cover over doping in the former Danish professional cyclist Nicki Sørensen.

40-year-old should have admitted doping opposite ADD, but the Danish connected should have tried to cover over doping scandal by excluding the information in their upcoming doping report.

Furthermore, they have tried to threaten stordoperen Michael Rasmussen to silence.

– It’s a bit strange that Anti Doping Denmark threatens Rasmussen with an extra-long doping quarantined, if he refuses to be covering the Nicki Sørensen, says Professor Verner Møller to Ekstra Bladet.

Refused to approve
Rasmussen came close to winning the Tour de France in 2007, but was kicked out of the race when it turned out that he had lied about where he was at the forefront of the race.

Later he admitted doping consumption.

– He has signed an agreement with ADD and DIF that he should get a shorter quarantine if he’s telling the truth. But now he suddenly prevented from telling the truth, under threat of a lengthy quarantine, says Møller.

Rasmussen refused then to give its approval and signature of the edited document how Sørensens name was omitted.

– I have declared myself ready to tell the truth, and I have signed that I will speak the truth. I have not signed me to cover up the truth, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

– I will not let this go beyond my credibility. That’s what would have happened if the ADD had omitted information in the final report.

– No Comment
Nicki Sørensen, including’ve won a stage of the Tour de France, will not comment on the allegations.

– I have no comment for this report. That’s it. Nor do I have time to talk now, when I am on my way to sykkelløp, says Nicki Sørensen to Ekstra Bladet.

– It is unserious, so unfortunately, he continued.

After Extra magazine’s revelations, public ground connected that doping report will be published on Tuesday, to fully public view .

This article is supplied by bike website procycling.no.


Sunday, June 21, 2015

This seems Messi about Vålerenga striker’s “selfies” – Nettavisen

Shopping med annonselenker

Lionel Messi innrømmer at han ble overrasket av Deshorn Brown.

Lionel Messi sier han ble overrasket da Vålerenga-spiss Deshorn Brown kom bort til ham for å ta et bilde sekunder etter at dommeren hadde blåst av kampen mellom Jamaica og Argentina i Copa America. 

Argentineren måtte ifølge The Guardian le da han fikk spørsmål om hendelsen.

- Han overrasket meg. I tillegg var jeg irritert på grunn av kampen, til tross for at vi vant, sier Messi, som raskt ble blidere da han forstod hva Brown ville.

- Da jeg så telefonen, skjønte jeg hva som var i ferd med å skje. Det er veldig hyggelig når kolleger spør meg om å ta bilde, forteller Barcelona-angriperen.

Løp for å ta «selfie»
Bilde av den argentinske stjernespilleren sammen med Brown gikk verden rundt denne helgen på diverse nettaviser.

Vålerenga-spissen og Jamaica hadde akkurat tapt 1-0 for Argentina, men Brown lot ikke sjansen til å ta bilde med en av verdens beste spillere gå fra seg.

- Jeg tenkte på det før kampen, så derfor hadde jeg telefonen min ved benken. Så fort kampen var ferdig, tok jeg bildet, sier Brown. 

- Messi er den beste spilleren i verden, en stjerne, og nå blir dette bildet en suvenir som jeg har resten av livet, forklarer Vålerenga-spissen. 

(Artikkelen fortsetter under bildet)

Sist i gruppe B
Bildet med Messi var det siste Deshorn Brown fikk gjøre i årets Copa America.

Jamaica hartapt samtlige tre kamper i gruppespillet og ender dermed sist i gruppe B.

Argentina og Messi kan imidlertid juble for gruppeseier etter å ha slått både Uruguay og Jamaica, samt spilt uavgjort mot Paraguay. 

Messi og de andre stjernene er nå klare for kvartfinalen i mesterskapet.

Lik Nettavisen Sport her og få flere ferske sportsnyheter i feeden din!


Helland dropped during – and continues blockbuster – Dagbladet.no

Sarpsborg 08 – Rosenborg 0-2 (0-1)

SARPSBORG (Dagbladet): Rosenborg went to start knowing that competitors Stabæk, Brann, Molde and Odd everyone has given points this round, and Trønders could acquire one five-point gap at the top of the table.

Immediately didnt league leaders fully in place from the start:

First let goalkeeper André Hansen a ball go over after just 45 seconds, but was rescued by Jørgen Skjelvik – which started in RBK -midtforsvaret almost russia pro Stefan Strandberg, who was out with an injury.

It was only change RBK coach Kåre “Bruttern” Ingebrigtsen made from the side that beat Vålerenga at Ullevaal Stadium last.

