Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Kaggestads own short – Aftenposten

Comment: Johan Kaggestad have come with two accusations against Marit Bjoergen and Brede Hangeland. He should apologize for both, writes Ola Bernhus.

Bjoergen / Hang’s posts in Aftenposten titled “The essence of sport “has upset Kaggestad. He is particularly upset that there are two athletes themselves have formulated the post, but Hangzhou’s adviser Jon Morland.

Kaggestad argues, moreover, that Hangeland and Bjoergen has been used by others, and that these people, who he calls them, should ask the two about an unreserved apology.

With such claims has Kaggestad placed himself first in line of those who have nothing to apologize for in this case.

Johan Kaggestad has apparently written his speech itself, which obviously is a big point for him. But he should have a counselor.

His trump card is that Marit Bjoergen and Brede Hangeland have not written the post on its own. His demands on athletes who think the media is thus that they should formulate everything yourself. They think he might be whether politicians and business leaders as well.

But we know , without it ever has been a problem that politicians have communication consultants, PR people, briefcase carriers and whatever they are called , to take care of a peak. They make press releases, formulate letters to the editor, write speeches and send twitter messages.

The point is that this is the politician’s opinions and formulations, as she / he accepts and endorses. So be it.

If Johan Kaggestad believe that such does not occur, then he naive.

When Kaggestad as well claims that the two sports stars have allowed themselves to use by others, it’s foul. Those behind the article in Aftenposten should be ashamed and ask Bjoergen and Hangeland apologize, write Kaggestad.

What is he thinking about these athletes? That they are thick in the head and can not think for themselves, that they endorse the opinions they do not have, just because someone asks them about it?

“An intellectual insult,” said Hangeland. Sure. I want to add: There are so condescending – and thus selvopphøyd – it leaves a bad taste.

It is a pity, because his post has otherwise so much good argument that it would have been important for the debate on . Also why should he stayed away from personal attacks on Marit Bjoergen and Brede Hangeland.

Published: 24.sep. 2,014 5:44 p.m.


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