Thursday, May 21, 2015

- Hello, I am 28 years. It does not go down yet – Fædrelandsvennen

Christina Vukicevic was tired of athletics. Tired of the hassle for dad and coach Petar. Tired of injuries. Tired mentally. Now she is soon back in a more relaxed version. But just as motivated as in the glory days. And contact with mom is restored.

FANA ( Christina Vukicevic – now also with the surname Demidov – has set itself a target. Currently only she knows what it is. She’ll talk more after she has seasonal debut.

The drizzle in Bergen. Presumably year at least startling news. At Fana stadium is noisy some kids and trying on different athletics exercises. Inside the strength room hangs a girl alternately with your head down, “bicycles” with legs in the air, lying horizontally with a femkilosvekt hand and bends up and down. Standing on one leg and throwing the medicine ball with a girlfriend. Not unlike the images of countless gyms around Norway.

The difference is that girl that strengthen abdominal and back belonged the world’s best hedge runners. That was before the injuries came and glow disappeared.

– I never said that I let up, I said I took pause.

Christina Vukicevic was møkklei. She enjoyed sitting in the stands and eat Kroneis. The others were just holding on. She missed not athletes.

The smell of sawdust

Norway’s most popular female athlete has trained constantly. But not so hard. Last fall, it began to tingle slightly again. She had to try spike shoes again. It was gasoline on a smoldering fire.

In January she was with dad in training camp in South Africa. The desire grew even more. In April she gave TV2 told that she could no longer participate as an expert commentator. Can not run and talk at the same time, you know.

Her good friend and straight from the liver provider of opinions, Vebjørn Rodal, is skeptical that a girl who has been gone three years can get to the top again. He genial with his mustache, Johan Kaggestad, has been more positive. Christina is relaxed to what people may think – whether they predict 12th century, or that she does not get better than a thuja hedge. She just think it’s nice that someone cares. Although she has faith.

– Hello, I am 28 years. It does not go down yet.

Her friend and training partner – former sprinter Iren Vevatne Isaksen care much. She cares because she thinks it looks so promising for Christina.

Read also: Christina Vukicevic makes comeback

Have learned from Vadim

A hedge deep into the thigh, long-term damage in the thigh and buttock muscles, surgery of the foot, public doping controversy between mother and father, coach break with father – and the opposite end of esteem scale: marriage with Fire player Vadim Demidov. 27-year-old, who calls himself 28 because she fills in the next month, has experienced more than most her age.

Christina says between workouts. Outspoken as always. Why she had to break training cooperation with dad Petar. It was too much hassle. Bickering. Parents should train their children. It may be too dense and too much.

But Dad is reinstated. Christina lives in Bergen. There is a distance when she wants distance. Contact when she will have contact. She thrives – and praises her husband for giving her a new and relaxed outlook on life.

Before she could click if she had completed the training session as planned. Now there are more important things. As the resumption of contact with mom Turid Syftestad after years Isfront.

Looking forward to meet Isabelle

Isabelle Pedersen had probably imagined that she would become Norway’s new breeding queen. That she can still be. No one knows how fast Christina is going to run again. Not herself either. But she is delighted that Isabelle has done so well.

– But now she tapped?

– I can not say, but I can not wait to meet her in a duel.

It happens only when Christina feel hundred percent ready. She thinks it could be an advantage for both that they are two Norwegian as knives to come as quickly as possible over the hedges.

Roper little

To carry hard workouts cost no more than before. It costs less. Because she has so desperately wanted to come back as athletics top. And state, what is it?

Christina does not come back to run at 13.50. You do not do that when you’re a Norwegian record holder with 12.74. She must at least run at 13.10 for it to have any intention to continue to invest into the Olympic season.

Now, she is just a few sessions away to make a comeback. It is not at Hamar in the morning and not at Bislett Games. It is when Christina Vukicevic Demidov feels that she is ready. Now top speed is 90-95 percent.

It must be 100 100 hurdles.


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