Should scored more

– We should scored more goals, but I think we play well today. With so many chances should we only scored more, says Mike Jensen to TV 2.

It was Rosenborg’s tenth victory of thirteen games this season.

– We have a good group, and good individual players there who can decide matches. We create many chances, I think we win very deserving here today, says assistant coach Erik Hoftun.

Close selvmål

On the ensuing corner kick headed stops colleague Holmar Örn Eyjólfsson ball next to his own goal. Then it was barely played one minute in Sarpsborg, and the fight had been a fun start.

Sarpsborg went to fight with lots of respect for Rosenborg – and uses a tight 4-5-1 formation. But although Trønders had most of the ball, it was not the hosts late request on assaults.

That they should have.

Closest scoring the first 20 was anyway Rosenborg, where Tobias Mikkelsen, Mike Jensen and Pål André Helland could sign up on the scoreboard.

Sarpsborg exploited the transitions that came on a RBK were high, but several opportunities were wasted that they run offside.

Triple Chance

Next big opportunity came roughly half hour of play. It was abundantly a triple chance for RBK, where Trønders stood in line to score. Host The Soccer debutant Habib Mohamed Bellaid got nodded the ball into the crossbar and out.

At this time it is allowed to say that Rosenborg should have led …

But now they had got blood on tooth.

Six minutes before the break basted Rosenborg through the middle. Fredrik Midtsjø played wide to Pål André Helland, who went for shots when most probably waited posts.

It was wise, for the ball sneaked around Sarpsborg goalkeeper Quentin Westberg and the goal. Trøndere and form the player’s sixth straight game worked.

In its life

Helland made a positive runs in EM qualifying match against Azerbaijan for a nine days ago, where he was close to being Norwegian goalscorer. Following the national team during the break, he was – along with Alex Søderlund and André Hansen, but Helland showed up at training two days earlier than he was expected back.

This is a kid who just want to play football, and it is not wonder when 25-year-old is in his life form.

The scoring tonight was his ninth this season – which is impressive considering that he only played his seventh match from the start.

Helland has scored in every game he has started this year.

Jensen doubled

The second half of Sarpsborg had the same entertainment value, but wonderful head was not at the break.

Rosenborg doubled the lead 66 minutes after great combination in the middle, which ended with Mike Jensen got both space and time to pinpoint 2-0 from around 20 meters.

A great and well placed shot.

Sarpsborg 08 could created new excitement in the game shortly after, but Kristoffer Tokstad was called off for offside when he dispatched a cross from Amin Askar goal four minutes later.

For your information, it was the creative and exciting Tokstad fifth offside whistle in the game.

Top Game next

The new three points tonight Rosenborg thus acquired one five-point lead at the top of table – and next weekend is the top match at home against Molde.

Winner Rosenborg that game, they will be 14 points ahead of last year’s double champion and then it is perhaps Rosenborg also has taken a major step towards the league title this year.

question is whether Kåre Ingebrigtsen had in mind when he took off goalscorer Pål André Helland ten minutes before the end.


Rosenborg’s best opening since 1995 – Aftenposten

– We’ve put ourselves in a very favorable position, says Kåre Ingebrigtsen.


SARPSBORG (adressa.no): Rosenborg stormed ahead on the road to their first league title in five years. Kåre Ingebrigtsen pang opening surpasses the 2003 season with Åge Hareide and Erik Hamrén start in 2009. In fact, Rosenborg dating back to the 1995 season and Nils Arne Eggen days to find a better season opening.

– We have set ourselves in a very favorable position. We’ve played some difficult away games and got us points, so it’s a good start for us, says Ingebrigtsen to adressa.no after the match in Sarpsborg.

– Did you think before the season that it should go as well?

– We dreamed about winning all but figured that it would be difficult, chuckling “Bruttern.”

Pål André Helland sent Rosenborg the guide five minutes before the break, while Mike Jensen doubled the lead after an hour’s play.

– I think we have seen solid out throughout the year, from we started playing games in February so we have scored very much goals and conceded to very little. We have done all the way, and I am pleased with, says RBK coach.

More plussmål than Hareide

After 13 matches played has Ingebrigtsen in his first full season as RBK -trener hijacked as many as 32 points. It is the same as Åge Hareide Rosenborg stood with after as many rounds in the very strong 2003 season. The time won RBK finally series 14 points ahead of Bodo / Glimt.

Hareide season start has until now been the best since Eggen era, but Ingebrigtsen surpasses Sunnmøre on better goal difference. In 2003, Rosenborg 25 plussmål. Now the RBK with a goal difference of 39 to 13 and 26 goals in plus.

