Monday, August 18, 2014

This girl has been a sensation in the United States – Aftenposten

This weekend would see 32,000 American 13-year-old play ball.

Mo’ne Davies is only 13 years old . But at the weekend met 32,000 spectators up to see her play baseball. The interest in baseball sensation from Philadelphia has been huge this summer.

In August each year, there will be a kind of world championships in baseball for children from 11 to 13 years. There is no American borders for when the kids can participate in fair competition. The tournament is called the Little League Baseball World Series.

Boy Arena

It has mostly been about boys and slåball every year since the tournament was first held in 1947

Until this year.

Mo’ne Davies (13) has become one of the hottest sports stories in the United States this summer. She is something as rare as a girl who is better than the guys to play baseball. In baseballandet United States, the tradition that the girls have been zoned into softball, a version of baseball that is, as the name suggests, a slightly softer than traditional baseball.

Historical accomplishment

But Mo’ne Davies would not play softball. She participates in the World Series that throws for his team, Mid-Atlantic Region. She made headlines when she threw a “shutout” in a match against South Nashville. That she threw so well that opponents did not score a single point.

It was the first time in history that a girl had been responsible for such a feat in the entire Little League’s history.

Her throws are measured at 112 km / h. It’s fast both in the case of a 13 year old and a girl. Most guys she meets in the competition can only throw the ball at a speed of 80 to 100 km / h.

Obama & amp; co

This has attracted attention to the degrees in the United States. Praises have poured from celebrity hold that Ellen DeGeneres, tennis legend Billie Jean King and not least from the president’s wife, Michelle Obama.

– I never thought that I, at the age of 13 years should be a role model for others. I’ve always wanted to be there, but to be a role model in baseball are really cool, she said in an interview with sports channel ESPN.

The extra attention she received after being celebrity and closest pet in the U.S., she calmly.

– I can always say no, she said in an interview about how she coped with the pressure.

The 13-year-old girl at 38 kg and a height of 150 centimeters satisfied not only with baseball. She plays basketball and soccer. Also in these arenas, she is among the best.

Published: august 18. 2014 4:04 p.m.


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