Thursday, August 27, 2015

Brutally honest Lundekvam in recent biography: Wanted repeatedly die –

Claus Lundekvam tells about the huge slump he experienced after his football career. About alcohol, drugs, heart attacks and how he has singed 20 million.

Lundekvam had everything: He lived out the dream Southampton player through 13 seasons, played on the national team, earned extremely good money and had a wife and children.

But the years after he was forced to retire due to injury in 2008, has been pure hell characterized by alcohol, drugs, depression and suicide attempts. This writes an honest Lundekvam the biography ‘Claus Lundekvam – A fight for “, published by Cappelen Damm and penned by Thomas Karlsen.

Cocaine was the answer

Lundekvam says he drank alcohol for the first time at age 14.

“All my life I was looking forward to the next time I can drink, after every game there was a party, and the party was extra hard if we had taken three points “.

Lundekvam tried cocaine for the first time in summer 2007. He was then in Spain.

” I come out of the toilet and another person, the brain turns into a gear I did not know existed, the world is for my feet. I did not know it was possible to have it so good with himself as what I have on those evenings. The cocaine shoot me to heaven – I fill in with vodka and red bull and Turk shots, landing I did not until the next morning, “describes Lundekvam the first encounter with the drug.

He tells of a violent gap that arose after his football career was over. Rus was the answer.

“The cars, boats, luxury holidays, celebrated in London – I deserved it all. I would squeeze out even more. More festive, more sex, more drugs. “


Eventually didnt wife Nina more. She moved back to Bergen with two daughters. Life went completely overboard for Claus. There were more admissions, both on drug rehabilitation and psychiatric wards. In the book describes Lundekvam how he repeatedly went into pure psychosis.

Once turned undercover police on the door at the home of Lundekvam.

“In the cell driving heart carousel in my chest, hammering obsessively, I begin to vomit blood. Being ilet to the hospital, waking a day later and has survived a small heart attack. “

In the book tells Lundekvam that there were several times he wanted to die. At one time he bought one-way ticket to Rio de Janeiro, and called home to his mother to say goodbye. But Lundekvam never got on the plane.

Eventually, he received the opportunity to work as an expert for TV 2 under Premier League broadcasts.

“It seems exciting and rewarding – but the first few times it is as if the entire stomach turn knot wearing. Horrific nerves, unspeakable, this I have no control over – to run out at Old Trafford will be nothing in comparison. So mastering feeling afterwards correspondingly large. “


Lundekvam tells of a number of relapses, both while he lived in England and after he moved back to Bergen. Once he was admitted to Haukeland hospital after it Lundekvam describes as “a halfhearted attempt overdose.”

“The next eighteen hours I lie at Haukeland, before I moved to the psychiatric department and lies there in another two days … It is decided that I should enter the antidepressant treatment twice a week, at a fixed psychologist. “

Lundekvam describes that he got a sharp downturn after he had gone out into the media and told about how he and others players had earned money in collusion – who got the first throw and so on.

On detoxification clinic in Telemark, he was determined to put an end to everything, and Lundekvam says in the book that he tried to take his own life.

Lundekvam also tells fill driving in England where he was caught with 1.85 parts per thousand. He was sentenced to 250 hours of community service and lost driver’s license for 28 months. Even a downturn was a fact.

“My name is in all English newspapers and everywhere online, and eventually also in Norwegian newspapers.”

Have lost 20 million

Lundekvam recounts in the book that he has lost almost 20 million on bad investments.

“If nothing else, I managed to stay away from gambling. Despite that, I lost almost everything I earned as a professional abroad. “

” The money I have scorched by so many that it is almost tragicomic. Expensive cars, boats, huge parties – I had no barriers. “

Recently, Lundekvam held several lectures for young people about what drugs can do to a human being. He is active in the district club Bønes in Bergen, and has also worked part for TV2.

But the fight against rushelvetet is far from over, he admits.

“To stay on pitch is not only a daily struggle, but a struggle for life. The rest of life, “writes Claus Lundekvam in the book.


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