Erik Hamrén, who in 2009 led Rosenborg to the gold with only one defeat in the season, had five home draw in the spring at a disadvantage than Ingebrigtsen stands today.

One point more in 95

Statistics suggest leaving everything that Rosenborg will bring home the gold this year. In the five gold seasons after Nils Arne Eggen gave in 2002 RBK never had a better starting point after 13 rounds played.

At Molde and Vålerenga played draw Saturday and Stabæk exhaust points against Aalesund was obviously no disadvantage for RBK. Luken down to Stabæk in second place is now five points.

Ingebrigtsen must return to his mentor Nils Arne Eggen days before he can see himself beaten. In the 1995 season, when Rosenborg won the gold with 15-point margin and qualified for the Champions League for the first time, RBK ten victories and three draws after 13 laps – a total of 33 points – one more than this year.

Sarpsborg opened best

It was the hosts who opened clearly the best in Sarpsborg. An imprecise and somewhat passively RBK team had to watch the home team got into several chances before they themselves were dangerous frempå.

After strong Sarpsborg pressure came Rosenborg more into the match after ten minutes of play. Still however Sarpsborg dangerous, and it had not been undeservedly with a goal from the home team at the start of the match. A good shot from Tobias Mikkelsen after fifteen minutes was RBKs first real chance.

After half an hour they Rosenborg have come to completion, as it was the purest chance bonanza against Sarpsborg cage. Both Alexander Søderlund and Tobias Mikkelsen came to end in the same attack, but all attempts were averted. Finally stopped cannonade at the referee gave the foul to Sarpsborg.

Strong of Midtsjø

The trend in the first half was that RBK took increasingly control the game, and therefore it was not surprising when Pål André Helland melt ball in the opposite corner from the edge of 16 meters after 39 minutes. Thus 1-0 to Rosenborg after an impressive work from Fredrik Midtsjø. Midfield man basted through a sea of ​​Sarpsborg players before putting it to Helland.

The start of the second half was far less fast-paced than the first and Rosenborg had much better control of what was happening than at the start of the match. Twenty minutes into the second half hammered Mike Jensen ball in the corner and calmed thus nerves in the visiting Trønders that followed the match on a packed stadium in Sarpsborg.

Morne hosts

Rosenborg again showed class 2-0 away from home. After a somewhat sluggish start to the match tenderized Ingebrigtsen men Sarpsborg when the machinery got started.

Under Nils Arne Eggen’s leadership won Rosenborg gold every year from 1992 until he gave himself ten years later. Both in 1993 and 1994, RBK with 33 points after 13 rounds.

Now Kåre Ingebrigtsen have found the formula that leads the team into a new golden age.

Published: 21.jun. 2015 21:58


Glimpses broken again – Dagbladet.no

Glimt – Viking 0-3.

BODØ (Dagbladet): After two bitter one goal deficit came Viking light back to winning ways against Glimt. Most teams do it. And voila, the Viking in close contact with the three clubs for time keeping in Tippeliga medals.

Glimpses however, stood helplessly chained to the bottom of the table. The game was decided after half an hour. Then stood 0-3 at Aspmyra, which was also the final score.

Giant Mistake gave 0-1

Veton Berisha gave Viking the lead after a mistake by Brede Moe, scarce 14 minutes into the game. Glimt-stopper had full control of the ball on the halfway line, but sent a limp support pass that Suleiman Abdullahi easily intercepted.

Abdullahi came storming alone against Glimt goalkeeper Pavel Londak. Who saved – only to see that the return was inserted by Berisha.

Glimt outrageous statistics

The crowd groaned stated, for this has Glimt fans experienced earlier this year:

The goal was Glimt 13. goal after less than a quarter-hour. Yes, Glimt have actually conceded one or more goals the first half hour in all 13 league matches – except one, when Tromsø was beaten 1-0 at football’s National Day, 16 May.


2 -0 came when Yann-Erik De Lanlay wondered Thomas Jacobsen roll around the right flank, before he gunned by a thunderflashes goal via crossbar.

Samuel Adegbendro did humiliation complete, when, after a flick from Berisha swept the ball past Pavel Londak to 3-0, from a distance.

Glimt Estonian national team goalkeeper impressed no one in that situation.

In all murres in Bodo of the foreign players who do not strengthen Glimt.

On the contrary

Londak must in this context be viewed almost as an Bodø residents, he has played in the team for many years. But Glimt has – and had – several players from the American continent that has not delivered the goods.

