Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Right stops Oslo Olympics – Aftenposten

– As you have guessed, we had a long debate on an important issue. We have had a long debate, despite the fact that we cut in talk time. The conclusion is that the Conservative Party parliamentary group is roughly split down the middle. This means that the background can not Conservative Parliamentary give some advice to the Government to go ahead with the Olympic application. We therefore ask that we then stop this process, and that the government takes into account, says helland.

– There have been many good posts. Virtually all the postings are concerned that Norway can organize major sporting events, but the summary was that when we are so divided, it is appropriate to stop the process we have now with Oslo and Paralympics in 2022 from the parliamentary group page. We expect that when we say no, then the Government will conclude then, says helland.

– The main argument has been that there has been a process that has managed to engage people. In addition, the special requirements difficult to meet. At the same time, there has been a desire of many to influence the IOC to get sober Olympics. When the group still is so split down the middle, we choose to stop the process, says helland.

– Lacked enthusiasm

He denies that Wednesday’s media coverage of the IOC’s list of requirements has been decisive outcome, since much of this has been known for a long time.

Still acknowledge helland that attention demands have been helped to make the debate more extensive.

– It was one of many element. It lacked enthusiasm in the population, says helland.

– With a shared group it difficult to pull this through, says finance policy spokesman of the Conservative Party, Svein tick, Aftenposten.

Labour Party Rigmor Aasrud ​​says the following:

– It was surprising, but we must take it into consideration.

Oslo stops Olympics work

– It has now become known that the Conservative Party parliamentary group has recommended not to grant a state guarantee for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in 2022 are no longer any realistic possibility that Parliament will go in for an Oslo Olympics in 2022 and Oslo will withdraw the application for government guarantees and subsidies, writes Oslo City Council in a statement.

City council leader and Olympic enthusiast Stian Berger Røsland (H) is disappointed.

– Oslo2022 is a project that has had overwhelming support in the City Council and which has received the endorsement of the city’s population through the local referendum in 2013, I had hoped for a different result tonight and of course disappointed, says council leader Stian Berger Røsland.

– Working with Oslo in 2022 has been an exciting journey that must now take a new course. The aim to bring the Olympics to Oslo and Norway must be loaded, but the plans we have developed to build the town further up until 2022 and afterwards, we will implement. My starting point is that the plans for infrastructure projects, urban development initiatives and sports facilities that have been developed through Oslo2022 process will be realized. With the Olympics, everything would have been completed by 2022, but now something will take a little longer.

Date submitted yes-note

Conservative parliamentary discussed Wednesday afternoon for three and a half hours whether to support a government guarantee for Oslo’s application for the Olympic Games in 2022.

At the meeting, the Conservative representatives submitted a memorandum proposing that the proceeding with the application process for the Olympics in 2022, so Aftenposten reported on Monday.

But according to the no-man Arve Kambe (Rogaland), several representatives previously announced that they would vote yes, later changed his mind.

The reason should be the last of the day news of the sum of the state guarantee and IOC pampering the requirements list, claiming Kambe.

Aftenposten wrote in February about the requirements for everything from conference tables to the VIP treatment and self-emergency care at the hotel. A cocktail reception at the Royal Palace and own the Olympics files on motorways are other requirements list contains. In addition mentioned Aftenposten in July the strict requirements on how kiosk sales to the public will take place.

On Tuesday night, it was announced that the proposed cuts in Oslo, seeking committee presented a few weeks ago, would only reduce the need for a government guarantee of 4.8 billion, not 8.8 billion, so Oslo22 previously estimated.

Can decide alone

It was ahead of expected Conservative parliamentarians would say yes to a government guarantee for the Olympics in Oslo in 2022 Aftenposten earlier tally showed that 26 of 48 members has been positive for the Olympics in Oslo, while ten have been negative. The remaining 11 have not wanted to give any opinion on the inflamed OL case.

Right, together with Labour alone a majority in Parliament, and may in fact thus decide the Olympic question. Progress has already said no to a government guarantee of its national convention, which the party’s representatives in Parliament initially bound.

Public opinion more positive for the Olympics with lower budget

The polls have long shown a majority in the Olympics in Oslo, but Oslo’s population agreed in conjunction with the general election in 2013 Recently, new polls have shown that the proportion positive for the Olympics has increased with cuts seeking opportunities committee presented early September. It was first presented would lower the state guarantee by 8.8 billion.

In a review of the Ministry of Culture, it is claimed, however, that the warranty will only be reduced by 4.8 billion.

Wednesday’s VG lookup the IOC peaks requirements list has also received considerable attention the same day as the Right discusses OL issue in Parliament.

In the list of demands makes it clear that the IOC peaks including wanting a meeting with the King, drinks paid by the castle, separate files for transport and other more or less peculiar demands. Aftenposten has previously written about the 7000-page list of demands from the IOC.

Oslo to take greater share of the cost

The stated Olympics supporter Linda Hofstad helland (H), expressed earlier Wednesday that it not applicable to the Olympics if not IOC departs from these requirements.

Earlier in the day it was also announced that the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Oslo have agreed on a distribution of costs in the event of the Olympics. The agreement means that Oslo pays for all local transport measures.

Aftenposten coming back for more.

Published: 01.okt. 2,014 3:17 p.m.


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