Saturday, November 28, 2015

Johaug had to deliver. When crushed her competitors –

(Dagbladet): After yesterday’s sprint had Therese Johaug recoup 34 seconds Maiken Caspersen Falla to take the lead in mini tour in Finland Ruka.

Under the current five kilometers off she said goodbye to the competition and took a superb victory.

Thus Johaug 0.4 seconds Ingvild Flugstad Østberg during tomorrow’s pursuit. Heidi Weng assumes 4.9 behind, IDA INGEMARSDOTTER 5.7 behind and Stina Nilsson 11 seconds behind.
Charlotte Kalla was mentioned as one of the big favorites for the current short term, but in the course she had no chance against the Duracell bunny from Dalsbygda.

Johaug was 9, 4 seconds ahead of Charlotte Kalla at 3.1 km, a goal she was 17.6 seconds ahead of the Swedish skidronninga.

Blames Koreans

Kalla was unlucky just before the goal, and went on my face. It cost her valuable seconds in the summary.

SVT expert Anders Blomqvist owe it was Koreans who walked in the way of Kalla.

– There is a problem when you have Koreans and other things in the way. That avoids a traditional seeding, because then you only professional runners around them, says Blomqvist according to Expressen.

– It was not my distance, but last year I have worked a lot on technique and speed. So it was fun to see how fast I could go on this distance, says Therese Johaug, who rejoiced where superior performance over Kalla she was.

15 sec behind

Charlotte Kalla goes out 15 seconds behind Johaug at ten km classic tomorrow.

– There are 15 seconds for much of ten kilopmeter classic, turn Kalla stated to NRK.

Swedish IDA INGEMARSDOTTER took third place.

Heidi Weng was the last out of the big guns. She went a goal 26 seconds behind Johaug and took fourth place. Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen ended in seventh, 33.5 seconds behind Johaug.

Both Maiken Caspersen Falla and Ingvild Flugstad Ostberg went good races, but lost for Johaug overall. Flugstad Østberg walked quickly toward the end, and went to fifth place, while Caspersen Falla was number 25.

Kari Øyre SLINDE also did a very good race and was eighth. Ragnhild Haga was number 11 and Martine Ek Hagen was number 22.

– all the ingredients

Thus Therese Johaug a head start before tomorrow’s final practice.

– There are many coming right behind, so my job tomorrow is to focus on what I do and go my own race, said today’s winner NRK.

– all the ingredients that I can do well, but the race will go first. I do not feel confident about what is behind you, saying Joahug about Kalla and Weng.


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