The club’s Senegalese stars – Sané and Badou – also failed this year, by acting partly unmotivated on the pitch. None of them got to play against Viking, because they came late back from the summer break – respectively holiday and national team games.

Down to build up?

stopper Sané, will according to TV2 being on way to Rosenborg. Badou has in turn signaled quite clearly that he too will leave Glimt.

Neither Trønders from Rosenborg surplus stock – Alexander Sørloth and Brede Moe – is overwhelmingly popular in Aspmyra day.

And many Glimt fans and bodø Varings now talking loudly about cultivating the local player profiles, nor endure a relegation and then come back at the highest level.

when mildly away-weak Glimt nor powers to win at home – as they did against Tromsø and Mjøndalen in the previous two – it smells relegation long way off Glimt.

Currently, there are only a even weaker Sandefjord-layer that keeps Glimt from the definite bottom place.


Enraged by his son’s expulsion: – Had I been there I would have turned Neymar … – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): Neymar was recently expelled the 0-1 defeat to Colombia in the Copa America, after the match. It resulted in a ban of four matches.

Neymar had received a yellow card before the break but were shown together with Colombian Carlos Bacca when several players fell to the tumult at the center circle. The judge felt that Neymar tried to chip the Colombian goalscorer Jeison Murillo.

Got scolded

But the match report also revealed that star player came with a real tirade against referee from Chile.

– You want to do yourself famous, your damn bastard shall Neymar have yelled at the referee in the tunnel after the tumult.

– He waited for me and insulted me, the judge wrote in the report, according to Spanish Marca.

Enraged Mom

Carlos Bacca was also expelled in the situation ahead, and now the mother of Colombian threw himself on the debate.

– If I had been at the stadium, I would take off my shoes with high heels and turned Neymar . I know how many women in the stadium that would be with me, her mother says Eloísa Ahumada to El Heraldo, courtesy of The Guardian.

She says she felt helpless when she saw her son in the middle of the racket on the court, and that she wanted to help him.

– I am very annoyed because I’ve never seen my son behave like a fight earlier. I sent him a message that I told what I meant because he did not have to behave this way, says Eloísa Ahumada.

It is the second time in a few days that Neymar makes headlines with negative sign. Recently, the Brazilian in an open argument with teammate Xavi as Barcelona celebrated Champions League trophy during a bus parade.


“On my screen took Totti Kickoff. Viewers saw a herd of lions attacking an antelope. “- Aftenposten

Lars Tjærnås ranks the most unexpected moments in his commentator’s career.

I am starting job with scouting in Fire on July 1. That means I take a break from work I do as a commentator in the Premier League. To comment on games is something I have been allowed for almost 20 years. Mostly I have not had anyone but myself to blame if I have not delivered what viewers wanted. But sometimes unforeseen events plays a poor commentator a little puss. I have ranked the three “on the podium” of such events throughout these years.

Also read: “The flying a seagull over the pitch who sees that Ingrid Hjelmseth takes the ball stuck”

Number three:

The year was 1998 and I was sent as fresh expert with Kjell Kristian Rike to London to comment on FA Cup at White Hart Lane. Kjell Kristian was a wonderful man in many ways, leaving few things to chance. Therefore we left early the place by underground as travel agent.

It worked well for a while. So it did not. Power outage.

Basically was not so dangerous. We had plenty of time. So we had a little less time, and after a long while, when we were finally flowed to the nearest station and into the daylight we had at most intermediate time. The solution was taxi. It was a solution we were not alone, nor were we alone on the road. There were massive queues, at ticking. So did blood pressure to Mr. Reich.

Finally, he decided that enough was enough. We had to jump out of the taxi and run. The driver was mildly skeptical and explained that it is “a good 3 miles to go”.

We ran a little while. With bags and equipment. I became increasingly worried for my colleague. He panted like a golden retriever in the hot sun. It simply is not bright.

We saw headlights in the distance. In our race against time seemed to end roughly draw. The final leg was a climbing stage up to the commentator platform at the top under the roof.

When we slid down on our chairs were around two minutes before the game. Claiming that my colleague looked like he was enjoying himself would be to exaggerate.

The only thing he managed to utter three words: “You must start”.

So it was that expert commentator welcomed the transmission while the main commentator got a well-deserved time out – before he delivered with panache rest of the game.

Also read: “Strange to thinking that only seven months ago Hoseth played great for Stabæk “

Number two:

Now we are in 2010, a match that many with me, designated as the perfect match. Barcelona beats Real Madrid 5-0, and I’ve never seen from tribune place a team play a better game than Barca that night.

