Saturday, September 26, 2015

TV-trick which allows for Coop-profiling year for Petter –

• Esten O. Sæther comments: Petter is so good on TV, that he chooses to go to Norway again

(Dagbladet): This weekend Petter Northug talks with management in ski-Norway to try to agree on a deal providing Petter chance to go the World Cup to winter.

After Northug not answered FIS offered a year’s contract extension he attended last year, drew ships resident Erik Røste back offer.

Thus Petter Northug currently a runner who does not get to go the World Cup in cross country this season. A meeting last night gave no clarification.

– We relate to that he has been given a generous deal. Many believe we have stretched us too far in this case. There has been no negotiation from our side, there has been an offer. When Petter and Coop also want commercial freedom through the season it is absolutely impossible for the Norwegian Ski Association to accept. It has Coop and Northug got a clear message. We take no new initiatives in this matter, said Røste Dagbladet at the beginning of last week.

Coop TV

The commercial freedom can Northug now have found a way around.

With the launch of Northug TV opens Petter while a window on the world that is completely independent of everything that happens in and around the ski tracks he goes in. That means that while Northug goes with Spar sweater at the World Cup, exercise videos played Northug on TV in Coop-suit and with so many competing ads he wants around.

If the Norwegian Ski Federation allows channel pass in the weekend’s meetings.

– It’s not something I focus on as long as he is outside the team. He comes into the team we always have a chat about our regulatory framework. The talks have always been good and we have gained understanding of both Petter and his manager for it. I have no reason to believe that it will be different this year, says commercial manager for Nordic skiing, the federation’s Bernt Halvard Olderskog, told Dagbladet.

Need exposure

Team Northug has invested substantial resources to get Northug TV you nancy. Already, the production company Globus Media produced hours of material to be displayed throughout the winter. It is also committed several man-years for the operation of Northug TV in time to come.

– The company AS Children ski competition that takes bill, there is Northug AS main shareholder. It is given a great effort in the project, except I want to comment on the cost picture, writes Northug manager, Are Sørum Langås, in an email to Dagbladet.

Northug TV will essentially be advertising funded. This means that Petter need a lot of visitors on the website for the investment to pay off.

Which again means that he most should agree with the Norwegian Ski Federation about getting the World Cup to be topical in the news.

– Is there a problem that he now opens a Coop-window next to the cross country this effort?

– I will not speculate whether there is a problem or not. I understand the question, but I know too little about this that I know what it means in practice. There we take should it be so that he would sign an agreement with the Norwegian Ski Association, says communications manager, the federation’s Espen Graff.

• Esten O. Sæther comments: Petter is so good on TV, that he chooses to go to Norway again


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