However, it is not the only reason why I remember it.

A few hours earlier had colleague Andreas trail-Leenderts and I decided to meet in the lobby of the hotel to walk the approximately three kilometers away to Camp Nou in good time. I was ready and would take the elevator down from my room on the 8th floor.

Then stopped the lift. It stood stock-still, no matter which buttons of different colors I tried pressing. Fortunately, I never had phobias for lift in any way. It came in handy. Time passed viz. The first thing I did was to alert Andreas that I had a little problem. He took action and committed people at the reception. Soon half the property involved in the operation, with no luck. I had been once an hour in my new profile. I knew it began to boil. I was in the process of being thoroughly distressed and more thoroughly cursed.

Through mobile I required action, if not from the Prime Minister then at least from the fire department or anyone you want as arranged in such in Barcelona.

It was the fire department that sorted out Such Barcelona. There I got to experience even half an hour later when I finally was helped out while the lift still stood between two floors, and they managed to create an opening large enough to lift me out.

We ran to the stadium, and just managed to make a scheduled interview down at the grass lawn. When I later saw pictures of myself I saw a completely wild look after a endorphin- intoxication that had not gone to bed.

Number one:

Now we are in 2001. I commented matches in Serie A in three or four years (and thrived with it). It meant traveling to Stockholm where we commented from.

So also this late Saturday evening where we would turn Rome against an opponent I do not remember, from the Olympic Stadium.

I knew the feeling of nerves and excitement as the red light above the door communicated I was on the air. I wanted viewers to welcome the Olympic Stadium of beautiful Rome.

The problem was that viewers could not see anything from the beautiful Rome. I have no idea to this day what went wrong technique has never been my strongest side. Probably it was also where “anything with coil”.

It came out to viewers was – of all things- nature film. As I commented line and assumptions for the fight put viewers and saw wildebeest, antelopes and giraffes in majestically walking across an African savannah.

On my screen took Totti Kickoff. Olsen at Otta saw a herd of lions attacking a poor antelope.

It did not take many minutes. But it lasted long enough. This was, as luck, before the time where Twitter and other social media conveyed misery speed of light.

I realized, however, that this had not been particularly successful when I met the other Nordic colleagues after the game.

Just how comical it was I did not realize until the day after. This was in the time I worked in Lillestrom, and I went straight from Heathrow to training on Åråsen.

When I came into the locker room, I was, of course, warmly welcomed into the Olympic Stadium by a gang that does not just let this opportunity go by to let me hear it a long while to come.

Published: 21.jun. 2015 1:07 p.m.


Rekdal: – There is an obvious penalty – Nettavisen

Promotion med annonselenker

Mener VIF ble snytt da Molde misbrukte store sjanser.


Lørdagens storkamp mellom Molde og Vålerenga endte som oppgjøret i Sandefjord tidligere på ettermiddagen: Uten mål.

Men til forskjell fra Sandefjords kamp mot Lillestrøm, så produserte begge lag flere gigantiske muligheter til å avgjøre til sin fordel.

Spesielt de første 45 minuttene viste begge lag flott angrepsfotball. Etzaz Hussain var aller nærmest med sitt stolpetreff for vertene tre minutter før sidebyttet.

Flere praktredninger av Michael Langer bidro også til at Molde ikke fant veien til nettet.

Omdiskutert situasjon

Men Vålerenga hadde også sine visitter i farlige posisjoner, spesielt gjennom Elías Már Ómarsson, som skapte trøbbel for Moldes forsvar.

Kjetil Rekdal var helt klar på at laget hans ble bortdømt ved en viktig anledning før pausen. 

Situasjonen Vålerenga-treneren sikter til skjedde i første omgang, og involverte Ómarsson og landslagsstopper Vegard Forren.

Sistnenvte rev ned islendingen akkurat i det han var på vei til å komme alene med Ørjan Nyland inne i Molde-feltet.

I C Mores studio var de klokkeklare på at Vålerenga ble snytt for straffespark.

- Straffe og rødt kort

Kjetil Rekdal hadde samme oppfatning da han snakket med C More rett før andre omagang startet.

- Jeg spurte dommeren hvordan han spå den situasjonen med Elías. Fra mitt ståsted og sånn som vi så det i pausen er det et soleklart straffespark. Og da er det vel rødt kort også.

- Nå er det to straffer vi ikke har fått på de to siste kampene, og det er tungt, tilføyde Rekdal.

Etter kampen innrømmet Vålerenga-treneren likevel at bortelaget var heldig som fikk med seg ett poeng.

C More-ekspert Bengt Eriksen mente også at Molde og Hussain skulle hatt straffe i den første omgangen.

Etter hvilen var Molde nærmest seieren. Ola Kamara fikk to gigantsjanser fra kort hold, men satte ballen utenfor ved begge anledningene. 

Lik Nettavisen Sport her og få flere ferske sportsnyheter i feeden din!


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Rekdal breeds: – They must sharpen up – Nettavisen

Promotion med annonselenker

Vålerenga-treneren går hardt ut mot dommerstanden.


MOLDE (Nettavisen): Det ble alt annet enn målrikt da to av Tippeligaens mestscorende lag møttes i kveldssolen på Aker Stadion.

Det endte målløst, men etter kampen hadde Kjetil Rekdal mer enn nok å ta tak i. Etter 13 minutter ble Elías Mar Ómarsson lagt i bakken av Vegard Forren inne i sekstenmeteren, men dommer Ken Henry Johnsen tok ikke fløyten i bruk.

- Det er soleklart straffespark, og rødt kort. Da hadde vi spilt 75 minutter med én spiller mer på banen, og sannsynligvis ledet 1-0, sier Rekdal til Nettavisen.

Nå mener Vålerenga-treneren at det har blitt for mange dårlige avgjørelser.

- Det er for mye feil. Vi er snytt for straffe i de to siste kampene. Det er klart at det irriterer meg. Og det er ikke bare i kampene vi spiller. Vi så det også i Skien på fredag. Det har vært mange kamper med store dommerfeil i, fortsetter han.

- Jeg kan ikke si noe annet enn at de må skjerpe seg, konkluderer 46-åringen.

- De er heldig

Etter kampen var det en skuffet Tor Ole Skullerud som måtte innse at alle poengene ikke ble værende i rosenes by. Men Molde-treneren var fornøyd med mye av det han fikk se.

- Jeg syntes vi spiller ganske bra. Vi var klart bedre enn Vålerenga, så de er heldig som reiser herfra med poeng, sier han til Nettavisen etter kampslutt.

Tross godt spill la han ikke skjul på at han var frustrert over enkelte deler av spillet.

- Jeg er fryktelig skuffet over at vi ikke klarer å score på de store målsjansene vi produserer, og det er alle i garderoben også.

Bom, bom, bom

På slutten av første omgang tok Molde tak i kampen, og skapte noen store sjanser. Etter hvilen fortsatte blåtrøyene i samme spor, og Ola Kamara bli spilt fri gjentatte ganger, uten at han klarte å plassere ballen forbi Vålerengas målvakt.

(artikkelen fortsetter under bildet)

I SLAGET: Michael Langer leverte en meget sterk kamp mellom stengene for Vålerenga. Ola Kamara og Molde måtte gå av banen uten nettkjenning, tross en rekke fete sjanser.

Ned AlleyNTB scanpix

- Vi spiller bra, men jeg får ikke ballen i mål. Det føles litt som at det er min feil at vi ikke vinner i dag, sier en tydelig skuffet Ola Kamara til Nettavisen.

Molde-trener Tor Ole Skullerud synes ikke Kamara skal legge all skylden på sine skuldre.

- Det syntes jeg ikke han skal gjøre. Vi gjør dette sammen. Vi har mange målscorere i dette laget, og flere av de kom til store sjanser i dag. Slik er det noen ganger, forteller 44-åringen.

Fornøyd med ett poeng

Selv om Rekdal var tydelig misfornøyd med dommeravgjørelsen til Johnsen i første omgang legger han ikke skjul på at Vålerenga var heldig som fikk med seg poeng fra Aker Stadion.

- Vi er heldig som ikke slipper inn før pause. Vi spiller godt i 30 minutter av omgangen, men mot slutten presser de oss kraftig. Vi klarer ikke å gjøre det samme i andre omgang. Slik kampen forløper blir det etter hvert mer fokus på å forsvare seg, holde nullen og få det ene poenget, sier mannen som scoret det legendariske målet mot Brasil i 1998.

Vålerengas forsvarsveteran Kjetil Wæhler er enig med «I» i at Molde kunne ha vunnet kampen, men synes laget kan være fornøyd med egen prestasjon.

- Molde får noen store sjansen, men jeg føler vi står imot brukbart. Vi er litt heldig, så vi kan være godt fornøyd med ett poeng her, forteller Wæhler til Nettavisen.

- Vi reiser hjem med hodet hevet, avslutter han.


Det var lite som tydet på at vi skulle få en vinner de første 40 minuttene av kampen. Med unntak av en duell mellom Omarsson og Forren som fort kunne endt med straffespark til bortelaget.

Etter 41 minutter kom imidlertid sjansene. Først ladet Etzaz Hussain skuddfoten fra langt hold, men ballen smalt i stolpen.

Drøyt tre minutter etter var Hussain servitør da han elegant spilte Per-Egil Flo alene med Vålerenga-målvakten. Stryningen klarte ikke å holde hodet kaldt, og Langer kom seirende ut av duellen. Dermed måtte begge trenerne ta pausepraten på resultatet 0-0.

Andre omgang fortsatte der den første slapp. Etter 54 minutter jublet halve Aker Stadion da Ola Kamara prøvde å takle et innlegg forbi Langer, men ballen gikk noen få centimeter utenfor stolpen til østerrikeren. Kamara fikk flere store sjanser, men klarte ikke å omsette til scoring. Dermed endte kampen 0-0.

Lik Nettavisen Sport her og få flere ferske sportsnyheter i feeden din!


Sandefjord took their first points after nine straight defeats – Dagbladet.no

Sandefjord – Lillestrøm 0-0

(Dagbladet): April 19 was the last Sandefjord took points in the Premier League. When struck vestfoldingene Sarpsborg 08. But since it has promoted team lost nine straight games.

In other words, it fits that the Premier League took a break for two weeks ago.

– We deserved the victory. The players show a determination not seen recent fighting, said Sandefjord coach Lars Bohinen to C More after the game.

Against Lillestrom struggled lars bohinen crew with the payoff. Meanwhile, they had all right control in Lillestrøm in poor chance 1st half. Homemade were closest before scoring by Jean Alassane Mendy but SIF striker was hampered goal of Arnold Origi Lillestrom cage.

Chance Poor

Sandefjord captain stated to C More during the break that he believes strongly on three points, while coach Lars Bohinen concluded that he was satisfied with what was shown.

Lillestrøm on his side had no reason to be satisfied with the first 45 minutes and it were guests in yellow that would most after the break.

Moryké Fofana tested kick leg after 55 minutes, but the attempt was not good enough to outwit Michael Tørnes in Sandefjord goal.

First draws

Ten minutes later put Fofana started a pearly LSK attacks. 23-year-old found Erling Knudtzon who served Amahl Pellegrino at the back post. The former Bærum player was completely free at the back post but goalkeeper Tørnes emerged victorious from the duel.

The 3635 spectators in Sandefjord got to see a home team, which came to a couple of half-chances in the past 20 minutes.

Kevin Larsen’s effort from distance was ruled out, while Roger Risholt not met within the framework of its own. But as in the previous two home games managed hosts never to score.

Thus, played Sandefjord draw for the first time this season.

– Basically, no one point at home against Lillestrom well enough, but it is satisfactory with points, says Sandefjords Roger Risholt, clearly pleased to have broken the cruel loss railing.

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Rekdal before Molde game: – We are not likely resolve the league title – Aftenposten

Last year’s Champion Molde located throughout nine points behind league leaders Rosenborg before meeting with Vålerenga tonight. Kjetil Rekdals VIF is six points behind VIF in 3rd place, there is space in front of Molde.

Vålerenga has not won at Aker stadium since 2010. Rekdal has plans to break statistics.


Molde be attacked

– It’s about two things for us: one is attacking Molde so much as possible, and we’ll do that. There is no point in lying in defense for 90 minutes on “Røkke Loop”. We must assume that we are pressed back now and then, I will be surprised if we control the entire game. And secondly, we must be better to defend ourselves than we have done in some games. It is logical, says Rekdal Aftenposten.

Molde has failed to keep entirely follow the top of the table so many predicted and thought before the season. But Rekdal know well what Molde is capable of.

– We know how Molde player and wants to appear, and that, I think we are well prepared for. We rehearsed the lineup, going through details in Moldes games, and of course working with our own game. We need to create chances and score on them, says VIF coach.

Believe Molde are vulnerable

He also believes Molde, with its “national defense”, is vulnerable defensively.

– Yes, they are. But it’s all teams. Also Rosenborg, although they are league leaders. There we saw after we scored on them when we met at Ullevaal two weeks ago. But Molde is a good team, preserved. We can not go there and believe that they are out of shape and not quality. This will be a very tough away game against a home team with international players in almost every position.

Read also: Rekdal: – ‘Moa’ is always interesting for Vålerenga

not seen so much gold battle

While Vålerenga dreaming of a medal, as they did when they stated that they went medal last year, dreams moldenserne to defend the league title from last year. But right now it’s a piece up to Trønders. The teams meet next weekend.

– I, along with many others, probably thought Molde and Rosenborg should protrude from. But the title race the two in between, we have not seen so much yet. Nor Rosenborg which has stung slightly from Molde. Nine points ahead is a lot, but they meet the next weekend, it will be an exciting match.

– Is Vålerenga chance resolve the league title?

– No, we are not. But our chance was reduced after we lost to Rosenborg at home. Then we had hung very well with. But if we had managed to stand in is an entirely different matter. But when we had been at the top after 12 rounds. The chance we were unable to take. But realistically, if we manage to be with and fight for a medal completely into the year, so it’s good. But we have good teams that Molde, Viking Odd and Strømsgodset heels ours. They will also have a say in the matter. Should we be able to keep Molde behind us the season is over so it can increase the likelihood of medal. But it will be stone tough, says Rekdal.

Stopped up last year

There are three games left before the schedule snuff. Rekdal says VIF dreams topple 50 points when it all ends in the fall.

– But we know that if we can manage it, then you will have more. But we manage over 50 points, anything can happen, he says cheated.

When Rekdal & amp; co. started talking about medal after the estate was turned on Marienlyst last year, it began to lugge for Oslo-created. It stopped at 42 points and 6th place.

Published: 20.jun. 2015 8:08


Neymar out of Copa America – Dagsavisen




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SANTIAGO:  Den brasilianske stjernespilleren Neymar må stå over fire kamper etter utvisningen mot Colombia og får dermed ikke spille mer under Copa America.

Det opplyser det søramerikanske fotballforbundet CONMEBOL, noe som trolig vil vekke sterke protester i Brasil.

Neymar fikk gult kort før pause i kampen mot Colombia, angivelig etter en hands. I andre omgang av kampen, som Brasil tapte 0-1, fikk han rødt kort fordi dommeren mente at han forsøkte å skalle til Colombias målscorer Jeison Murillo.

Brasils trener Dunga raste mot dommeren etter avgjørelsen, og det samme gjorde Neymar som protesterte både på det gule og det røde kortet.

– Slik jeg ser det, blir regelverket alltid brukt mot meg, sa Neymar om det røde kortet.

– Jeg mistet balansen og ballen traff hånden min. Det var ikke med vilje. Slikt skjer når du har en svak dommer, sa Neymar om det gule kortet.

Stjernen medga derimot at hans spill mot Colombia ikke var særlig bra.

Tapet mot Colombia betyr at Brasil må ta poeng i den siste gruppespillkampen mot Venezuela søndag for å gå videre.

Det er nå ett år siden VM pågikk i Brasil der hjemmelaget gjorde det godt helt til Neymar ble skadet. Da Brasil tapte 1-7 for Tyskland var VM over. Siden den gang har Brasil vunnet ti kamper på rad før første tap kom mot Colombia i Copa America der Neymar ble utvist. Mesterskapet spilles i Chile. (NTB)


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SANTIAGO:  Den brasilianske stjernespilleren Neymar må stå over fire kamper etter utvisningen mot Colombia og får dermed ikke spille mer under Copa America.

Det opplyser det søramerikanske fotballforbundet CONMEBOL, noe som trolig vil vekke sterke protester i Brasil.

Neymar fikk gult kort før pause i kampen mot Colombia, angivelig etter en hands. I andre omgang av kampen, som Brasil tapte 0-1, fikk han rødt kort fordi dommeren mente at han forsøkte å skalle til Colombias målscorer Jeison Murillo.

Brasils trener Dunga raste mot dommeren etter avgjørelsen, og det samme gjorde Neymar som protesterte både på det gule og det røde kortet.

– Slik jeg ser det, blir regelverket alltid brukt mot meg, sa Neymar om det røde kortet.

– Jeg mistet balansen og ballen traff hånden min. Det var ikke med vilje. Slikt skjer når du har en svak dommer, sa Neymar om det gule kortet.

Stjernen medga derimot at hans spill mot Colombia ikke var særlig bra.

Tapet mot Colombia betyr at Brasil må ta poeng i den siste gruppespillkampen mot Venezuela søndag for å gå videre.

Det er nå ett år siden VM pågikk i Brasil der hjemmelaget gjorde det godt helt til Neymar ble skadet. Da Brasil tapte 1-7 for Tyskland var VM over. Siden den gang har Brasil vunnet ti kamper på rad før første tap kom mot Colombia i Copa America der Neymar ble utvist. Mesterskapet spilles i Chile. (NTB)


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